"Poor" Thomas Wictor being called "Qanon" by Mike Rothschild even though he derides us while believing what we believe about Trump - Oh the irony
🧠 These people are stupid!

Thomas Wictor is the dumbest smart guy alive
Haha indeed. The dude is sitting on the biggest redpill goldmine and still asleep
Ignorant or an Idiot Savant? I can't tell LOL
In the beginning I used to think it was a strategic distancing from "Qanon" to increase his reach. But the pure vitriol he spews on us is just disgusting
Those pure vitriol proves he isn't just strategic distancing but his really so dumb. But cabal don't believe that,they are so paranoic.
So imagine how much Mike must be shitting his pants...
Thomas Wictor is the perfect example of what a smart redpilled normie still succeptible to MSM thinks like. Its great!
& u/bubble_burst
Yeah T.W. is so dumb like very Old chinese military... like Living Dead even... But I guess they see him as a threat despite him being such idiot,and this is compliment from cabal for him.
people like this are just too prideful to admit that they haven;t actually made a serious effort to research into the thing they are attacking and do not have an informed opinion whatsoever
👏🤣 Wictor is probably apoplectic over this!
Yeah there are many of them, it's called Asperger's. Some people are attention junkies and negative attention takes over when positive attention Runs Out.
There’s Q and there are anons.
There’s no Qanon.
And Q never wrote about devolution.
An Anon did.
In a few years Q would be this mythical legend like Nostradamus. Anything happening in the next 100 years would have been "foretold" by Q. Nothing you and I do can stop that, thats the destiny of Q.
No because if Q is real operation it will be done.
And if it wouldn't be real it will be forgotten/carefully erased.
For a place that banned all talk about Q, they sure spend a lot of time talking about Q.
Had a look there earlier and it's always the same thing, they take something some random person (or even the media) said was going to happen, and when it doesn't they use it to smear all Q followers. They're even bashing Lindell and his cyber symposium because no 'bombshells' came out. Disappointing to see supposed smart people with such narrow thinking.
Given the Streisand Effect, there are some singers much better than her.😉..
What is 'Qanon' saying about devolution? Patel Patriot wrote his Devolution series which has been well received by Q followers, but he doesn't represent 'Qanon' any more than anybody else does.
It's bizarre because Mike Rothschild mentions Wictor in a hit piece about 'Qanon' devolution conspiracy theories, and he loses his mind, threatening legal action and uses that to once again attack 'Qanon', just like Rothschild.
Infact from what I can read, Thomas is more angry that Mike called him "Qanon" rather than anything else he said.
Clearly he has no idea of what Q is, and initially when I tried to engage him about this he banned me. I used to go back there because the community there is so ripe for redpilling. But everytime I redpill someone I get banned.
I got banned for posting about GME. I got banned for posting that SARS-Cov-2 was created in lab. I got banned for talking about deep state. And finally I got banned when I pointed this out to Saul when he talked about deep state. At this point, it wasnt fun anymore so now I just go there for the memes.
I created an account a month ago, but I don’t post because I’m afraid of posting wrong think and getting banned. Saul has been on a rampage lately.
Its okay you can create disposable accounts if you have an email domain. They dont check anything except user user id and a cookie you can delete.
It's almost as though the people over there aren't really conservatives and Trump supporters at all. That's the impression I get anyway.
Well Thomas is a die hard Trump supporter and most people there are Trump supporters, but they have such narrow focus, that most arent truly conservative.
Dude, I got banned for contrasting the Hoover Institution's Kneeling for BLM and lack of interest in prosecuting Antifa/BLM rioters and arsonists, with their elan and gusto to the point of interviewing coworkers, of people who merely attended 1/6.
SMB didn't like it much, I got banned without a single warning.
Yeah, there is something about SMB that I dont like. Almost feels like SMB is a handler for TW and carefully corrals what TW says out to public. The whole quodverum stinks to high heavens of some kinda sophisticated psyop. I am not saying TW is willing participant in this, but that they are carefully controlling him to get the effect they want.
Me too. He presented a speech based on his writings, blaming Columbine Mass Shooting on Evangelical Christians. Most of his life was spent either as a UN/NGO Bureaucrat or writing newsletters for Gold Investment type stuff. He's an opinionated Argentine (I've lived there, and the stereotype is more true than false) who thinks his worldview and opinions are fact and all else is in error.
If you want to be insta-banned, you can also bring up Eugenics, which was pushed by liberal "Churches" and Socialists in the USA in the 1910s-1950s; where Margaret Sanger frequently stumped for speeches ad money.
I enjoy TW even if I don't always agree, but SMB is not my bag.
Oh wow, did not know all this about SMB, very interesting. Clearly TW does not have the full picture in his mind, to not be able to see all this. Feel sorry for him.
I’ve skipped over the Devolution posts. Seems like a side show.
EDIT: I listened to the proposal. it IS logical. however, I'm at my two-dose limit on hopium.
The guy's a nervous wreck and the pressure of his social media profile may lead to him withdrawing once more. We have more than enough heroes on this board. Let Wictor alone.
I read his stuff for awhile, till I got a belly full of him acting like he's smarter than everyone else.
But its interesting Mike is attacking Thomas, whom the left had already smeared as "insane" a while ago.
Because cabal is paranoic. They learned to see enemy everywhere.
Wictor is a great voice to listen to. Yes, he despises conspiracy's, so what? It does you some good to have some push back, and helps prevent just making shit up to believe.
Thomas derides anything to do with Q, yet one of his closest allies is Brian Cates, who frequently uses terms that Q is known to use. Brian has also been linking the Patel Patriot articles on his Telegram account. He links to videos and articles by Praying Medic and Midnight Rider. Also, Thomas is the one who has been writing about devolution since early this year on Quodverum. Is it only acceptable when he writes about it? I used to visit Quodverum just to read his writings. I had to stop, though, because I simply can't stomach Saul and the other egomaniacs over there. They think they are the only ones who know anything.
This is very interesting. I feel like that Thomas is a closet Q supporter, but Saul is definitely anti Q and Thomas might be going along with him.
I just cant stand Saul, he is the typical know it all who cannot hear anyone say anything he disagrees with. Personally, I think Saul is just exploiting Thomas to build his platform.
Mike is a test tube baby like many of the brainwashed from birth lot.
Where do you think the 800,000 kids that disappear to every year in the US go to? They are grown in a tube and conditioned and the elites put them in useless positions. NPC is correct.
If you think it doesn't happen you have to think in decades.
Oh at this point I think everything is possible
Didn't the US marines actually land at Langley in a training exercise some years back?
I don't know this reference at all ...
Here is the link to the "Marines at Langley" reference:
Interesting, and thanks for the link.
As far as what Thomas is saying, this stuff is so irrelevant to his argument
Wictor is probably just angry he didn't stumble upon the concept on his own before Patel came on the scene.
I need to go back and look who used the word Devolution first. Wictor definitely made it sound like he discovered it.
"So I think we're in a hybrid state of devolution AND a shadow presidency." - Thomas Wictor
"Devolution is the only answer. So I think that's what's going on." - Thomas Wictor
Fuck them both. They're both wrong.
WE have the power to stop this. No one else.
Idiots are idiots. Don't k ow this guy but he reminds me of all the idiots I've ever known. I find intellectuals boring and self absorbed and slightly, well they tend to lean toward stupid actually.