How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?...
How did Q Predict Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium 3 years ago, TO THE DAY?...
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?...
This is highly impossible — unless the plans were prepared many, MANY years ago!...
There is no looking glass. Made up diversion. What you are witnessing is chess at a level rarely seen. You can predict the future, when you've planned the future, 12 moves out (or in this case, 5 or more years).
If you're asking us to choose between SciFi / Magic vs. Military Planning and Operations that have been ongoing apparently for decades Occam's razor dictates that we should choose the simplest explanation. I so want aliens, light body beings, angels, whatever to be real and to have given us super advanced technology, but I haven't yet swallowed that redpill.
The rapid speed that technology has been able to develop over the course of just a couple generations really makes you wonder. It took 60 years to go from "Hm we can fly" to "Hm we can leave the atmosphere completely"
Basic rocket technology was around hundreds of years before NASA, but heavier-than-air, winged aircraft, technology was definitely a big new thing (although even that was essentially taking what was known about sails, and putting them horizontal instead of vertical :) ).
The shit they have captured on radar is real and out of the range of current tech AS WE UNDERSTAND IT. Doesn't mean that stuff isn't something they haven't been able to design but the reason I don't think it is, is because these radar captures have been going on for decades and covered up. So the ability to shoot 10 miles in an instant or go from 60,000ft to wave level in seconds and stop on a dime is beyond our current understanding of physics and certainly outside our human physiology to withstand (although could be remote controlled). But it's the fact that these anomalies have been with us since radar was developed is the tell. Guess we'll see what happens.
That's just what the Air Force wants you to think.
I’ve witnessed these craft you describe. I had five other people there alongside me when we saw them back in 2018. The tech is very real. We stood in amazement as we witnessed two of these craft dance across the Southern California skyline. They weren’t “off the shelf drones” - I mean they couldn’t have been manned - no visible wings, no exhaust, no visible propulsion. They were large, one would take up enough space in a two car garage and poke out the rooftop. From what we could see they weren’t flat but egg shaped. From our vantage point they flew across the sky in what would take an airliner 20-30 seconds they’d travel the same distance in a blink of an eye. They flew so high that you would mistake them for the stars in the sky.
If these were weaponized they would be unbeatable. You couldn’t launch anything fast enough. They were nimble, and would stop on a dime from full speed. It was insane to witness. I’m sure there will be a time when this tech is unveiled to the public. I do believe they were used to broker peace deals during Trump’s first term. You show up to Saudi Arabia and say “I want to show you something, you have two options, try and fight or surrender.”
What a time to be alive!
Why Space Force if no aliens?
Cyber Space
Weaponized space.
Critical communications satellites, spy satellites and directed energy weaponized satellites.
This. They war game things extensively.
Also, honestly with how much they talk about God and praying, I truly believe God has approached them through dreams or visions, and guides them with their decision-making throughout the day through his Holy Spirit. May sound nuts but I've seen him move and powerful ways and I'm just an ordinary man, I can't imagine the fate of humanity and fighting the greatest cabal in history. God visited Kings, prophets, why not a group (at least one or two) who truly need His direction?
There's probably a bunch of folks sitting in a room, constantly spitballing ideas and possible cause/effect relationships. Branching ideas and paths to "predict the future".
War Games with a side of infinite timelines/multi-dimensional thinking
In fact it isn't so complicated if you begin planning from the end.
Just recognise the way + optimalisation.
And thank you for the 💉of sanity here, cats. 👍
Future proves past, which obviously already happened.
The future is to wake us up. But everything being done in the future is planned based on the outcome having been decided years ago.
"They are 5 steps away from realizing I am 10 steps ahead"