Patrick Byrne is not directly associated with the Maricopa audit. Me thinks this here stinks like a red herring! I wouldn't put stock in this. I like Patrick Byrne but we know even people we assume to be patriots have been fed disinfo before.
Remember when Lin Wood said arrests were gonna be happening within a matter of weeks... months ago?
Byrne is the head of The America Project, which is the firm that donated over $3 million of the $5 million to the Maricopa audit. He also did a few podcasts with Jovan during the cyber symposium.
I'll give you the lawyer jargon, "not directly associated", but seems a bit of a slap in the face to 3 million George Washingtons to me!
No, thats leftists "He's not denying the accusations!" bullshit. There is power in not giving the accusation the time of day. Addressing Lin Wood's accusation with a "No I'm not!" basically lets Lin Wood fight in a heavier weight class when the Media is working overtime to portray him as a lunatic. Better to stay silent.
Of course, his name being on the lolita express flight logs is pretty fucking damning, so I don't believe for a second he hasn't raped a young person.
How do we know no arrest were made. We Don't get a the information. Perhaps that is why people say things. True things thatbwe do t get to see the proof of.
The years and years, etc., posters are shilling for someone, but certainly not us. This kind of "date fagging" is meant to undermine morale of patriots and to further the cause of our enemies.
In this specific case - I must disagree. This is from Byrne. He was on the Trumo team and donated tons to the audit. He's not some random shill in mama's basement.
I was going to state the same thing. We dont have much time left at all things hopefully will develop soon. I have been sharing info as much as I can, but looking to see if there are things I can do with my very limited resources that would help. Im open for suggestions from anyone who has good ideas.
Well, then the alternative is to be constantly datefagging. If it takes years and years, that's what it takes. I don't doubt The Plan. But I see that every month or two somebody posts that something is going to happen soon and it doesn't. Then someone says, "no, it will happen on X day". Then it doesn't. So somebody says, "well, this time it will happen on X day." Wash, rinse, repeat.
Only when we turn our backs on datefagging can we truly be part of The Plan. Patriots are in total control. They may just be intentionally holding back victory for years and years and years to make the victory even more awesome.
If you believe the evidence of your eyes, it almost looks as though The Plan is fake and Q was false! Only when we move forward in a faith that never wavers can we win. Fifty years from now, I will still be waiting for The Plan if it hasn't come to fruition yet. NCSWIC
You: "If it takes years and years, that's what it takes."
You Red Chinese helpers fall short all the time. You accuse of "datefagging" and immediately do so yourself. I don't like dating and projections either; but those that do usually are looking for events to occur for our betterment SOON. We do not have a plethora of time to allow Red China to do its deed of destruction to our nation and we all know it, you should too.
The Plan doesn't give a shit how scared you are. Your fear doesn't move the needle for anybody except you. Sit back and enjoy the show. Patriots are in control. We have as much time as The Plan allows. Or do you think we need to revise The Plan to fit your anxieties about things you have no control over? NCSWIC
See, this is what bothers me. How can you simultaneously believe that thousands of innocent children are constantly being tortured and raped and killed AND be cool with it taking DECADES to bring it to a stop?
Would you be so chill and relaxed if it was YOUR kid being raped, tortured, and killed?
And what are YOU doing about it? You seem a little frantic, but I doubt that you have rescued many of these children. Is it because you are apathetic and do not care about child sex abuse?
I'm not "cool" with it at all. Why would I be "cool" with it taking A SINGLE day? I'm not. I didn't see Trump stop all of this terror and evil. He had four years. But The Plan was going forward even then. Plans often move on a timeframe other than instant gratification.
Police do investigations to stop these crimes on a small scale. They wait and work and try to get the most criminals possible even though it takes time and time means children are getting hurt. This is a global investigation and movement. Collecting evidence, catching all the pedos--this stuff obviously doesn't happen instantly. Just as it doesn't for regular police. Stop pretending that you don't understand this.
What if? The common belief is that the 5th column is a traitor. But, long shot, what if it turns out to be the 5th column of a spreadsheet? Like the audit report has a spreadsheet, and the 5th column is the key? I'm tired. Sorry. Working night shift and going home
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organised actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
A fifth column is an unseen force in a struggle. Usually it implies subversion but that would depend on perspective--from the point of view of those supplying the 5th column, it would be their special forces. Or, it could be a metaphor for something like a ledger column.
Let's just ask HRC if it is a nothing burger.
If she says it is a nothing burger, we know it is the most everything burger of all everything burgers of all time.
Fyi its IMPOSSIBLE to accurately access what is or is not a "nOtHiNg bUrgEr" without the perspective of time ie seeing how things play out.
Think of famous movies where something "insignificant" turns out, in the end, to be huuuge and big "happenings turn out to be distractions/red herrings/dead ends.
Personally, since we are in an infowar with Cult Death, any event called a " nOtHiNg bUrgEr" now gets my attention. I file it, pray for those involved in the "nOtHiNg bUrGeR" and return to focusing on what I am doing to help.
Not a drinker but AAs Serenity Prayer still offers powerful focusing inspiration and guidance each day.
This. While we'd all like to see this as "the straw" (that broke the camels back), no matter how it comes out it will play a significant roll in the overall play.
I also found this today. There are a few 1 year deltas no 2 year deltas and a ton of 3 year deltas coming up. It may be beneficial to re-acquaint ourselves with drops from August 14th to end of August 2018.
Fann said over a month ago that CN would provide a draft report for the Senate that will be thoroughly reviewed and revised as necessary before public release. So this may just be the draft.
I would say that we are in fact acting as a fifth column of patriotic citizens as digital warriors in support of liberty, the Constitution, and 'the plan' by continuing to defy the narrative of the DS with our truth telling, red pilling, and civil disobedience. The drop is not specific as to which side the Fifth Column is on in their metaphor.
Didn't DJTjr use the term digital warriors acknowledging the significance of challenging the DS narrative in digital forums as a way of supporting the cause?
'Where did the term 5th column come from?
The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936β39). As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his βfifth column,β intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.'
Tip offered with love: Duck Duck Go is a tool used by sincerely curious people seeking answers to their questions. Relying on anonymous strangers to provide "answers" instead of putting in the minimal effort needed to personally do it is unnecessary and risky, especially in the midst of a survival war with Cult Death that includes 24/7 disinfo attacks. π
You are correct. If the structure is complete and the 5th column is removed, then the structure will eventually collapse. The 5th column provides the structure rigidity.
I'm ready for this whole thing to collapse on the Cabal myself. In regards to context of the intended meaning, Awokcanuck has it right.
I live in a country which was occupied by Russia during Soviet era. They immigrated here tons of people from all over the Russia and satellites, and after the end of occupation, those immigrants remained. Civilians, you say. However, ca 90% of them still speak only Russian, take in only Russia's propaganda and are acting just the way Russia's media tells them to think and act. Keep their kids in the same information space.
They are the 5th column. Ready to support new invasion and act as enemy's combatants.
I don't think the 5th column part was related to what OP was trying to say, but it's in reference to "any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation", so a reference to the deepstate.
This doesn't make sense to me if Arizona is truly waiting on the routers and the log books and some other things they did not get that they subpoena because they need time to do it right according to th. Why would they release the report next week if it's not complete according to them they still don't have all the information?
There was a guy during the cyber symposium with regards to Arizona said would you rather us do it fast and not accurate or would you rather us take our time I'm and get it right.
Patrick Byrne is not directly associated with the Maricopa audit. Me thinks this here stinks like a red herring! I wouldn't put stock in this. I like Patrick Byrne but we know even people we assume to be patriots have been fed disinfo before.
Remember when Lin Wood said arrests were gonna be happening within a matter of weeks... months ago?
No fucking datefagging.
Byrne is the head of The America Project, which is the firm that donated over $3 million of the $5 million to the Maricopa audit. He also did a few podcasts with Jovan during the cyber symposium.
I'll give you the lawyer jargon, "not directly associated", but seems a bit of a slap in the face to 3 million George Washingtons to me!
Lin Wood called Chief Injustice Roberts a Pedophile and Roberts Didn't Say a Damn Thing. Telling. Wood knows what's up and he's taking Jabs.
Just like the Bush Family not responding to Russell Baker's book: Bush Family Secrets. Also telling!
No, thats leftists "He's not denying the accusations!" bullshit. There is power in not giving the accusation the time of day. Addressing Lin Wood's accusation with a "No I'm not!" basically lets Lin Wood fight in a heavier weight class when the Media is working overtime to portray him as a lunatic. Better to stay silent.
Of course, his name being on the lolita express flight logs is pretty fucking damning, so I don't believe for a second he hasn't raped a young person.
How do we know no arrest were made. We Don't get a the information. Perhaps that is why people say things. True things thatbwe do t get to see the proof of.
To underline what you are saying - THIS:
The years and years, etc., posters are shilling for someone, but certainly not us. This kind of "date fagging" is meant to undermine morale of patriots and to further the cause of our enemies.
In this specific case - I must disagree. This is from Byrne. He was on the Trumo team and donated tons to the audit. He's not some random shill in mama's basement.
I was going to state the same thing. We dont have much time left at all things hopefully will develop soon. I have been sharing info as much as I can, but looking to see if there are things I can do with my very limited resources that would help. Im open for suggestions from anyone who has good ideas.
Well, then the alternative is to be constantly datefagging. If it takes years and years, that's what it takes. I don't doubt The Plan. But I see that every month or two somebody posts that something is going to happen soon and it doesn't. Then someone says, "no, it will happen on X day". Then it doesn't. So somebody says, "well, this time it will happen on X day." Wash, rinse, repeat.
Only when we turn our backs on datefagging can we truly be part of The Plan. Patriots are in total control. They may just be intentionally holding back victory for years and years and years to make the victory even more awesome.
If you believe the evidence of your eyes, it almost looks as though The Plan is fake and Q was false! Only when we move forward in a faith that never wavers can we win. Fifty years from now, I will still be waiting for The Plan if it hasn't come to fruition yet. NCSWIC
You: "If it takes years and years, that's what it takes."
You Red Chinese helpers fall short all the time. You accuse of "datefagging" and immediately do so yourself. I don't like dating and projections either; but those that do usually are looking for events to occur for our betterment SOON. We do not have a plethora of time to allow Red China to do its deed of destruction to our nation and we all know it, you should too.
The Plan doesn't give a shit how scared you are. Your fear doesn't move the needle for anybody except you. Sit back and enjoy the show. Patriots are in control. We have as much time as The Plan allows. Or do you think we need to revise The Plan to fit your anxieties about things you have no control over? NCSWIC
See, this is what bothers me. How can you simultaneously believe that thousands of innocent children are constantly being tortured and raped and killed AND be cool with it taking DECADES to bring it to a stop?
Would you be so chill and relaxed if it was YOUR kid being raped, tortured, and killed?
And what are YOU doing about it? You seem a little frantic, but I doubt that you have rescued many of these children. Is it because you are apathetic and do not care about child sex abuse?
I'm not "cool" with it at all. Why would I be "cool" with it taking A SINGLE day? I'm not. I didn't see Trump stop all of this terror and evil. He had four years. But The Plan was going forward even then. Plans often move on a timeframe other than instant gratification.
Police do investigations to stop these crimes on a small scale. They wait and work and try to get the most criminals possible even though it takes time and time means children are getting hurt. This is a global investigation and movement. Collecting evidence, catching all the pedos--this stuff obviously doesn't happen instantly. Just as it doesn't for regular police. Stop pretending that you don't understand this.
What if? The common belief is that the 5th column is a traitor. But, long shot, what if it turns out to be the 5th column of a spreadsheet? Like the audit report has a spreadsheet, and the 5th column is the key? I'm tired. Sorry. Working night shift and going home
From Wikipedia
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organised actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
A fifth column is an unseen force in a struggle. Usually it implies subversion but that would depend on perspective--from the point of view of those supplying the 5th column, it would be their special forces. Or, it could be a metaphor for something like a ledger column.
How can the audit be finished? They never got the routers and passwords. Don't they need those to fully complete the audit?
Yes. As someone that works in a similar field their report is going to have a bunch of "unable to conclude" language related to any scope limitations.
Yes but, at the symposium they said they did a ton of canvassing which would prove/disprove votes vs fabricated votes.
Can someone not brute force the data out?
Please drop. Please dont be a nothingburger. Please
There is ZERO chance it will be a nothing burger.
Let's just ask HRC if it is a nothing burger. If she says it is a nothing burger, we know it is the most everything burger of all everything burgers of all time.
Fyi its IMPOSSIBLE to accurately access what is or is not a "nOtHiNg bUrgEr" without the perspective of time ie seeing how things play out.
Think of famous movies where something "insignificant" turns out, in the end, to be huuuge and big "happenings turn out to be distractions/red herrings/dead ends.
Personally, since we are in an infowar with Cult Death, any event called a " nOtHiNg bUrgEr" now gets my attention. I file it, pray for those involved in the "nOtHiNg bUrGeR" and return to focusing on what I am doing to help.
Not a drinker but AAs Serenity Prayer still offers powerful focusing inspiration and guidance each day.
This. While we'd all like to see this as "the straw" (that broke the camels back), no matter how it comes out it will play a significant roll in the overall play.
Well, based on the preliminary findings, it doesn't seem like it would be.
I also found this today. There are a few 1 year deltas no 2 year deltas and a ton of 3 year deltas coming up. It may be beneficial to re-acquaint ourselves with drops from August 14th to end of August 2018.
Do you think this #1929 is related to Durhamβs work completion??brainspinning
Fann said over a month ago that CN would provide a draft report for the Senate that will be thoroughly reviewed and revised as necessary before public release. So this may just be the draft.
I'm sure this is not connected to the sudden withdrawal of US Troops from Afghanistan. That would be to obvious a distraction.
I would say that we are in fact acting as a fifth column of patriotic citizens as digital warriors in support of liberty, the Constitution, and 'the plan' by continuing to defy the narrative of the DS with our truth telling, red pilling, and civil disobedience. The drop is not specific as to which side the Fifth Column is on in their metaphor. Didn't DJTjr use the term digital warriors acknowledging the significance of challenging the DS narrative in digital forums as a way of supporting the cause?
'Where did the term 5th column come from? The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936β39). As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his βfifth column,β intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.'
What's 5th column though? Sounds like a supporting structure and maybe it's one of the last pieces before...the structure is complete? No clue.
Tip offered with love: Duck Duck Go is a tool used by sincerely curious people seeking answers to their questions. Relying on anonymous strangers to provide "answers" instead of putting in the minimal effort needed to personally do it is unnecessary and risky, especially in the midst of a survival war with Cult Death that includes 24/7 disinfo attacks. π
Well stated.
You are correct. If the structure is complete and the 5th column is removed, then the structure will eventually collapse. The 5th column provides the structure rigidity. I'm ready for this whole thing to collapse on the Cabal myself. In regards to context of the intended meaning, Awokcanuck has it right.
I live in a country which was occupied by Russia during Soviet era. They immigrated here tons of people from all over the Russia and satellites, and after the end of occupation, those immigrants remained. Civilians, you say. However, ca 90% of them still speak only Russian, take in only Russia's propaganda and are acting just the way Russia's media tells them to think and act. Keep their kids in the same information space.
They are the 5th column. Ready to support new invasion and act as enemy's combatants.
I don't think the 5th column part was related to what OP was trying to say, but it's in reference to "any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation", so a reference to the deepstate.
A fifth column is a "traitor" basically.
I dont give AF what Patrick Byrne says. Hes not an official source of anything so ill wait for Karen Fann to make an announcement.
I read somewhere yesterday that Karen Fann said 3-4 weeks.
Response from AZCentral:
Arizona Senate used Cyber Ninjas' attorney to conduct 'independent' recount
Subscribers only...
This doesn't make sense to me if Arizona is truly waiting on the routers and the log books and some other things they did not get that they subpoena because they need time to do it right according to th. Why would they release the report next week if it's not complete according to them they still don't have all the information?
There was a guy during the cyber symposium with regards to Arizona said would you rather us do it fast and not accurate or would you rather us take our time I'm and get it right.
That's the Arizona state flag behind him.
Lol and also the icon for the Maricopa official audit channel
How do I block myself
Ha! Fucking commie AZ. Never mind then, I'm learning disabled.
I suppose the assumption is the senate will have an open hearing for the results so everyone will get them at the same time.