The first thing your defense lawyer is going to tell you do when you get sued for defamation is to STOP TALKING except in court. That is what Dominion is trying to do here. The only question is: are Newsmax, OAN or Byrne going to listen to the lawyers and SHUT UP about Dominion or not?
🧠 These people are stupid!

Umm the last thing Patrick Byrne is going to do is stop talking 😂 😂
Newsmax is garbage
Newsmax run by a liberal paytriot.
RSBN and Oan are only ones worth a damn.
is he? i watched an interview from the 80s where he said he was a republican
Yes. He is very liberal in a lot of his beliefs and ideals. Where he is not liberal is their main ethos of globalism. He sees that as a cancer, weakening not only the United States but the world as a whole.
He's switched political parties many times. As we should. If a politician isn't good for me, I'll vote for one who is.You can find the interview where he says this:
In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans
They're just another grift in the conservative mediasphere. Lots of those, way more than people know.
Once Dominion is shown to be the fraudsters they are, no way they win a defamation law suit any more than Michael Avenatti winning one. They will be crushed out of business. The world is watching us. They wouldn't be able to sell a machine anywhere on the planet once the full scope of the steal is known. The principles who run the company will be jailed as part of the massive fraud.
Lawyers for OAN and the others may have told them they actually don't have to shut up.
Because truth is an absolute defense against defamation. You can say literally anything you want about someone else as long as it's true.
Because free country. STILL.
You are correct. That law suit was filed so the Dominion lawyers can grab some cash before the company goes under. They know with each reveal of the fraudulent vote totals, the worse it gets for their client. At some point they'll tell Dominion to file for bankrupcy so they can't be sued for damages, sell their homes and move to New Zealand to avoid prosecution.
I should have said You can say literally anything you want about someone else as long as you can prove it's true.
Notice all the DC pedos who have never sued for defamation when someone called them a pedo? And they never will, either.
Because discovery, bitches. Discovery.
Noteworthy, guess what other business Dominion is in? Industrial size air purification equipment.
Holy shit, I hadn't heard that
Go figure! I'm not even a little bit surprised.
"These people truly are disgusting"
None of my supporting sauce links work anymore. I'll see if I can find something else. Sorry.
So if you are a media outlet and you report that "Mike Lindell said that Joe Biden is a pedophile" then what is the issue here? You are just reporting something that happened, why are you being sued? There should be a reason why CNN and the like were not sued to hell during the Trump presidency...
If they all haven't shut up by now, they're not going to in the future. Especially Byrne.
All this would be true.... in normal times. But what if OAN, Byrne, et al. know that something huge and unprecedented is coming, when all "normal" procedures won't matter? Just surmising here.
Newsmax most definitely will cave, OAN though? I hope not. One thing remains, no matter what comes out of the symposium, no mainstream network will speak a word of it for normies to hear. The only thing they’d say is something to the effect of “pillow guy holds conspiracy conference to spread more debunked election lies”. In the end will it make any difference? Probably not for anyone not already awake.
It's not defamation if you've got the proof and you're telling the truth.
Even if they stop talking everyone who watches those programs already knows. Sleepies don't even know Newsmax and oan exist.
The first thing my attorney told me when I was sued for defamation for telling the truth was that truth was an absolute defense against a defamation claim. (The case was dismissed immediately.)
Truth is not defamation.
Ooohhh that make total sense! It will be interesting to see which of these three caves if any. I’m thinking OAN will not.
Following lawyers' advice has virtually never gotten me anything but deeper in trouble and deeper in debt.
Probably that's just me.
I thought newsmax cucked out a long ass time ago...??
Did oan ever show up to the symposium??
Not only did OAN show up, they covered it non-stop all day and will (hopefully) do the same today and tomorrow.
It’s not on OAN yet this morning. Hoping they continue to cover it like they did yesterday.
Correct. They instantly apologized after the election and said there is no evidence of dominion being corrupt.
Collectively we need to shout the election theft news from the rooftops. They can’t sue us all.
Joe Oltman is awesome, thank you for sharing how these mobsters work. Which we all know but he and many others are experiencing it personally. These people are horrible criminals in governmental positions. 11.3, 11.4
I will never shut up about both of the Cates Brothers being RINO's, Never Trumpers and Grifters. That is all.