Congratulations! I'm four weeks off alcohol and don't miss it at all. Surprisingly. I feel like God is preparing me to be ready for what's to come. I'm ready to serve my god and country in any way I can. NCSWIC WWG1WGA ???
I used to drink. Not enough to interfere with work. 16 years ago I stopped. So glad I did, and I Quit smoking then too. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I really didn't have time for it anymore. Welcome to life! So much more time available and more things to enjoy. Well done!
Hopefully you have noticed improved health, endurance, better sleeping patterns, relationships etc all those good things that come from getting away from destructive substance addictions.
From someone who has watched a close family member struggle with addiction, this is huge, congrats to you and keep up the sobriety, it's worth every second of your life. God bless you fren.
Congrats! Been sober 9 years myself. One thing that stands out to me right now is how prevalent drinking is in basically any show on Netflix, Prime etc. They really want us all to think it's perfectly normal to grab a drink any time anything good/bad happens. And it's not just beer/wine either... Seems half the time it's the hard stuff.
Im coming up on 10 months of alcohol sobriety. Sobriety is an amazing feeling and a renewal of faith. My family had been damaged from alcohol abuse for generations. I'm so thankful I was able to escape the unending hell my path of life was going through. You will thank yourself later for not needing to pick up a drink anymore. I used to think it was all bullshit and people were full of themselves and needed a reason to brag about something as simple as being a responsible adult. But no, this is truly living your life with 2 hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. It doesn't have to be hell. Be the best version of yourself and without needing a drink in your hand you will find that. Its just one day at a time, I wont drink today, tomorrow isn't here, and I'm not planning for a drink then either. Amazing. God bless!
Congrats Fren, My last drink was last June. It's a year since I've had a drop. I was hitting the sauce pretty good before then but I decided to go cold turkey. I can't do anything in moderation it seems. I'm either in the pool or out. I don't dangle my feet. Do I miss it? Yes, at times. Especially if I have a nice dinner that a bottle of wine would enhance. But I stock up on LaCroix water instead. Rather than cracking a beer, I crack a can of water. My wife is following suit. Her doc told her she's healthier this year than last. He wanted to give her the jab and she said no, she wants to stay healthy, thanked him and left. The whole Q thing and the Great Awakening has helped me re-focus on what is right. I sleep better at night and thank God every morning when I awake.
Trump needs to return to office to compliment the good things we're all doing. This country can be a wonderful place if people can just get their heads screwed on correctly. As more liberals become aware of who they've turned into, I'm sure more awakenings will happen. Setting a good example is something you impart on people that you don't even know are watching. How you treat your spouse, your kids, your parents, your friends. A lot of us lost many of these connections because we're considered the nut jobs. But living right isn't just the best revenge, it's also showing others that there's another way, a better way.
Thank you for your response. Especially this?? “ But living right isn't just the best revenge, it's also showing others that there's another way, a better way.”
And congratulations to you as well.
Congratulations! I'm four weeks off alcohol and don't miss it at all. Surprisingly. I feel like God is preparing me to be ready for what's to come. I'm ready to serve my god and country in any way I can. NCSWIC WWG1WGA ???
LOL!! Didn't even occur to me!
Adorable ?
Or what if this is part of the sneaky ? ?
I also quit in 2014, November 14, 2014. Congrats on those 7+ years!
September 5th, 2017 here, absolutely no regrets in that decision ever
Indeed. Congrats on the sobriety, brother.
I quit drugs and alcohol early 2013.
Congratulations ??
Wow, lots of congrats and pats on the back to you guys. The struggle can't be easy.
I don't count pot!
I don’t count pot either.
Lot's of people got off booze, thanks to plant medicine.
I was “blessed” with horrible hangovers even if I just got tipsy. Pot is so much more fun and doesn’t feel as toxic.
I don't think weed is an issue provided we don't fool ourselves too much about it.
Consider doing breaks every so often.
You mean... "if you don't count MEDICINE"... (truth)
I used to drink. Not enough to interfere with work. 16 years ago I stopped. So glad I did, and I Quit smoking then too. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I really didn't have time for it anymore. Welcome to life! So much more time available and more things to enjoy. Well done!
It took me a year after being sober to kick cigarettes. I’ve even cut back on caffeine. Never would have thought it 10 years ago.
Well I confess the smoking Quit 1st and the drinking a couple months later.
Congratulations fren. I drank a lot when I was in my early 20s quit completely at 23, I don't miss it.
I prefer to face the world full on sober lol.
AWESOME!!! Keep up the faith my friend.
Congratulations and warmest wishes!
WAY TO GO! Nice to hear about your milestone.
I recommend looking into amino acids and supplements to help with any cravings if needed.
We are proud of you.
Well done! One day at a time Patriot
It's definitely worth it. Just hit 6 years last week, time flies.
Congrats, fren!!!! Keep it up!!!!
Congratulations! 1 day at a time, slow and steady wins the race!
Congratulations I quit many years ago,myself.
Keep pushin fren, I'm almost 2 years sober myself. It gets so much better.
Nice work, keep that winning streak going strong!
Hopefully you have noticed improved health, endurance, better sleeping patterns, relationships etc all those good things that come from getting away from destructive substance addictions.
Dude that is awesome.
congratulations fern...keep the faith
Amazing!!! I know addiction is not easy, I have lost someone because of it.
Bless your heart for saying strong ❤
Big congratulations!! Keep it up fren!
Praying for you!! Proud of you!
Well done, fren. I don't drink either. Life's better without it!
From someone who has watched a close family member struggle with addiction, this is huge, congrats to you and keep up the sobriety, it's worth every second of your life. God bless you fren.
Congrats! Been sober 9 years myself. One thing that stands out to me right now is how prevalent drinking is in basically any show on Netflix, Prime etc. They really want us all to think it's perfectly normal to grab a drink any time anything good/bad happens. And it's not just beer/wine either... Seems half the time it's the hard stuff.
Congratulations fren from the GA support Family, we are all here for you
Im coming up on 10 months of alcohol sobriety. Sobriety is an amazing feeling and a renewal of faith. My family had been damaged from alcohol abuse for generations. I'm so thankful I was able to escape the unending hell my path of life was going through. You will thank yourself later for not needing to pick up a drink anymore. I used to think it was all bullshit and people were full of themselves and needed a reason to brag about something as simple as being a responsible adult. But no, this is truly living your life with 2 hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. It doesn't have to be hell. Be the best version of yourself and without needing a drink in your hand you will find that. Its just one day at a time, I wont drink today, tomorrow isn't here, and I'm not planning for a drink then either. Amazing. God bless!
Way to go! A lifetime of health and happiness to you!
Congrats Fren, My last drink was last June. It's a year since I've had a drop. I was hitting the sauce pretty good before then but I decided to go cold turkey. I can't do anything in moderation it seems. I'm either in the pool or out. I don't dangle my feet. Do I miss it? Yes, at times. Especially if I have a nice dinner that a bottle of wine would enhance. But I stock up on LaCroix water instead. Rather than cracking a beer, I crack a can of water. My wife is following suit. Her doc told her she's healthier this year than last. He wanted to give her the jab and she said no, she wants to stay healthy, thanked him and left. The whole Q thing and the Great Awakening has helped me re-focus on what is right. I sleep better at night and thank God every morning when I awake.
Trump needs to return to office to compliment the good things we're all doing. This country can be a wonderful place if people can just get their heads screwed on correctly. As more liberals become aware of who they've turned into, I'm sure more awakenings will happen. Setting a good example is something you impart on people that you don't even know are watching. How you treat your spouse, your kids, your parents, your friends. A lot of us lost many of these connections because we're considered the nut jobs. But living right isn't just the best revenge, it's also showing others that there's another way, a better way.
Thank you for your response. Especially this?? “ But living right isn't just the best revenge, it's also showing others that there's another way, a better way.” And congratulations to you as well.
Yayy!!! So proud of you! You must feel amazing ❤️❤️
Well done Sir! Things will just keep getting better and better.
Awesome! Congratulations Fren!??