Our Heavenly Father hasn’t lost anything. We as humans allowed this group of confused individuals to claim something they think is there’s. To get it back is simple. Wear the colors, advertise who really owns the rainbow, God almighty. It’s not gay hate. It’s what is right. A simple protest. You’ll get backlash maybe, maybe not. But if it bothers you, then protest it. A lot of here agree with you. If I liked a rainbow colors to wear I’d do it with you, but I really never have. But I’ll help protest with ya brother. ?
Thank you! If you choose Amazon smile to order it, you can have a portion of your order donated to Students for Life. Not sure how many other worthwhile causes are there, just picked them as pro- life person who has donated to them before.
Great point. I always found the idea of "selling your soul to the devil" to be erroneous and hilarious. It isn't yours to sign over. Jesus Christ paid for every soul on that cross. He holds the deed.
Our Heavenly Father hasn’t lost anything. We as humans allowed this group of confused individuals to claim something they think is there’s. To get it back is simple. Wear the colors, advertise who really owns the rainbow, God almighty. It’s not gay hate. It’s what is right. A simple protest. You’ll get backlash maybe, maybe not. But if it bothers you, then protest it. A lot of here agree with you. If I liked a rainbow colors to wear I’d do it with you, but I really never have. But I’ll help protest with ya brother. ?
Thank you! If you choose Amazon smile to order it, you can have a portion of your order donated to Students for Life. Not sure how many other worthwhile causes are there, just picked them as pro- life person who has donated to them before.
Project Veritas and judicial watch (they got Faucci's emails) are also available for those who prefer that.
Quit buying shit from Amazon.
I'm off Amazon. :(
heh look at the 1-star comment....
Awesome, thx for the link.
I'd totally buy that!!
I've been trying to reclaim the rainbow for a awhile now. People said it was stupid, shook their heads and said let t go... lol.
That's not what I meant at all :)
It's Gods Promise to EVERYONE.
I don't care that they use it, I care that it's meaning was lost.
People gave up the rainbow because they were scared people would think they were gay. That's so stupid...
Take back the rainbow, doesn't mean to take it away from someone else.
We are all in this together.
Great point. I always found the idea of "selling your soul to the devil" to be erroneous and hilarious. It isn't yours to sign over. Jesus Christ paid for every soul on that cross. He holds the deed.
It's what they are told.. people that believe that are easier to tempt and debase and turn against God.