Well ,you will be fren number 3. Because I'm my first best friend and my gf is my 2nd. I keep my circle tight. Like the title says. Trust is earned 👍🏻🇺🇸
I hate me. Our country has been taken over by commie-demon-pedos on my watch. It's not that I didn't see it, I just never figured out what to do about it.
Nothing to hate , it's called the great awakening for a reason
I for many years ignored alot. But now we are in a war ,not a hot war not a cold war. But information war.
But we are awake now. Be proud. Read learn and train. We will win ..the Patriots isn't the military. We the people are the Patriots
FREN ... first, NEVER EVER hate yourself. Second, you are in the EXACT same boat as every single God fearing, USA loving patriot I know. If I may offer this extension of solace ... you ARE doing something about it ... you are HERE. You are conflicted that you have not gone 'kinetic'. Don't be. If that time comes, WE WILL KNOW. There will be no doubt.
If that time ever does come, God forbid, a million plus combat veterans are gonna 'pull pin' and the mouth breathers are gonna vanish forever and the WHOLE THING will be started and finished in a day. Literally ... 24 hours and that shit will be settled.
I listen on iHeart. Not happy about that considering iHeart is cucked but you work with what is available. It's also on iTunes (not no but hell no for me).
Most people do not realize the reason they give us so many shots in the military is so they can dump their bio eapons on our enemies and keep us alive to continue doing their bidding.
Very similar to what PDJT said yesterday. You don't shit on our president(and us) for 4 years, manufacture a pandemic, lock us in our homes, hire your minions to destroy our businesses and burn down our cities, steal an election (and more that I'm sure I'm forgetting) and expect us to comply to ANYTHING you want us to do.
I feel like Trump “checked out” for the last 6 months because “you must show them”. He didn’t say the obvious regarding Ashli Babbit or more importantly, how regardless of how safe vaccines are, it’s not the skeptics fault for being skeptical of these evil people who gave the people every reason to distrust them these last 5 years.
I know the way NPCs have acted regarding vaccines and how they treat the skeptical is radical and strange enough to cause a lot of moderate NPCs to be less attached to the narrative.
Less attached means better for future declas of the whole truth of everything (not just last 5 years)
If you are someone that doesn't trust the government, or fake MSM news, or social medial oligarchs, and they are the ones pushing it, are you really going to listen to them and get that?
He slammed Harris on some show. He talks about it on July 16th show. Because they give him shit about what he said. He plays the clip like 10 times. The guys 6 foot 8 ,packing a gun and based as fuck ..
True story: since i stopped taking yearly flu shots in 2012, ALL my severe allergies have vanished. Was forced for 24 years in the military. After retirement i said never again...and my immune system is so good now that i havent even had a cold in 6 years now.
No shots ,no vax+proper exercise and foods=normal immune response!
I like this.
I fukin' love Jesse Kelly. Dude is crazy smart, funny, and 100% authentic.
His podcast is AWESOME.
There is NO ONE ... and I mean NO ONE more based than JK. NO ONE.
Thursday night on Tucker Carlson he called Heels up Harris Willey Brown's Bratwurst bun.
Whoa!! I gotta check him out?
You should. Dudes a patriot and legit
Not a Q fan but a patriot. A little high on himself ,but reminds me of me. I fucking love me
HAHAHAHAHA ... you are my new best Fren. Frens for life. Same same here.
Well ,you will be fren number 3. Because I'm my first best friend and my gf is my 2nd. I keep my circle tight. Like the title says. Trust is earned 👍🏻🇺🇸
I hate me. Our country has been taken over by commie-demon-pedos on my watch. It's not that I didn't see it, I just never figured out what to do about it.
Nothing to hate , it's called the great awakening for a reason I for many years ignored alot. But now we are in a war ,not a hot war not a cold war. But information war.
But we are awake now. Be proud. Read learn and train. We will win ..the Patriots isn't the military. We the people are the Patriots
FREN ... first, NEVER EVER hate yourself. Second, you are in the EXACT same boat as every single God fearing, USA loving patriot I know. If I may offer this extension of solace ... you ARE doing something about it ... you are HERE. You are conflicted that you have not gone 'kinetic'. Don't be. If that time comes, WE WILL KNOW. There will be no doubt.
If that time ever does come, God forbid, a million plus combat veterans are gonna 'pull pin' and the mouth breathers are gonna vanish forever and the WHOLE THING will be started and finished in a day. Literally ... 24 hours and that shit will be settled.
Where is his podcast aired?
I listen on Iheart radio
I listen on iHeart. Not happy about that considering iHeart is cucked but you work with what is available. It's also on iTunes (not no but hell no for me).
If your old school like me. I also listen on AM radio
I listen to him all the time. My new fave next to x22. Jesse isn't into Q but the dude is a based bad ass and isn't afraid of anything. He's legit
That is hilarious! I almost spat out my yogurt onto my laptop!
I'm not taking it because I am anti vaccine.
Most people do not realize the reason they give us so many shots in the military is so they can dump their bio eapons on our enemies and keep us alive to continue doing their bidding.
Amen. I still don’t know what they “airgunned” into my arms back in 94...
Same here
Very similar to what PDJT said yesterday. You don't shit on our president(and us) for 4 years, manufacture a pandemic, lock us in our homes, hire your minions to destroy our businesses and burn down our cities, steal an election (and more that I'm sure I'm forgetting) and expect us to comply to ANYTHING you want us to do.
Fuck these monsters.
They can rot in hell.
And Rachel Maddow goes Reeeeeee!
I feel like Trump “checked out” for the last 6 months because “you must show them”. He didn’t say the obvious regarding Ashli Babbit or more importantly, how regardless of how safe vaccines are, it’s not the skeptics fault for being skeptical of these evil people who gave the people every reason to distrust them these last 5 years.
I know the way NPCs have acted regarding vaccines and how they treat the skeptical is radical and strange enough to cause a lot of moderate NPCs to be less attached to the narrative.
Less attached means better for future declas of the whole truth of everything (not just last 5 years)
If you are someone that doesn't trust the government, or fake MSM news, or social medial oligarchs, and they are the ones pushing it, are you really going to listen to them and get that?
Seems hesitant.
He slammed Harris on some show. He talks about it on July 16th show. Because they give him shit about what he said. He plays the clip like 10 times. The guys 6 foot 8 ,packing a gun and based as fuck ..
Like the title "Marine", it is only earned, never given.
Omg. What about the delta variant !?! It's like hay fever. How can you live with yourself walking around with itchy eyes and a runny nose !!!!
True story: since i stopped taking yearly flu shots in 2012, ALL my severe allergies have vanished. Was forced for 24 years in the military. After retirement i said never again...and my immune system is so good now that i havent even had a cold in 6 years now.
No shots ,no vax+proper exercise and foods=normal immune response!
Plenty of outside and fresh air is like magic too
So, can we PLEASE talk about this in regards to Trump?
Why did Trump take the vaccine? Or if he didn't, why did he say he did?
I Concur. Fool me once....
You either choose to live your life by FEAR or by FAITH. The choice is yours. Be embolden and speak up for God.
sauce https://nitter.nixnet.services/JesseKellyDC/status/1416790235996954625