Remember the days we used to tell people to take their crack pot conspiracies to Remember when the mods viciously combed the site for shills? Remember when we lived by "no outside comms"? Remember when I didn't have to listen to your personal sob story, or see a selfie of you and your wife/kids like this was Facebook? Remember when this site was about speculation, discussion and working together to uncover the truth? Remember when validation had nothing to do with it?
This is slowly becoming an echo chamber with no standards. Mods say they want to keep people engaged. I say they're doing the opposite.
Well, what do you think?
Edit: I've said it from Day 1. We need a fully vetted "handbook" for new anons. Between misinfo, misunderstanding and a lack of resources, I feel much of the problem is created by not having ONE easy to access, easy to digest piece of material that new Anons can utilize.
I can understand posts that are to keep morale high. As much as I hate the sob stories, I think it's largely cuz this lockdown has done a number on us all so I can't blame people for doing it. The selfies, though? Go to p win for that.
I remember it was sometime in December or January when that site went downhill so bad, I had to tap out. Nothing informative. Just pepe memes stickied for days.
Couldn't agree more.
Speaking of echo chambers, getting brigaded for saying I personally don't like it when parents dress their kids up with their own ideology. Worried wrongthink might make its way here.
I'd say that's fine. Part of the movement is about waking people up. What better way to wake them up but with proper facts about the jab?
If you're worried about disinformation though, then yeah. That is a concern. But lies, intentional or not, can be useful in discerning fact from fiction if we try to understand why it's wrong.
I'm glad I helped break your 13 day streak of non-contributions so that you can make a self-help appreciation thread complaining about "people like me" instead of confront the imaginary boogeyman, but fine, go ahead and say everyone but you is the problem on this forum.
Literally half of Q posts are about conspiracies you seem to not enjoy. I don't think you have read even half of them.
Oh well, enjoy your new thread of pathetic self-denial.
You were boring anyway...
I have no idea what you're on about, nor do I care. Nothing about this is self-help. If I wanted to self help I would be drinking right now, as that's the only viable counter to you and your 14 points of IQ.
Half* No, they aren't. Because you cannot read and understand context does not mean I "don't enjoy a theory". Has nothing to do with joy, more to do with the proof that accompanies said theories (pushed by anons taking Q out of context) or lack thereof.
Enjoy being mad bro.
What's crazier?
JFK Jr. faked his death (I don't believe it anyway) or that the Rothschilds are the head of a tranny satanist cult who covers themselves with gold and wears a gilded deer head during their free mason get-togethers.
I'm done with you. I'm sorry you lost your mind. I hope you find it again some day.
Peace, I'm praying for you.
I literally have no idea what you're bitching about and it's hilarious.
Were you under a different name? Your account says you joined 66 days ago but you remember when...?
this is another problem with the site. Suddenly when you speak out, you're a shill. And people look up how old your account is. Intellectual honesty at it's finest.
Yes I did use a different name. Got into a spat with a mod, and out of spite he banned me. Next time I'll wait 17000 days so you're satisfied before I offer a critique.
Fucking Pillock.
Another problem with this site? Why are you on this site then? I would seek a different place that matches your nostalgia. Notice, I do not resort to using names or cursing.
If there’s no place else to go, then why complain about it? Be active, post more Q (which I do) Q said we have more than we know and further proves past. Q may not post again. So post about current events that verify Q.
Seems this whole post was started because this site has now become a free for all, but now the mods are so narrow. I get his point but each member of this site has a choice to contribute and a responsibility. Why not contribute all your post to Q as much as you can and balance everything out?
I cannot add anything further as far as Q is concerned. So I don't just make shit up to fill in the gap. Meteorknife is the only reason I can post here, as last week I awoke to find I was perma-banned. The reason? "shill" that's all there was. Thankfully he's a straight G and confirmed there was no sufficient proof for such an overused accusation. You people simply can't take constructive criticism. It's really sad actually.
Notice I give .0% of a fuck.
If you don't like what America is becoming, why don't you just move?
You want to know what the real problem is?
People have a short attention span, and Q hasn't posted jack shit since December 8, 2020, and that was just a link to some lame ass video about how we ain't going to take it any more.
What the fuck do you expect when the mission was built on 'no outside comms', and the fucking comms just cease?
I expect you to do what you did the last few times Q has gone dark. Maintain your course and don't let the enemy dissuade you from doing so. This has not been the case.
Gone dark?
This isn't dark this is pitch ass black with no return in sight.
It's not the first time. This is where the rubber meets the road. Guess it's up to you if you really believed any of it or not.
Going dark implies they come back up. It's been over six months without a peep. Twenty days, thirty days is no stretch, but just leaving and not coming back is not going dark, and it leaves people wondering what the hell happened.
A lot of folks have moved on to twats by Scavino, and others, but that voids the no outside comms instructions. So if they've moved past Q maybe someone like Trump himself should indicate in terms that don't have to be deciphered by a cryptologist.
Going dark implies nothing beyond it's literal definition. If there are other implications, it's because you've added them.
I'm sure many people do wonder. Is sitting here, making up dumb shit helping? Is it bringing Q back to post? No. It only makes it worse for our situation. No offense, but anyone who is questioning things now, is simply going to have to wait and see like the rest of us. Period.
I agree with you man, this is something I felt needed to be created since I first joined on. There needs to be a more obvious information section on here than what is on the sides. It would probably make more people join if they knew where to begin digging.
Imagine you are new to this and someone (strangers online) are trying to explain to you such a complex series of events in order to show you where we are today. I would give up if it were me.
I have been actively chasing rabbits for over 15 years and I am still learning shit that blows my mind on a weekly basis. I had an instructor who introduced me to many of the deep rabbit holes and I used to go home and drink/cry myself to sleep from what I had learned in class.
I really do feel for people who have not been redpilled over time. These times and topics must be very confusing for them. We need to make it as easy as possible for them to take the pill of truth.
Preach brother. You put it into much better words than I.
I remember when Q posts thrived on r/T_D amongst all the stuff you are complaining about here, without problems- until Q was banned there. I don't have a problem with the way mods run this site. The off-topic/side-topic stuff here is kept well enough in check as to not drown out high quality posts, so I don't see it as problematic.
And that's your opinion. I disagree strongly, and don't really buy your wishy washy parameters for how "in check" the bullshit is.
My parameters are indeed subjective. What information do you want to find on this site that the "bullshit" is preventing you from finding, or discussing?
That was never my issue.
Couldn't upvote and agree more. Lately my biggest issue with all the .win communities, they feel like holding tanks. Makes me feel like the gas chamber is at the end of the line.
You can't awaken a population of people and then tell them to "trust the plan" and sit idly by, blindly, when you basically instructed them to trust no one.
We want proofs and ammunition to defend ourselves from the onslaught of the Media Machine leveled against us in everyday life.
I'm not just asking, I expect better from the .wins, then we are getting.
I trust no one. Put the information out, with proofs.
No more datefagging, no more knuckle dragging.
Well, there's that handy Hide
Yeah. There you go. Hide the problem rather than address it.
I trust God. I trust Q. My fellow man has yet to warrant the same.
On this we can agree.
That person sounds incredibly wise/handsome. Tell him I appreciate his insight, as someone I know had similar experiences.
Hey there, I am willing to create something like that for people to reference, can you name a couple of bullet points you would like me to hit on the "new user guide"?
I'm not saying the content isn't already out there. I'm saying it needs to be localized in one place, that doesn't require 45 hours of reading. It needs to be digestible. But also thorough. I understand this is a difficult task, but it just simply needs to be done if we don't to be relegated to a "fad".
I would suggest the guide be created via a large group discussion. That group should have several people of varying beliefs. The subsequent arguments, with proofs, discussions, challenges etc. Would lay the groundwork. Whenever a topic comes up that is debatable or lacking solid proof, I think it would be wise to give a range of what some of the common beliefs are as it pertains to that topic. I'm not saying make an ironclad guide that can't be disagreed with. I'm just saying that new anons are lost at sea and need to rely on others for info. That's how they end up believing silly shit.
In other words, We need several members, that know what they are talking about to build a document, maybe using a git-type versioning system so that no one can destroy everything.
Exactly. Leave none to personally benefit. Do it all for the new anon. But also vet for info from grifters, shills etc. I'm being a bit silly in thinking this can just be conjured up, because to do it right would take a tremendous amount of work. But for the type who like to research, they could really sink their teeth into it without having to worry about if the information is kosher or not.
Someone would need to hold the git admin privileges though. But outside of that, I think this is doable. I can try and get the ball rolling. I will do some work to create a framework, and see if it sticks
Bludgeon the mods into helping you. The stuff on the side bar is nice but we almost need to perma-sticky this if it's ever created. I am completely useless to your endeavor, but I commend you for stepping up and wanting to take action. An admirable quality indeed.
Well, thank you. I will try my best
It's a myriad of things. But largely, the general down-trend of quality content here. I understand not much has happened as opposed to 2016-2020, but that doesn't mean we need to fill in the gaps.
Any site dedicated to one glorious cause will inevitably become some sort of echo chamber.
Some sort. Not an ironclad one.