The Patriots Strike Again....Trump WON at Marlins Game
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You may take one down, but their courage has inspired ten more!
When though? I'm getting so anxious to see these commies swing from ropes!! I don't know why it's taking so long.
These patriots will be in a documentary once our True President is back in office.
Now connect BASEBALL with the Military BASE lockdowns.
Now, I'm simply waiting for a grand slam! ;) Although, a homerun will do, too.
Need to do this at Marxist NBA of China games too
What's the justification for kicking them out of the game for this and is there recourse to be taken?
I have seen campaign signs dropped at games too...the chance for thousands to see it when it costs so much to get a campaign message out.
However, in 17 years..I have never ever seen anyone expelled from the game...they only had to take the banner down.
Would love to see what they'd do if there were 5 or more of these banners unfurled all at once at the game.
mUh PrIvAtE bUsInEsS
Probably, and anyone who receives any grant -- federal or state -- should absolutely be beholden to the Constitution, and lose "muh private business" excuse.
Sort of, they have antitrust protection
Curious myself
Almost comical. How many of these have happened now? They keep popping up like whack a moles. One guy gets kicked out at one game, and another guy pops up in another game kek.
4, as far as I know. Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, and now Marlins.
This is one of the reasons why I was so torn when the original MLB all star game fiasco happened and everyone was talking boycott...
There's something "pure" about baseball as America's game: the pace, being in the dugout killing time, the occasional overwhelming excitement, the one on one combat of the at bat, roaming the outfield, beating out the tag, throwing guys out, coaches being father figures, broadcasters tying together generations, the one of a kind calm of a long road trip listening to a staticy AM broadcasg, the fact everything is judged with religious deference to history, the patience.
It might not literally be God's game, but I bet He's a fan. It's certainly the game that best epitomizes Conservative Values (I see you golf). Huge heartbreak that the Devil is trying to steal it too.
It's extremely gratifying that the front lines of the protest are in these hallowed stadiums.
God Bless
Edit (hope it sticks) typos / format
I'm still waiting to see a "BIDEN EAT SHIT" banner . . . .
Next to a sign that literally says Cartel.
They're going to say that Trump support is equivalent to violence.
Please please please have someone come to Europe for the second biggest soccer tournament in the world. Hundreds of millions of TV viewers, starting this weekend in Rome. Euro 2020. Will be a great place to drop some red pills.
"Booted out"
Because it's fine to have political signs and flags.
No no, not THOSE political signs and flags, only ours.
Ill be flying my Betsy Ross and America First flags for 600 milea of road trip this weekend throughout the state of Michigan.
They need to make this happen multiple times in a single game
Does he get a round of applause when this happens? Or does it go mainly unnoticed?
The fact it has Cartel next to it is apt as well
To me, baseball is the worst live sport to have to sit through. Personally I'm a basketball fan. But if I had one of these banners I'd 100% get a pair of hubby's company season tickets and go do this.
Soon we will see 10-20 of these at each game!
OMG! Isn’t that hate speech??
Oh but a Go Marlins sign is ok. It's not vulgar or anything else besides triggering. Poor pumpkins. Double standard anyone?