posted ago by mizzAmerica45 ago by mizzAmerica45 +368 / -0

These last few days have been the game changing plan. Texas Dems are running away, because they can't face the facts. They go to Washington to sing like bizarre psychos. People are angry on both sides by their hypocrisy on wearing masks on planes....spending thousands to escape from doing their jobs. People are waking up.

Biden's foaming at the mouth today because of what's taking place in Pennsylvania. Republicans are starting to finally find their backbones and it's frightening the heck out of the Dems.

Hunter Biden is being exposed and called out on for selling his horrible paintings at ridiculous prices without the public knowing who bought and for what motive.

The news outlets seem like confused new born donkeys, unsure of where to turn to next.

People are waking up in droves. Yes, there will always be the ignorant who will never be smart enough to see what's unfolding and those who will remain in Deep Denial. But, people, in general, are waking.

They. Can't. Stop. What's. Coming. You. CAN. Feel. The. Panic.

The rekindling of our Freedoms Birth, 1776, is starting to take its course once again.🇺🇲