Being a woman I am disgusted by the women trying to take over just because they are women. The horrible DEMOCRAT WOMEN in offices in blue states actually disgust me. Chicago New York California the fake vice president etc. They are way more incompetent than any man. Total disasters and no common sense at all. They set women back by decades and deservedly so.
Comments (61)
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I agree. I always thought there was something wrong with me for not being able to find joy in working outside the home. The money was the only benefit from it, for the most part. I've always thought I should do more, but my body needs the rest. (I was in a pretty bad car accident 10 years ago and deal with chronic knee pain and swelling, among other issues. My husband realizes it now and isn't pushing me to go back to work.) I'm grateful for the time God is giving me to take care of my family and myself. My husband and I get along better now and I have more patience with our son. Those women are missing out on wholesome, fulfilling relationships. Give me a proper alpha male running the show any day!
this^ I had a good job before my TBI, but it was never what I really wanted to do, would rather stay home and take care of the family. was impossible to get people to understand that when my kids where real young, everyone thought I should be 'working', like taking care of 3 kids under the age of 3 isn't work?
3 under 3?! My hat is off to you, dear friend. One child is all I could have and all I need. God knows my limits! ;)
Dr. Laura would be so proud !
I can tell you why you have knee pain. Please read this book:
Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained by Forrest Maready
That may be part, but during my aforementioned wreck, which I have absolutely no memory of, I was in my beat up, but loved, 1985 red Volvo wagon and it was a standard, so I must have had my leg extended on the clutch when I was t-boned. My left hip and leg have been messed up since. I look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame some days when I walk...and running? forget about it! ;) When my husband's insurance kicks in again, I am going to have it taken care of. MRI time. I don't like those.
have you tried HCQ yet? I didn't have an accident like you, but I had a lot of nerve damage from my stroke and it was hard to walk, so I had a limp. I started HCQ a couple weeks ago for an infection, and one of the side effects was that it helped my nerve pain, foot and leg feel so much better and easier to move.
I haven't. The orthos I went to a few years ago didn't subscribe anything. They gave me exercises to do and I just haven't had the time to go have anything done, as I'd been working full time and managing family. Now that I have the time, we're waiting on his insurance to kick in so I can get it taken care of before going back to work.
i remember those days, insurance can be such a hassle:( fortunately Frontline doctors was cheap enough without it, think there's even a way to get it without a prescription. I'm not a doctor, but it might be worth a try, i noticed a difference immediately, and that was after 5 years of pain.
I appreciate it!! Thank you so much! :)
you're welcome, I really think it's a miracle cure, so I'm compelled to share, plus I know how difficult doctors are. Mayo prescribed antidepressants for my foot pain;)
I either have major muscle issues or nerve damage. I don't have constant pain, pe se, but it is bothersome.
It’s biblical. Good women need good men.
1The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.
Aoc is terrible. Kameltoe is terrible. Pelosi is horrendous. But man I do love MTG.
Great point!
She had phenomal energy at the rally I wanted to jump on top of my seat but the security were hardasses lol
Being a man, I would love little more than to see good women rise up in all areas of human life and become a guiding light.
Where are the women that proudly speak about not whoring around? Even save themselves for marriage? Not wasting their time on little boys that are clearly hiding their insecurities and immaturity by participating in hook-up culture? Maybe just speaking out how they participated in the demented game and ended up regretting it so little girls won't do the same mistakes being the impressionable naive little fools that they are?
I understand that everyone has their own choices to make, and I don't judge anyone who chooses the promiscuous lifestyle. But there's absolutely zero balance right now, and all the evidence that I've seen paints an extremely clear picture. There's a reason why city people are the most depressed and suicidal. Is it the environment or is it the lifestyle? Given that I live in a city, haven't participated in that lifestyle and am happier and more fulfilled than anyone I've ever seen my guess is that it's the lifestyle.
And women who want a man that treats them well and loves them more than anything should be on board with this as well. If you don't very clearly signal that such women are out there, then few men will go through the hassle to save themselves for the right woman.
Do you want your sons or daughters to live in such a world?
Or do you want to create one where they can be treasured and treasure themselves?
Dr. Laura would wholeheartedly agree!
Majority of women “leaders” are only in the position because they are female definitely not because they are leaders.
Women can’t lead. There’s a spiritual order and it can’t be changed
Correct. God, Man, Woman. That is the order. I tried sharing this with someone here and all I got back was “man, who hurt you?” Lol
Please, show me one “happy” relationship where the woman leads the family. I’ll wait…
As a man, if you give your power away to a woman (who by nature will “challenge” you for it) she will grow to despise you. Regardless if she is aware of this or not. It is natural for a woman to test their mates for congruence. Pass their “tests” as a man and you’ll be rewarded. Fail their tests and you’ll be “punished”. I could write a book on this.
As a woman, I concur.
Thank you!
Just for the sake of posterity, notice I never said women are inferior to men. In fact, there’s a strong argument to be made that the opposite is true. But I digress. The point I’m trying to make is that men and women have different roles in relationship. A woman needs to know her man will protect her and her offspring. As a man, security of his family is his utmost responsibility with God as the head of course. A man that neglects this will eventually find himself without a mate. ?
Sometimes women don’t have a choice. My ex was a beta, momma’s boy obsessed with music, corvettes and early retirement (started whining about it in his 20’s) and attention from anything in a skirt. I divorced him 2 years ago and have the two youngest with me. I’ve managed to lead the family just fine without him.
That’s because your father was the same kind of man. Women can do it, but they must raise a family with love - if they don’t live their dad they have no love to give
My father!? Lol…he left when I was 2, tried on 3 different occasions to murder me, and I hear from him every 20 years or so. I’ve had nothing but dysfunctional men in my life. I’d love nothing more than a strong, Godly leader but reality forced me to do it alone.
He can’t help himself so you must forgive him. Like I said, a woman (or man) who doesn’t love their father have no love. If you don’t love one, you love none. Men don’t have anger, but they do take on their mothers identity and so must be born again. You father had a angry mother and he held onto that anger.
He can’t help himself? Ridiculous. And no, I don’t have to forgive jack. My original post was about my ex husband, not my sperm donor, er dad. But they are both narcissistic beta boys that slap women around, leave their children and can’t keep their dicks to themselves. I’ve been responsible my entire life while the men played and partied. Gender has nothing to do with leadership and decision making skills. I actually told my husband at the time that I was tired of being the man. He laughed. Which is why he’s an ex now.
I'm sorry to hear that, in the future I hope we have a better way of helping those that go through hardships such as this.
I'm a woman, and I agree. While there are some fantastic exceptions, most women are too "feelings" and "emotion" driven to be able to govern.
That's what happens when you vote for someone based solely on their genitals. Or skin color. Or any other thing other than character.
I totally agree and I am a woman owned my own business and retired and never was Susie homemaker. These women are setting us back hundreds of years.
Thanks to the Luciferians, we don't even know who in leadership positions is actually a man and who's a woman.
In a free country, people should be free to pursue their dreams and achieve them (or not) based on their individual efforts and abilities, not be limited by gender except when absolutely necessary.
As for political leaders, once we have fair elections, let the candidates compete and let the people decide. For every Lori Lightfoot, we have a Bill de Blasio. And I'll take a Kristi Noem over an Andrew Cuomo any day.
Amen sister!
If its any consolation, some of these women are not actually woman. Some are men, and some are daemons.
As a woman, I have been seriously rethinking "why" women were not allowed to vote. I believe women should not be allowed to run around like emotional idiots without consequences. Women are ruining the whole world. Women cheat more than men too. They are meaner and more devious too. My God, I am ashamed of them!
Oh, please. There are millions of level-headed women who do great work at their jobs and then go home and take care of their families. Those who run around like headless chickens almost always suffer serious consequences.
The idea that men always act based on logic rather than emotion is demonstrably false. There are men who get into shooting matches with other men over parking spots, kill their girlfriends in a jealous rage, or beat up other men up over anything they perceive as even slightly disrespectful.
Women aren't meaner or more devious, either. The biggest mass murderers in history are men, many of whom gained power using deception.
Neither gender is perfect, but neither deserves wholesale condemnation either.
I was criticizing those insecure and emotional and constantly DEFENSIVE women...yep. if you say "they're good...but"...."they're bad... but"; You're making excuses. If women wanted to be equal, fine. They don't want equal. They want a sick emotional hellhole for the rest of us. Nope, gotta micromanage the whole world but can't manage their own thoughts and feelings. Yep. I was like that too before I practiced the art of self control. I'm ashamed of 75% of women. They disgust me with their weakness and immorality. No apologies. Women did this and weak men assisted.
weak men! hear hear.
And indeed. Soy boy culture based on toxic masculinity are two extremes. Yet, what it means to live out your live as a male ..... or as a female?
I guess, when all is said and done, the 7 virtues still hold true.
I started to post on another thread today where it showed a picture of Biden giving the 'State of the Union' speech with Kamala and Nancy seated behind him, masked up. I was wondering if the suffrage movement could have seen into the future and see those two corrupt idiots seated in those positions of power if they would regret their efforts.
Then I saw Biden and realized, six of one, half dozen of the other, and cancelled my post.
Does anyone remember the reality survival shows that put men on one island and women on another? What happened was that the men argued a lot over who should do what and when but they soon got themselves shelter, fire and food and got on with things.
The women on the other islands argued and argued and did nothing else but argue, eventually some men swam over and found that the women were starving and hunkered down by themselves snarling and spitting fire at any other woman that came near them.
This show was tried in a lot of countries, all with differing cultures and mores and every one of these shows was exactly the same the women on their own turned into monsters.
These shows were stopped.
That's hilarious. I would think like chickens, eventually a pecking order would be established, but I guess not.
These are the ones they should have shown. Real REALITY TV.
A lot of chicks say guys are obsessed w their junk.
Bro - was it like “hold mah tampon. Watch this.” For these cunts?
I mean I don’t use that word casually - they are obsessed w having that anatomy so just following suit.
Plenty of Pedo Adam Schiffs, Crying Chucky Schumers, Fatass Nadlers, Neanderthal Al Greens, China Whore Eric Swalwells, Racist Cory Bookers.... the list is endless. Judge by their character. Plenty of male and female evil jackasses out there. They come in all colors, ages and sexes. Gates... Soros... Fauxi... Newsome... Podesta... Biden... Sheldon Adelson... So much evil.
God wins. Don't get to focused on XX, XY or any of that nonconsequential stuff. Cheers!
Times are tough for us ladies for many reasons. I spoke with my boyfriend about this last night. I said to him that women have it tougher now then they did even 50 years ago.
The pressure culturally put on us is unattainable. I told him that our life’s work is home and family. Women had each other to lean on while most were at home.
It all changed when academics and the Tee Vee told women that they should be working! Be equal and better than their men. (And also get more tax payers in the system)
Instead of women being in charge of their children the schools and daycares took over the role. Married men were more tempted at work by the influx of female invasion in the workforce. Cheating on the rise. Divorce on the rise. As more women left home to work, the homemakers still at home lost their lifeline of support.
The last 40 years or so women feel the pressure to be the following.
Intelligent Great bodies Sexy Forever young Great moms Great wives Great housekeepers Great cooks Great workers Great workouts at the gym Great in bed Great at Everything
Impossible expectations. And being exhausted and emotional is not acceptable. Women are swimming against the current. We need to stop the crazy.
I wouldn't argue with any of the above, but they're only impossible expectations if one buys into them. Cutting off most of the advertising/media onslaught makes it easy to ignore their bullshit??
Wow, I mean wow! Words escape me, & exactly how awake are ya all? I wonder if this unharmonious imbalance of good vs evil would even exist if we lived in a long standing matriarchal society. Do you really think we would be in the place we are now? Seriously?
Please for the love of God do some serious research into both ancient matriarchal societies & how & why the suppression of women throughout the last 5-10 thousand years was brought about by men.
I am not a man hater by any stretch, definitely NOT a feminist, just someone who sees a bigger picture through self education with eyes wide open. As for female Christians travelling this road of research prepare for outrage, either that or complete denial.
The matriarchal society thing is a myth started by feminists in the 70's and 80's. There were societies that didn't treat women like dirt and some were allowed to hold supporting positions of power, but there is no evidence that a female dominated society like the Amazonians existed. Not saying it's not possible one existed, we just haven't found it.
It IS a discrace!
See gynocracy
TRUTH. Tearing families apart rips at the very fabric of society.
Yes it was