We can parade all the seizure patients who are missing limbs across the stage. We can bring in the families of people who died. We can analyze all the ambiguous data the CDC is giving us. We can have the CDC come in and show us the isolated Delta strain or not. We can bring in whistle blowers. We can bring in all the lawyers who are filing class action lawsuits. It would be interesting to see if MSM media would ignore it just like the election fraud symposium.
Comments (50)
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Then a Ukraine symposium, Hunter symposium, Biden Inc symposium. Alphabet bureau symposium etc. I try to tell the normies that they aren’t conspiracies if they keep proving to be accurate. We are the great awakening and we need to bring the dark to light
If by "Alphabet Bureau Symposium" you mean you are going to detail each and every shittery that Google and its Alphabet sister companies do...
Then I better start popping the popcorn now.
shit. now I want alphabet soup.
Great idea. I would love to see it happen. It might light a bulb in some who got the shot and are thinking of taking the “booster”.
By the time the booster comes around, they'll be dropping like flies and sterilized, to boot. To be frank. If you were sucker enough to take two jabs already, you should take as much as you can to speed up the long painful death you've started.
There was already a Doctor's for Covid Ethics Symposium https://rumble.com/vkmpfy-doctors-for-covid-ethics-symposium-session-1-the-false-pandemic.html
This. Absolutely this.
Ask and you will receive
not a bad plan
That's an excellent idea. It could actually be a worldwide, multi country event where people everywhere who have been harmed by the vax are given a voice. Those family members of ones that died can share what they know and show photos and videos of their loved ones. Doctors from all over the world can give testimony about their experiences and thus breaking through the big pharma propaganda mill and MSM narrative.
I see an internet and satellite distributed channel called AWAKE that follows up with suggestions by other posters regarding Hunter Biden and subjects like child trafficking, organ harvesting, fentanyl distribution and other opiods, the truth about carbon emissions and climate change, food additives and chemicals, free energy devices, all with top scientists and researchers with suggestions on what we can do about it, meet up with other concerned people, etc.
This is genius.
Please reach out to me via DM for anything I can do to help you in starting your new channel! It's an ambitious and impressive task and I can't wait to see what you do with it! God bless you. I look forward to being one of the AWAKE network's biggest fans!
The White Coat Summit sort of did this already.
There have been many taking place covering different topics with different speakers. The most recent ones include https://doctors4covidethics.org/save-the-date-covid-19-interdisciplinary-symposium/ and https://www.questioneverything.io/
I asked my old Lt. about this video. He said he was 100% legit on what he said. My old Lt. studies virus and bio chemicals.
This is a really good idea.
We’re going to need a bigger building.
This is awesome, fren! Thank you for getting the ball rolling with this! Please DM me with anything I can do to help you get the COVID symposium up and running.
Praying for you to receive wisdom and success in this big undertaking you have begun!
I'm a Livestream producer and could handle the technical/production end with quality sound/video and overlays
But on the front oage of Reddit, FOUR TEACHERS have dies of covid in 24 hours! IN BROWARD CONTY!!!
I have the skills/expertise to do this remotely?
Perfect idea!
Oh AMEN to that!
Of course the mainstream media would ignore such a symposium, but we the people would pay attention, and so would our families who disagree with us.
We could save millions of lives with such a move.
Bring it on!
I'm in!
This is the way
Bring it on!
I'm late to the party, but this is an EXCELLENT idea.
Great idea!!!
What a great idea
Great idea-do it
I like this idea!
Brilliant idea!