We've been told 150 million Americans have received the shot.
We really have no idea what is true. The only thing we know for sure is THEY LIE.
Get ready to be told that you, the unvaccinated, make up just 10% of the population. You will be told you are a tiny fringe going againt the vast majority or the country.
This is what they did for for the elections. This is their game. It's coming, guaranteed.
I identify as being vaccinated. It would deeply offend me if anyone tried to tell me otherwise.
I placed myself in the control group.
no doubt the numbers are skewed. but I'm surrounded by people who believe "Biden is doing a great job." so there's that.
I can second that observation. I was a silent witness to a group of people going on about how wonderful Bidet is and thank heavens we're rid of Trump.
These people were so far gone, there was no point in attempting to correct them. I don't possess the skills to break this level of brainwashing.
Just show them the video of him sniffing children, it’s what I did for my aunt the other day, don’t know if it changed her mind but it grossed her out
Or the picture of him invading a woman's space from behind and she's clearly disgusted and uncomfortable with it.
deep blue zone. they believe what the TV people tell them to believe.
And every liberal I know, thinks the economy is a total shit show! Where in the world do you live?
pick a dark blue spot of the fake election map. all the same.
So the unvaccinated are a protected class 😉
Protected classes only apply to leftists and communists. The small minority of whites in South Africa are anything but a protected class.
If we're a tiny minority then we're no threat to paranoid muzzlemouths, so they all can shut the fuck up now and we can go right back to the old normal...vast swaying masses of humanity crammed cheek by jowl into hockey arenas, screaming their lungs loose in delirium as their team wins their second straight Stanley C—well, in Tampa Bay at least :) But anyway, gathering in huge numbers, cheering, laughing, smiling, conversing with each other, sharing microbes, building those immune systems....
We need to get a pool going?!
good, then they have herd immunity and can quit pushing that shit.
The BBC is already saying it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated for COVID deaths.
Like everyone I know
we hav been vaccinated wit BULLSHIT fo a looooog time
I agree we can’t trust any numbers at this point- but TBH I knew 4 people (me being one) unvaxxed out of my & husbands entire family. One has already bent the knee & got her first jab (last coworker I knew besides me) her second shot is in August. Just had a friend tonight text me he’s thinking about getting the J&J one because he met someone that gave him a different perspective. He wanted me help finding one- said I can’t & won’t help & if your doing it for this girl u just met- better think & pray on that b/c she may not be around next month. Anyways that literally leaves me & my BIL that refuse the jab. Get this though- my BIL has to be tested at work weekly for COVID - 53 weeks he has tested negative. A miracle on its own. He literally was bathing COVID patients. He said me & my husband are the only people he knows that have never even be tested for Covid!
We're all gigavaxxed down here.
They will try and they will fail.
Gee, Top 10?! Hey Ma…I’m in the phone book!