Yeah, I watch some shows On Demand and if they aren't "recent" the one hour show is listed at 43 minutes and it still contains some advertisements. I calculate there are at least 20 minutes of commercials in a one hour TV show.
That is pretty accurate. I remember reading a number of years ago that there is roughly 10 minutes of advertising for every 20 minutes actual programming that you watch.
Try to do a treadmill with regular TV. I'd be fine during the show, but then the commercial breaks and whoa, the pain and agony set in until the show resumes.
When you think about it, TV was new when our grandparents were young. My parents sat around and watched Tv all night, all day, everyday. It’s normal to them, but how when it was brand new to their parents? It has some kind of spell on people. I only watch what I want to, usually a historical documentary or a period piece. I really don’t know how people have a TV running in their home at all times. I am so glad it does not have a spell over me.
I used to watch a lot as a kid, but I always knew how full of shit and manipulative it was. Starting with ads from long before I knew anything about politics.
A healthy and well-raised person can watch as much of anything as they want without being influenced. People try to categorize new information based on instinct and feels too much, instead of just letting it sit.
"Oh, I've seen/heard/read about this thing but haven't verified it and will keep an open mind while looking for evidence in both directions."
^ What should be. School indoctrinates the polar opposite.
Not sure it's my place, but if you want to make it even better trying to find and cite a research paper on the topics would help immensely (I need to do this more, memo to self).
Both for readers who are interested, and for increasing the quality of decentralized information flow.
If one person digs up good sources and adds them thousands of people will save that work/time/energy for other things.
The more we cite and the better we argue the more people will stop seeing us as crazy conspiracy theorists and realize that this is much closer to science than anything they've ever seen on the media.
It will also condition people into internalizing the necessity for high-quality and careful verification, make them more inquisitive, imaginative and creative etc.
I originally got rid of cable to save money, but now that I think about it I started to change my thinking from more liberal to more conservative in the time after that. Maybe related.
These are my kids too. Their faith in God is so much further along than mine at that age and my daughter is talking homeschool already for her kids..... it’s heartening to think you and others are seeing this trend in young people. It’s an example that will get noticed!
I'm a millenial, waited until marriage, wife Gen Zer and same story. So I've observed this first hand, and not just in us. Mind you, we're both from a libtard city stronghold. So this isn't just isolated to conservative areas.
Other people around our age are increasingly often remarking regret about their choices.
People can see the damage that being proud of being lazy and useless causes, along with all the gender nonsense and whoring around for self-validation.
Millenials are, on average, deeply insecure and keep trying to be "fun" with any means necessary instead of working on themselves.
There is a shift coming, how big remains to be seen.
I just hope that this time around we'll be smarter than shouting our kids down when they start getting interested in slippery slopes. There are things that conservatives shut down too hard in the past that can be a blessing when approached properly. Then there are others [things] that kids will do out of spite if they're told they can't in the wrong way and at the wrong time.
Sure. I live in a city but know many people from villages and towns.
Most people I know tend to be very anti-conservative because of a "stick-up-the-ass" attitude of (some) conservatives. Please understand that I'm not saying that all, or even the average, conservative is that way. But it doesn't take many drops to poison the well. Especially in absence of people pointing to an issue.
What fundamentally appears to happen is that people idolize their moral values so strongly that they begin demonizing (willingly or unwittingly) anyone who doesn't follow them to the tee, or close themselves off from learning and growing.
The war on drugs is one example. Just like with people, not all are bad and some are good (even including cures for diseases big pharma is exacerbating and keeping alive for profit).
Not all applications and uses are bad and some are good.
Telling people that "weed is devil's lettuce" or that all drugs will lead to demise is not just MSM style fearmongering (and I believe it was seeded by the same shitbags in the first place), but objectively wrong.
Nobody should ever take drugs as lightly as so many idiots are of course. They're powerful substances that just like any other tool can be destructive or beneficial.
When kids start doing them with the wrong mindset, e.g. fearmongering and bullshit that turns out objectively false, then they're at great risk of walking down bad roads.
A longer-term end-result is precisely what you see in liberal places. Though those places have gotten so extreme now that zoomers are starting to become conservatives just because they've seen what happened with millenials.
It's not just the media et. al. that are to blame. It's also people being too militant in pushing their beliefs. Just communicate your findings, stop trying to forcefully convince people unless you want to achieve the opposite effect.
tl;dr Life is about learning, which involves communication and listening. Nobody is going to listen to someone who tries to force themselves upon them. Worst case with stubborn backlash that will ripple through society and put our way of life at risk.
By now you have seen who has the "stick-up-the-ass" attitude and hatred and disdain for anyone with a different viewpoint, along with the steady attempts to take away our rights. The veil has lifted.
No, it's still both sides as far as I can tell. Just because liberals are doing it as well doesn't mean conservatives aren't contributing to the shit show.
Parents are just being lazy when they shut their kids down instead of teaching them about objective research and self-responsibility. And the result are libtards, who just try to right those wrongs and eventually go way overboard themselves.
It puzzles me that you bring an example of exactly the problem I've talked about while trying to claim almost the exact opposite.
The ones that figure things out aren't the problem.
The shutting down isn't just bad because of the reactive, rebellious attitude if creates. But also because it signals to the kid that verification and objective analysis is unnecessary.
Just listen to the authority and shut down anyone who doesn't.
Humans are smart, kids much more so than adults. If you talk to them right they'll help you make your argument for you and act the right way.
Though I did also notice the trend (especially in Gen Z) back to conservatism. If you ever even mentioned virginity when I went to school it'd be a laughing matter.
Meanwhile Gen Z are starting to make waiting for marriage cool again (not a surprise, because who the fuck wants his wife to be screwing another guy while you sleep on the couch and praise her independence).
Edit: "Do as thou wilt" should be for looking outward. Live and let live. Doesn't mean we should follow every impulse, something that went missing.
The balance between leaving people the fuck alone and not being a degenerate in your own life is a fine line to walk.
I will say several weeks ago I made a comment about under 35yo having multiple children and it looked like a baby boom. These young women are having babies very close together, a year or under, multiple children, 3, 4 and 5 children. Many in their twenties and using midwives as opposed to regular ob/gyns. So yes, I do believe they know what's up and they're thumbing their nose at the PTB.
How is it? I’m 28, considering proposing to my GF this year and scared as Hell about it. Worried I’m going to settle down, get married, have kids, and just become another bitter COG in the machine. Trying to shift my perspective but it’s difficult when I see those in my generation still partying, sleeping around, and looking to be having a good time. Tough time to say the least.
I was flipping through the channels last night and came across the Irwin family. It does not seem that long ago that Steve Irwin died, but I guess it has been 15 years or so...anyway, I was curious to watch the kids, who are basically Gen Z. The son sounds an awful lot like his father, but what surprised me to learn is that the daughter got married last year and just had a baby. I think she was only like 7 or 8 years old when her father died.
It seemed weird. But it really isn't. My parents were that age when I was born. It is actually the healthy time to have children. We don't acknowledge what a game changer the introduction of the pill was. Then we were fed the idea that you can have it all - which is false. A friend of mine said to me once 'do you remember the Enjoli perfume commercial in the 70s?' I said yes and she replied 'that really fucked us up.' I don't disagree.
I am referring more to the social changes. For millenia, sex in general led to a baby. The pill virtually guaranteed that would not happen, which looked great on the surface, but it turned social roles on their heads which basically gave us our upside-down world.
The problem is your fertility window is small. The pill gives a false sense of control. A painful journey awaits when you wait too long.
Older Zoomer here, it’s not a “growing group” of conservative values, it’s a “growing group” of kids becoming adults and being un afraid to express their actual feelings. One of the lefts social engineering programs is to make young people feel alienated socially. Especially in places that aren’t Cali and NY I would say about 75% think a lot more like their grandparents.
Zoomers are a lot more harsh and down to earth than most people think. It’s really the older Milennials born 81-87 that are the fucking idiots, and now they are getting old, still have no future, and secretly want to fuck their 5 cats who are also their best friends. This just adds fuel to the the young adults who see that shit and laugh.
I'm a millennial. Got Married, had a bunch of boys, house in the suburbs and got land to hunt on that I could retreat to in the country if shit ever hit the fan. I did it because cause it's what my dad did and his dad before him. It has nothing to do with being based, it's what you're supposed to do.
Millennial here. Quickly approaching my 10 year wedding anniversary. Mother to 3 wonderful children.
I remember my peers 10 years ago asking me if I was sure I was making the right decision to get married. Implying that I should wait and have fun in my 20's.
Absolutely no regrets.
My husband and I grew up together in our relationship. Stronger together than ever before.
We have two kids 22 and 23..both married.. 5 grandkids between them .. all based and understanding the truth .. very proud of them and praying many many more like them rising up !!!!!
My fiance and I are a millennial and gen z. This post pretty much sums us up lmao. Our main goal is to have a farm and a family and homeschool our children. We both were brought up catholic but I struggled with my faith growing up. Going to catholic school ruined it I think. My faith is now stronger than ever. I've been collecting a lot of books and my family thinks we are trying to join a cult in the woods lmao. They also think the vaccine is good for you ? so...
Extreme right leaning. Married, have a child, own a home, repair my car, own a small garden and chickens, always learn about DIY, work 40 hours a week, back in college and starting to reconnect with God.
Most of our problems stem from people that watch too much television.
You can say that again. And they don't even realise that it's brainwashing them.
I would never call out someone's grammar, but I do have to disagree with your statement of 'every 12 minutes'. More like every 7-9 minutes. Kek.
Yeah, I watch some shows On Demand and if they aren't "recent" the one hour show is listed at 43 minutes and it still contains some advertisements. I calculate there are at least 20 minutes of commercials in a one hour TV show.
Most being big Pharma and/or pushing bi racial couples and homosexuality
That is pretty accurate. I remember reading a number of years ago that there is roughly 10 minutes of advertising for every 20 minutes actual programming that you watch.
once they get you hooked on a show they do more and more commercial time as the series progresses through the season.
Try to do a treadmill with regular TV. I'd be fine during the show, but then the commercial breaks and whoa, the pain and agony set in until the show resumes.
Accommodating the attention sp.....what's that?? OOO a shiny!!! ?
Ugh, yes. The commercials are a waste of time.
My grandpa called it the evil eye. He also said it would corrupt our society. He was right.
When you think about it, TV was new when our grandparents were young. My parents sat around and watched Tv all night, all day, everyday. It’s normal to them, but how when it was brand new to their parents? It has some kind of spell on people. I only watch what I want to, usually a historical documentary or a period piece. I really don’t know how people have a TV running in their home at all times. I am so glad it does not have a spell over me.
But I really like hearing Gordon Ramsey yell at people while I am doing chores.
they would sit around the radio listening before they had tv.
What's literacola?
Its grammar Nazi. Nazi is a proper noun.
The contraction for it is, has an apostrophe.
Right, that's it!
I gotta go, Sanford & Son is coming on...
You big dummy!
I used to watch a lot as a kid, but I always knew how full of shit and manipulative it was. Starting with ads from long before I knew anything about politics.
A healthy and well-raised person can watch as much of anything as they want without being influenced. People try to categorize new information based on instinct and feels too much, instead of just letting it sit.
"Oh, I've seen/heard/read about this thing but haven't verified it and will keep an open mind while looking for evidence in both directions." ^ What should be. School indoctrinates the polar opposite.
Great post.
Not sure it's my place, but if you want to make it even better trying to find and cite a research paper on the topics would help immensely (I need to do this more, memo to self).
Both for readers who are interested, and for increasing the quality of decentralized information flow. If one person digs up good sources and adds them thousands of people will save that work/time/energy for other things.
The more we cite and the better we argue the more people will stop seeing us as crazy conspiracy theorists and realize that this is much closer to science than anything they've ever seen on the media. It will also condition people into internalizing the necessity for high-quality and careful verification, make them more inquisitive, imaginative and creative etc.
^ This is what I love about this place. Let's show the world how it's done in the age of information.
We're just one and a half step away from returning God's heavenly kingdom to earth.
This may be the study of monkeys learning from watching TV that was mentioned.
Maybe that's a good thing that reality TV didn't exist when I was little and I knew everything I was watching was fantasy to begin with.
I originally got rid of cable to save money, but now that I think about it I started to change my thinking from more liberal to more conservative in the time after that. Maybe related.
These are my kids too. Their faith in God is so much further along than mine at that age and my daughter is talking homeschool already for her kids..... it’s heartening to think you and others are seeing this trend in young people. It’s an example that will get noticed!
I'm a millenial, waited until marriage, wife Gen Zer and same story. So I've observed this first hand, and not just in us. Mind you, we're both from a libtard city stronghold. So this isn't just isolated to conservative areas.
Other people around our age are increasingly often remarking regret about their choices. People can see the damage that being proud of being lazy and useless causes, along with all the gender nonsense and whoring around for self-validation.
Millenials are, on average, deeply insecure and keep trying to be "fun" with any means necessary instead of working on themselves.
There is a shift coming, how big remains to be seen.
I just hope that this time around we'll be smarter than shouting our kids down when they start getting interested in slippery slopes. There are things that conservatives shut down too hard in the past that can be a blessing when approached properly. Then there are others [things] that kids will do out of spite if they're told they can't in the wrong way and at the wrong time.
Would you consider psychedelics a “drug”? I can tell you there are many benefits to be had through those if done in the right setting and amounts.
Look into Laurel Canyon and how hard it glows.
Jim Morrison's father was an admiral in the navy. He lead a fleet in the gulf of Tonkin... many such cases.
Sure. I live in a city but know many people from villages and towns.
Most people I know tend to be very anti-conservative because of a "stick-up-the-ass" attitude of (some) conservatives. Please understand that I'm not saying that all, or even the average, conservative is that way. But it doesn't take many drops to poison the well. Especially in absence of people pointing to an issue.
What fundamentally appears to happen is that people idolize their moral values so strongly that they begin demonizing (willingly or unwittingly) anyone who doesn't follow them to the tee, or close themselves off from learning and growing.
The war on drugs is one example. Just like with people, not all are bad and some are good (even including cures for diseases big pharma is exacerbating and keeping alive for profit). Not all applications and uses are bad and some are good.
Telling people that "weed is devil's lettuce" or that all drugs will lead to demise is not just MSM style fearmongering (and I believe it was seeded by the same shitbags in the first place), but objectively wrong.
Nobody should ever take drugs as lightly as so many idiots are of course. They're powerful substances that just like any other tool can be destructive or beneficial.
When kids start doing them with the wrong mindset, e.g. fearmongering and bullshit that turns out objectively false, then they're at great risk of walking down bad roads. A longer-term end-result is precisely what you see in liberal places. Though those places have gotten so extreme now that zoomers are starting to become conservatives just because they've seen what happened with millenials.
It's not just the media et. al. that are to blame. It's also people being too militant in pushing their beliefs. Just communicate your findings, stop trying to forcefully convince people unless you want to achieve the opposite effect.
tl;dr Life is about learning, which involves communication and listening. Nobody is going to listen to someone who tries to force themselves upon them. Worst case with stubborn backlash that will ripple through society and put our way of life at risk.
No, it's still both sides as far as I can tell. Just because liberals are doing it as well doesn't mean conservatives aren't contributing to the shit show.
Parents are just being lazy when they shut their kids down instead of teaching them about objective research and self-responsibility. And the result are libtards, who just try to right those wrongs and eventually go way overboard themselves.
It puzzles me that you bring an example of exactly the problem I've talked about while trying to claim almost the exact opposite.
Guess humans naturally tend to project.
The ones that figure things out aren't the problem.
The shutting down isn't just bad because of the reactive, rebellious attitude if creates. But also because it signals to the kid that verification and objective analysis is unnecessary.
Just listen to the authority and shut down anyone who doesn't.
Humans are smart, kids much more so than adults. If you talk to them right they'll help you make your argument for you and act the right way.
Though I did also notice the trend (especially in Gen Z) back to conservatism. If you ever even mentioned virginity when I went to school it'd be a laughing matter.
Meanwhile Gen Z are starting to make waiting for marriage cool again (not a surprise, because who the fuck wants his wife to be screwing another guy while you sleep on the couch and praise her independence).
Edit: "Do as thou wilt" should be for looking outward. Live and let live. Doesn't mean we should follow every impulse, something that went missing. The balance between leaving people the fuck alone and not being a degenerate in your own life is a fine line to walk.
I'm considered a millennial and am in the process of procuring a piece of land that will become my off grid homestead. Completely done with this shit.
Awesome! We've been going back and forth on price but probably going to accept their latest counter this week.
Now the fun part starts!
Little over 400 acres. Mostly hunting land, but with river access, a couple live springs, and a couple caves too.
I will say several weeks ago I made a comment about under 35yo having multiple children and it looked like a baby boom. These young women are having babies very close together, a year or under, multiple children, 3, 4 and 5 children. Many in their twenties and using midwives as opposed to regular ob/gyns. So yes, I do believe they know what's up and they're thumbing their nose at the PTB.
My wife and I fall in that category. 3 kids before 35.
How is it? I’m 28, considering proposing to my GF this year and scared as Hell about it. Worried I’m going to settle down, get married, have kids, and just become another bitter COG in the machine. Trying to shift my perspective but it’s difficult when I see those in my generation still partying, sleeping around, and looking to be having a good time. Tough time to say the least.
I was flipping through the channels last night and came across the Irwin family. It does not seem that long ago that Steve Irwin died, but I guess it has been 15 years or so...anyway, I was curious to watch the kids, who are basically Gen Z. The son sounds an awful lot like his father, but what surprised me to learn is that the daughter got married last year and just had a baby. I think she was only like 7 or 8 years old when her father died.
It seemed weird. But it really isn't. My parents were that age when I was born. It is actually the healthy time to have children. We don't acknowledge what a game changer the introduction of the pill was. Then we were fed the idea that you can have it all - which is false. A friend of mine said to me once 'do you remember the Enjoli perfume commercial in the 70s?' I said yes and she replied 'that really fucked us up.' I don't disagree.
I remember those commercials, scary to realize they've been brainwashing us our entire lives. they really do hate us.
What do you think the pill caused? Most women I know are on it, mind of crazy to think about.
I am referring more to the social changes. For millenia, sex in general led to a baby. The pill virtually guaranteed that would not happen, which looked great on the surface, but it turned social roles on their heads which basically gave us our upside-down world.
The problem is your fertility window is small. The pill gives a false sense of control. A painful journey awaits when you wait too long.
A lot more than you think. Plenty of us out here. Peace and love to all my 90sandlater brothers and sisters! ✌??❤️
Older Zoomer here, it’s not a “growing group” of conservative values, it’s a “growing group” of kids becoming adults and being un afraid to express their actual feelings. One of the lefts social engineering programs is to make young people feel alienated socially. Especially in places that aren’t Cali and NY I would say about 75% think a lot more like their grandparents.
Zoomers are a lot more harsh and down to earth than most people think. It’s really the older Milennials born 81-87 that are the fucking idiots, and now they are getting old, still have no future, and secretly want to fuck their 5 cats who are also their best friends. This just adds fuel to the the young adults who see that shit and laugh.
I know there is something called the "trad-wife" ( traditional wife) movement on social networking. Those I've seen from that are young women.
Those are the millennials who will carry our nation forward, not the left wing nut jobs.
Are they, by chance, home-schooled??
I'm a millennial. Got Married, had a bunch of boys, house in the suburbs and got land to hunt on that I could retreat to in the country if shit ever hit the fan. I did it because cause it's what my dad did and his dad before him. It has nothing to do with being based, it's what you're supposed to do.
I'm one of them! East coaster, married with two kids, still in medical school. I haven't been to the theaters in 18 months, don't plan on going back.
Daughters WILL be homeschooled
Millennial here. Quickly approaching my 10 year wedding anniversary. Mother to 3 wonderful children.
I remember my peers 10 years ago asking me if I was sure I was making the right decision to get married. Implying that I should wait and have fun in my 20's.
Absolutely no regrets.
My husband and I grew up together in our relationship. Stronger together than ever before.
We have two kids 22 and 23..both married.. 5 grandkids between them .. all based and understanding the truth .. very proud of them and praying many many more like them rising up !!!!!
Ironic, but not surprising. In trying to raise a generation of radicals, they may have ended up with the most conservative generation since WW2.
I hope there are about 30 million of them.
My fiance and I are a millennial and gen z. This post pretty much sums us up lmao. Our main goal is to have a farm and a family and homeschool our children. We both were brought up catholic but I struggled with my faith growing up. Going to catholic school ruined it I think. My faith is now stronger than ever. I've been collecting a lot of books and my family thinks we are trying to join a cult in the woods lmao. They also think the vaccine is good for you ? so...
Come on man! None of the 9 year olds I sniff have said anything like those lies you spew.
That is Awesome!
Smart men don't get married.