May 18, 2021 r/Superstonk Live AMA for Wes Christian. Statement @ 32:25: "THE PROBLEM IS THIS [naked short selling] IS CONTROLLED BY THE CABAL." There you have it folks! Q and the fight against the Cabal is going mainstream! When the Cabal falls, the rocket will soar! ?
? B O O M ! ?
This is part of the plan. Draining the $ from Wallstreet, the Cabal, the Fed, and the central banks! The largest transfer of wealth in history!
Just DON'T get it on Robinhood. Use any REAL broker. I like Fidelity or if you want an app based one WeBull has a great UI and will give you some free stock for joining I've got some on both.
This stock could temporarily go to $xxx,xxx - $xx,xxx,xxx during this short squeeze. Not because it's worth that much but because it's not worth zero which is what the hedge funds needed to happen to get away with this and them loosing that bet will cause it to go parabolic.
The last time something like this happened was the 2008 VW short squeeze when VW stocks briefly hit over $1250 a share. GME is MAGNITUDES higher and retail investors own the float.
You can explore more over on https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/
Ignore AMC, BB, silver and anything else. It's all distractions to get people off of GME. (Paid shills are pushing ANYTHING but GME, especially AMC) And don't sell for what looks like alot of money to YOU, sell for what looks like alot of money to THEM.
Edit: PRO- TIP: If you plan on getting a few consider putting some in a ROTH IRA. You will avoid the 40% short term capitol gains tax and you can access it when you are 59.5 years old. You can do this on Fidelity among others.
? strong TOGETHER. All of the shorts must be attacked or else they can just defend one at a time. They have to be hit on multiple fronts... GME, AMC, BB, BBY, AHT, UONE... hit everything that's been shorted and naked shorted. They had to liquidate all of their positions in crypto which caused the recent crash to try to have enough to cover the shorts. If you bought but can't afford more during these discount sales, then HODL. Do not panic sell when they sell off synthetic stars to try to con you into selling. Do not settle for mere pennies on the dollar profits. Life changing money for ? in the greatest wealth transfer in human history
Crypto crashes were so obvious. I mentioned before that it was the hedgies trying to raise some cash to cover.
yea I agree with this, GME is the one they abused the most but its pretty clear that they did this scam to more than one stock. KOSS is another one. Put money in GME first but no reason not to spread it around to some of these others. I'm all in on GME but have some AMC as well.
I never said it wasn't? I am holding a good bit of AMC
Any pharmaceutical stock that they are shorting ? Just curious.... how do you identify this (since I am not a finance person)?
The problem with looking elsewhere is that the only way this will work (that I or anyone else can see) is by a concerted effort. Apes strong together isn't just a meme, its the only viable way.
Get in on GME. If you have some left over the other stocks where there is a large group effort are valid options. The more focused the attack though, the more likely it will succeed. If we own the float, and we hold the float together into the millions, we take down the Cabal (hopefully).
If you have access to the price charts look for stocks that spiked at the end of january like GME did, there's a bunch of them. If you have access to level 2 data you will notice they all follow roughly the same pattern for the day in price movement to lesser or greater degrees. Don't know of any pharmaceutical companies off the top of my head, though im sure there might be some, just the companies other anons have listed that people on r/superstonk and other places have all noticed share the same daily patterns.
This will work (or not) precisely because of the power of belief.
It is through investigation that this movement has happened. The beliefs are based on evidence, not on what we've been told to believe. It's just like with the Q/Cabal stuff, once you see it you can never unsee it. GME has much better fundamentals than AMC etc. and will settle on a better value when the dust settles, but its really the power of evidence based belief that is what will make this work (if it works), and many people believe in AMC as well.
collective consciousness
Yea, a lot of companies are shorted but imagine this.
You drop a giant rock in the middle of the pond.
That giant splash back is GME. All ripples are amc, koss, bb, etc...
Amc even released more shares to the public to lessen the blow on the cabal. Gme is the one that hurts the most.
I just bought a few shares and joined /r/superstonk
Question - when do the apes expect this all to really heat up? I bought in with fun money, so will ride things into the toilet if that’s what it takes.
That’s the thing. Should of happened back in January (when most people would have settled for $1k) but they keep kicking the can down the road.
Consider your stock a winning lottery ticket. You just don’t know what day it’s for.
20 million a share is the floor fellow ape!
What's a "high" price per share? Are we talking AMC, GME, Tesla, AutoZone, Alphabet, Amazon, or Berkshire Hathaway prices?
To some people, $1000 per share is an astronomical amount. To others, not the hedge funds, $1000 is a kind-of low price.
Where is the bar set on what's lot for (((them)))?
the floor is 20 million a share
This can not really be true... I just did the math on my position and broke my calculator on my phone. Went into exponential mode.
There really are a large amount of people who believe it will get in the millions and some point. I dunno if I can jump on board that ship until it actually happens, but I'm going to hold my xx shares and find out.
It is the plan my fren. And don't sell everything, the floor is not the peak. I think $218 million is a fair price, considering the banks thought it was a fair bonus for causing 2008.
its technically possible because if retail owns the float (they do) then the hedge funds are REQUIRED to buy from them when they get margin called... so retail gets to set whatever price they want.
i dont think its likely that it gets that high since people gonna sell long before it hits the millions, but its not impossible. ill baghold some shares through the squeeze just in case... couldnt live with myself if i didnt at least take the shot at millions.
If we own the float, which is almost certainly true many times over, and enough people that hold the float do not sell the stock until the price gets over 20M (or more) then it has no choice but to reach that level. It is simply the way it works. Those that don't believe it can happen have not done the necessary research.
It does take a lot of people to make such a powerful move work, but there are millions involved in this already, and at least half a million that understand completely what is required. Many (most?) of the very large share holders belong to that half million. 20M per share is a real possibility.
Will those with thousands of shares sell all their shares at 20M per? Probably not. Anyone who will hold onto that amount of shares until that time understands why they are doing so. They can't sell all their shares then or the whole thing falls apart. But someone holding say, 5000 shares could sell 500. That's a cool 10B at 20M per share. And then they hold on to 4500 shares forever, allowing for everyone else to get in on the action.
That is how this will go down, if it goes down at all.
Ken Griffen owns a 250+ million dollar apartment. What's expensive to him?
As I said, six eight digits
Sell on the way down.
no one really knows for sure fren, the point being whenever they are forced to cover and buy back the shares they dont own they wont be able to as the entire float is owned by apes and we can set the price to whatever we want as long as we just simply hold. It could go to anything really, look at berkshire hathaway stock to get an idea of how high a stock can go.
Owned by Apes multiple times over. I wouldn't be surprised to find out there are more than a billion fake shares.
Holy crap I had never looked at Berkshire before. That is absolutely absurd. Didn’t know stocks could rocket that high, which is what confused me when people said this could go to a million...
Berkshire is an example of what happens when a stock never splits, unlike Tesla which went through a five-way split so that tells you what the share price really should be for TSLA.
This is accurate.
Did Rensole ever confirm which numbers the ~6% of eToro users hodling $GME was based upon? I only ask because there was an argument over the meaning of "funded accounts" when doing the math to find the number of ?✋??.
Spoiler: The high side of the math, using the traditional meaning and thus total accounts, puts the number of ?higher than the number of shares that are supposed to exist.