Nah he means sterilize the virus. It's a virology term to mean a human cannot host or fall ill from a specific virus.
What he is saying is if it's not 100% sterilization, it's dangerous as variants linger in some people and eventually morph into something super dangerous.
It's a really important point as too why if something isn't a vaccine, you probably shouldn't call it one and definitely shouldn't use it as one.
Correct. They never have in history. Not. One. Time. They do evolve into more contagious but less deadly versions frequently.
However it does really sound like this guy is just speaking about vax trials in general and the process that is followed along the way to approval, and he doesnt have any specific dirty details we may be looking for... remember guys not every doctor on the planet is in on this.
He 1000% meant sterilize the virus. That is normal parlance for this kind of thing. Vaccines aim to sterilize viruses, regardless of what type they are.
The outcome of the "TRIAL". HMMM..well color me surprised, I thought this had, had a trial phase, oh yeah, that's where 100% of the animals died. So he meant human trials.
This should not be stickied. It’s stuff like this that makes people look stupid. Sterilization is referring to the fact that it’s a leaky vaccine and does not eradicate the virus but allows it to continue to live and spread from the vaccinated host. There is enough real data that the vaccine is ineffective and dangerous. We don’t need this.
It's exactly the same as Trump's thing. We have to be mindful not to be like that. To sterilize a virus IS the purpose of any vaccine. It's merely a term to describe non-transmission as an end stage.
The issue people should be picking up on, is that viruses - esp coronaviruses don't mutate WORSE. It's not advantageous to do that as a virus.
People not being vaccinated are not going to cause an issue, as the vaccine never sterilized to begin with. It doesn't, it can't and it was never the intended purpose of it.
Yes it has already come out that there are placebos. I've met at least one or two people saying they literally felt nothing and were not sick at all after Vax (placebo)
You literally are required to have a control group so there has to be a placebo.
I had read that there was, but I wasn't sure it was true, I'm still not sure.
I also thought you literally had to have some form of the virus in a vaccine to be called a vaccine.
The shit they are injecting is not a vaccine.
I don't believe they care too much about a old fashioned placebo effect, if they don't get the results they wanted they'll just inject the same people again.
What's the need for a placebo if your intention in the end is death? Why bother?
That’s what perked my interest too. Is he referring to the control group from the initial trials, or the group of unvaxxed people (which seems odd to call a control group), or did he just admit they gave some people saline and didn’t tell them?
Me too fren, me too. I do believe that they were indeed using saline in at least a percentage of the vials, but I’m just surprised they would admit it.
He mis-spoke. The Brits have a different way of saying things at times. I think he meant, sterilize the virus from the population. Not sterilize people as in they can't reproduce.
“These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise the population…”
“The regulators will need to look quite closely to make sure it’s done what we need it to do…”
“There will be a delay between the outcome of the trial and a decision whether it can be approved AS A VACCINE…”
Did someone remove this dude’s glowie filter before he went on TV? Talk about loose lips sinking ships…!
Nah he means sterilize the virus. It's a virology term to mean a human cannot host or fall ill from a specific virus.
What he is saying is if it's not 100% sterilization, it's dangerous as variants linger in some people and eventually morph into something super dangerous.
It's a really important point as too why if something isn't a vaccine, you probably shouldn't call it one and definitely shouldn't use it as one.
I don’t think he meant that at all, and variants don’t morph into “more powerful viruses” to the best of my knowledge
He did mean that. And yes the vaccine has the capability to make something more dangerous, these things have happened
Correct. They never have in history. Not. One. Time. They do evolve into more contagious but less deadly versions frequently.
However it does really sound like this guy is just speaking about vax trials in general and the process that is followed along the way to approval, and he doesnt have any specific dirty details we may be looking for... remember guys not every doctor on the planet is in on this.
Read freedom2520's post. They do not evolve to something more deadly, however the vaccine can make them more deadly.
Yes but why didn't he say those words.
Also you dont get to be a Sir unless you are a Cabal member I can guarantee you that
It's a 1 minute clip cut off way short.
If he actually means sterilize the virus, he should clarify that. Definitely highly suspicious though. Freudian slip?
He 1000% meant sterilize the virus. That is normal parlance for this kind of thing. Vaccines aim to sterilize viruses, regardless of what type they are.
Are you a virologist? How do you know 1000%?
yes but hard to tell with a 1 minute clip. Would have to see more to kmow what he meant.
The outcome of the "TRIAL". HMMM..well color me surprised, I thought this had, had a trial phase, oh yeah, that's where 100% of the animals died. So he meant human trials.
This should not be stickied. It’s stuff like this that makes people look stupid. Sterilization is referring to the fact that it’s a leaky vaccine and does not eradicate the virus but allows it to continue to live and spread from the vaccinated host. There is enough real data that the vaccine is ineffective and dangerous. We don’t need this.
It's exactly the same as Trump's thing. We have to be mindful not to be like that. To sterilize a virus IS the purpose of any vaccine. It's merely a term to describe non-transmission as an end stage.
The issue people should be picking up on, is that viruses - esp coronaviruses don't mutate WORSE. It's not advantageous to do that as a virus.
People not being vaccinated are not going to cause an issue, as the vaccine never sterilized to begin with. It doesn't, it can't and it was never the intended purpose of it.
In the control group vaccine? So some are placebos or does mean the unvaxxed?
Yes it has already come out that there are placebos. I've met at least one or two people saying they literally felt nothing and were not sick at all after Vax (placebo)
You literally are required to have a control group so there has to be a placebo.
I had read that there was, but I wasn't sure it was true, I'm still not sure.
I also thought you literally had to have some form of the virus in a vaccine to be called a vaccine.
The shit they are injecting is not a vaccine.
I don't believe they care too much about a old fashioned placebo effect, if they don't get the results they wanted they'll just inject the same people again.
What's the need for a placebo if your intention in the end is death? Why bother?
Approved AS A “vaccine”. Indicates that it is not that.
So there is a control group then, but not the unvaxxed. Wow, good to know, maybe some of my family will be spared. Praying
That’s what perked my interest too. Is he referring to the control group from the initial trials, or the group of unvaxxed people (which seems odd to call a control group), or did he just admit they gave some people saline and didn’t tell them?
Oh God I’m praying it’s the latter you mention! And some in my family were spared this horrible death march that’s about to happen 🙏
Me too fren, me too. I do believe that they were indeed using saline in at least a percentage of the vials, but I’m just surprised they would admit it.
Who knows, this guy is probably gonna be chastised for that
He's talking about "sterile immunity", not sterility in the common sense.
He mis-spoke. The Brits have a different way of saying things at times. I think he meant, sterilize the virus from the population. Not sterilize people as in they can't reproduce.
He’s got those black eyes.
He’s got that pedo ‘AIR’ about him. 👍🏼
It's a vaccine to cure the virus of humanity.
I caught this clip earlier on And We Know, and he stated these cretins are Masons.
Yea I recall this.
So this is pretty much a fear porn video, meant to alarm us. Who put this up?? Better check them out.