Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers launches petition to decertify 2020 election results https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/arizona-state-senator-wendy-rogers-laucnches-petition-decertify-2020-election/
Michigan election officials intentionally destroyed evidence on voting machines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/information-code-monkey-z-provides-additional-proof-michigan-election-leaders-absolutely-destroyed-evidence-changing-batteries-voting-machines/
Rep. Gosar says several Capitol Police would like to share what they know with the Jan. 6 inquisition, but Pelosi is blocking them https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd4uZlDd/rep-gosar-did-you-know-that-ther/c/
Gov. Cuomo impeachment proceedings to begin soon https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-impeachment-probe-nearing-completion
Creepy Joe can’t get through a bill signing without needing to grope yet another young girl https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/joe-biden-grabs-little-girl-whispers-ear-bill-signing-white-house-video/
US intel agencies obtain treasure trove of info from Wuhan lab https://dailycaller.com/2021/08/05/wuhan-institute-virology-lab-data-united-states-intelligence/
Gibraltar is the most vaccinated country on the planet with 99%+ vaccinated https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=OWID_WRL yet they are experiencing a surge of covid cases, up from between 0 to 1 case a day to 43 cases a day a month after vaccines started. They are at between 20 and 25 a day now https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=gibraltar+covid There cannot be better proof that either: (1) the vaccines do not work; (2) the covid tests are a sham; or (3) both.
Former FDA director says Delta wave may have already peaked https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/08/05/gottlieb-has-the-delta-wave-already-peaked-n406770
Biden’s DHS is forced to admit that increased rates of border crosses are carrying covid https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/bidens-dhs-admits-significantly-increased-rates-of-covid-positive-border-crossers-arriving-in-u-s/
Majority of voters believe government’s messaging on covid and vaccines is biased politically https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/poll-majority-not-confident-government-reports-unbiased-information-on-vaccine-effectiveness/
Democrat State Senator from Arizona arrested for sexual conduct with minor https://www.azfamily.com/news/state-senator-arrested-for-suspected-sexual-conduct-with-child-in-phoenix/article_ed0e83fe-f670-11eb-a102-2b853eab6069.html
Defund the police has backfired spectacularly on Dems as 75% want more police https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/nolte-defund-police-backfires-democrats-75-percent-want-more-cops/
See you tomorrow.
I'm undecided if 12 is a win. Isn't this just the communist's text book strategy of creating a problem just to sell you a solution? They want people begging for their federal Gestapo police force.
I was thinking the same thing. They need a reason to say state police are too racist. Maybe we look for false flags in the PD?
And if federally funded, instead of locally... What is the worse that can happen, right?
Or number 1. They don't need a petition for that, the election wS petition enough.
They all but forced the good cops / higher-ups to retire. Now they'll be hiring again, with woke goons now in charge
Because it had to contain Certificate Of Vaccination ID by AI in the name.
All the buzz words are so cringe
Then we couldn't use "Covidiot" or "Branch Covidians". 😝
The only covid is the mrna jab produced covid in the jabbed bodies. Cold or flu made worse by mask and poor treatment in hospitals. The test only test flu and colds. 100% called covid is a lie.
Also, look at the Canadians case against sthe province. They could not produce the material evidence supporting their false claim. It doesn't exist. Or didn't until the jab anyway.
#neverforget (Alberta). 👍🏽
Thx wins!
Still not tired of winning
Extra Wins of the Day: August 5th, 2021
Well, week one of August has proven to already be Hot... week two should really start the insanity! Hang on!!
Thank you for your continued efforts - much appreciated!!
Thank you WinsAnon. These are a great wake-up call for at least the more open-minded person who is not sold on GA ideas yet.
a pile of winners thanks winsanon
Yes! Thanks a lot for this beautiful list, Fren!🙏🏻
#2: If proven this was done intentionally, then it is definitive evidence of High Treason against the United States of America and justice requires this act be rewarded with a proper trial, conviction, and then a swift life/death sentence.
Great list u/WinsAnon!! #7). OR...the “vaccines” (cause) the spike proteins to overload the body and organs...ie MAKE YOU SICK. The vaccines ARE the bioweapon.
Thanks and blessings!
#7 The vaccine works. It gives you COVID. Saw a video on this the other day.
There is no "covid". It is not a novel coronavirus. It is just another (weaponized) form of the flu.
#3 - I like my Rep! Gosar is one of the good guys.
You should post a bitcoin address so we can crowdfund your work for doing this.
Wendy Rogers is a beast. I admire her so much. God is raising up strong woman in this season. They are his Esther’s and I do believe that Wendy is one of them. She will be responsible for saving Arizona. Dicey should be kicked out and replaced with her.