SEVERAL former high level military intelligence positions are working their asses off to fight the 2020 election and more. If you need to, watch that opening video again. Listen to the Colonel when he names all the positions he’s working with. This shit is so blatantly obvious at this point I really can’t fathom how so many people don’t have the mental capacity to grasp the situation yet.
Comments (38)
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Let me sum it up for all the doomers, shills, and glowies.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
What side of history will you chose to stand?
Started a long time ago. Plenty of evidence out there.
Big Mike is
Anyone who can ask that at this point is sleepign through everything.
Did you even bother to read the title to the thread you're replying to?
If not, it mentions the symposium. The symposium that just HAPPENED. And you ask if anything is HAPPENING. A lot of things are happening, by a lot of hard working, brave, dedicated people. Maybe you haven't heard about a little thing called the Maricopa audit? Or the other audits being organized as we speak? Or the Red Team digging into the goldmine of data provided by Tina Peters? Maybe you haven't seen criminals like the Secretary of States of Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia actively incriminating themselves on camera lately? Or Dr. Douglas Frank uncovering election fraud in 3,007 counties so far, and having the data, provided to him by those counties, to prove it? You really haven't seen ANYTHING happening?
Watch the entire symposium and then try to ask that stupid ass question.
Im afraid your correct about understanding what we saw.. Thats what I am thinking every time I read a post or comment asking where the earth shaking revel is. It is subtle, but resonating loudly in intelect.
Gave you an updut because SPS gave you a down vote. I can’t stand petty
I've noticed that since this symposium we are being hit with grammer nazis or people nitpicking the date format and other ridiculous things like the poster above me.
This is the shill's new strategy and it's hilarious. They are out of tricks. These people are stupid.
Sorry, I am a non conformist and never claimed to be normal. But thanks for the english lesson fren. Down vote for your expletive. Over dramatic and offensive.
Downvote for your pettiness and the fact that you bring nothing to this thread.
LOL at down doots. Grammar is a thing. If you can't handle the heat don't post.
You're the guy who never took a girl to prom aren't you?
The opening video plus the video of Waldron from yesterday morning listing all the points of infiltration that they caught.
The boo-bird brigade would sooner focus on #MuhPCAPS and try and discredit everything else because one facet of the fraud didn't develop.
Now, did Mike overplay his hand re: the packet captures? Possibly. Whatever the degree of veracity to his claims, it got eyeballs on. Know what else got eyeballs due to a timeline that didn't pan out?
Get the fuck outta here... all I heard for 2 fucking months was pcaps.
fuck that shit
Sometimes disinformation is necessary. Tell the bad guys you are going to release pcaps and see how they respond when you release disk images instead. Now gtfo.
Although I was looking forward to the PCAP evidence, I was scratching my head to understand how it was going to be made digestible. So, I think they took the logical route of having presenters and focus groups that made some intelligible sense. No matter how they could have presented the PCAP evidence, it would have been labelled as unverifiable to the mainstream. Most peeps didn't even know what a PCAP was before this whole affair, so there's that.
1k virtual updoots for you fren.... (the MyPillow) wins you the internet for today.
Dharmafag FTW!
Does anyone have a link to the video shared on the first day that was supposedly very powerful. I saved it, but can’t find it now.
Thank you!
Not to mention the space development agency laptop up in the screen with the laptop named sdalap-1
I can't remember who said it in the symposium but they said something along the lines of God wins. Now ask yourselves, would God want his people to be jabbed against their will, crt taught, pedophiles running around, and freedom of speech silenced? Have faith.
Sunday is assumption day and monday is another odd holiday and then nothing on the 17th.....hmmmmm, Q does like to do things on holiday's.
Bit cocaine.