Wow, so much weakness and lack of faith in this thread. People have short term memory. Trump just said a few weeks ago something must be done before 2022.
How much dropping guard is necessary here? I'm just not getting it. Why even announce the event in June instead of, say, August? He could announce in October and sell it out.
Just honestly disappointed. I think he's raising money for his 2024 run, personally. Hard to spin it any other way.
Why wait until December? It seems oddly out in the future. But the whole thing raises a serious question. Is it possible bringing down the Cabal and restoring the Republic does not require returning to President Trump to Presidency? The whole Post POTUS thing in post 4951 makes you wonder.
This is of zero consequence when the audits reveal what we know happened. After the audits we are going to need to send a loud message that an illegitimate president is not acceptable.
Why would Trump team do this NOW? I get the “deception” piece... but either Trump is not back in the WH by December or this will be a whole headache to refund everyone.
If there is even a sliver of truth to this I am out. I will as many of these cock sucker out as I can before the get me, but I will not be following the carrot on the stick any more.
How is this different than any other fundraising he's done? He consistently makes an effort to raise funds. What is the problem? If he's back in office by then, he'll still need to raise money for candidates he supports.
I actually love the bipolar nature on here sometimes. We all think there’s a plan, but god forbid the plan (of which we know almost nothing) isn’t unfolding the exact way we think a plan should. Ain’t that the god damned point??? Stay strong Q bros and sisters
"POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons."
People are fixated on President Trump. He did his part - he played his role. We should all be fixated on the military instead. Martial Law.
Once you realize that "the military is the only way", the things that President Trump does or does not do... no longer matter.
Seeing honesty like this is a breath of fresh air. I can only take so much "weakness signaling." Am yearning for the winning.
Vaccines are good, crypto is bad (because it competes with the dollar), and going to hold paid events in December with piece of shit Bill O Reilly.
Meanwhile Kamala Harris is talking about border security.
its almost as if he's 100 percent Insulated
Sure hope this is a head-fake.
Wow, so much weakness and lack of faith in this thread. People have short term memory. Trump just said a few weeks ago something must be done before 2022.
I agree stay strong.
If it’s not to deflect then we are effed
How much dropping guard is necessary here? I'm just not getting it. Why even announce the event in June instead of, say, August? He could announce in October and sell it out.
Just honestly disappointed. I think he's raising money for his 2024 run, personally. Hard to spin it any other way.
Damn Trump, you won't believe the costs millions of us have already paid, the costs we pay daily. And not just monetary costs either.
Why wait until December? It seems oddly out in the future. But the whole thing raises a serious question. Is it possible bringing down the Cabal and restoring the Republic does not require returning to President Trump to Presidency? The whole Post POTUS thing in post 4951 makes you wonder.
This is of zero consequence when the audits reveal what we know happened. After the audits we are going to need to send a loud message that an illegitimate president is not acceptable.
Tickets go on sale on Monday
What happens when the audits prove that Trump won? Will he still be doing this event? If not, will there be refunds?
Why would Trump team do this NOW? I get the “deception” piece... but either Trump is not back in the WH by December or this will be a whole headache to refund everyone.
Maybe raising funds for Rep party since none of us contribute to RINOs
Well this certainly takes some wind out of my sails...
If there is even a sliver of truth to this I am out. I will as many of these cock sucker out as I can before the get me, but I will not be following the carrot on the stick any more.
I just saw the video of 4 military helicopters landing right in front of the Capital. What a great sight!!! Now I feel depressed again.
This is a Q and Plan is real or all patriots are screwed moment. idk.
How is this different than any other fundraising he's done? He consistently makes an effort to raise funds. What is the problem? If he's back in office by then, he'll still need to raise money for candidates he supports.
Washington times article. Where is his source or did he just pull that statement out of his nose?
Everyone has been saying "he'll be back in August" but no one has said WHICH August? 2022?
I actually love the bipolar nature on here sometimes. We all think there’s a plan, but god forbid the plan (of which we know almost nothing) isn’t unfolding the exact way we think a plan should. Ain’t that the god damned point??? Stay strong Q bros and sisters
Yeah, a billionaire needs a few extra bucks... sure thing...