This is why I fight and protest DAILY! They are MURDERING people by withholding and suppressing TREATMENT OPTIONS. It is unbelievable that more people do not see what is happening. I know they will because the truth comes out sooner or later!
Do we know why they recommend the melatonin, and why so much? 1mg kicks my butt, and I only take it if I've had caffeine too late in the day. I couldn't imagine taking 6mg daily!
Not sure, but I do know it's an impressive hormone and one of the most powerful anti-oxidant you can take, crosses the blood-brain barrier (very important),
At small doses it may cause you to be drowsy (IF you're in a very dark room...), but you can take mega doses as well -- typically 300mg per day, pulsed every 3-4 hours I believe.
It's a good natural cancer therapy protocol. A lot of research on this.
Melatonin is odd, if you take a dose in broad daylight you will not get drowsy, but once you’re out of daylight you’ll start feeling drowsy. Artificial lights could keep you awake too … but from my experience the red lights don’t (easier on the eyes too at night, makes for a great night light)
Melatonin can help create glutathione. Here’s what doctor Wikipedia says: Melatonin has been proven to be twice as active as vitamin E, believed to be the most effective lipophilic antioxidant.[52] Via signal transduction through melatonin receptors, melatonin promotes the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase.[53][54]…
that being said, I personally wouldn’t take melatonin because it disrupts your hormonal balance if you supplement with it. It’s better to just get glutathione.
Thanks for both of your replies! I had no idea melatonin was good for anything other than making you drowsy. Honestly, that's the only thing I knew it was good for, so I didn't even think to look into other uses.
Edit: I figured the recommendation was just to promote better sleep habits.
Wikipedia is a fucking joke. Melatonin is a hormone. Most of the hormones in the body are governed by negative feedback, which works like your household thermostat. Say you set your thermostat to 72 degrees and the room temperature is 69 degrees. The heater kicks in to warm the room up. When the temperature reaches 72 degrees, the heat shuts off until the temperature drops again. Administering hormones can actually shut off our body’s hormonal negative feedback loop. It’s like heating a room by a space heater and the furnace shuts off because it isn’t needed. I would stay away from melatonin as there are much better ways to get some sleep.
My mom has tried 10mg and it did absolutely nothing for her, meanwhile I'm barely able to keep my eyes open for long with just 1mg. It's crazy how dosages affect people so differently!
I wanted to buy some Ivermectin, but my country of the Netherlands does not even allow me to buy it without a prescription from a doctor, same thing with the horse dewormer. I'm getting so tired of government taking my freedom, especially seeing what retards run it.
If you like and have access to oysters, 3oz is all you need for Zinc intake, also Kale for vegetables. If you have lighter skin then 30 minutes of direct sunlight per day should be all you need for Vitamin D.
I just got my horse paste today!! Anybody know a good place to get hydroxychloroquine? I’m trying to find NAC too, if you know any sources or info on how to get those or equivalents in diet/supplementation, etc I’d really appreciate it.
I went to buy some at Tractor supply today and there was a sign saying not for human consumption and how dangerous it was. Funny thing was they were sold out of the brand that I've seen people posting about. I'm going to buy a couple of tubes when they get more in. Sold out on
I’ve been reading a lot of other posts and it seems like there’s a lot of “horses” being treated successfully. I haven’t had to use it on my horseys yet and hopefully I won’t need to, but I’m glad I have it on hand. There have been a lot of threads on it recently.
I'm human and have taken ivermectin horse paste. As far as I know it contains nothing but ivermectin and apple flavoring (does not taste like apple to me). Unlike other de-wormers there are no additives that are unsafe for human consumption. Bonus: according to the package description it kills bots.
This is why I fight and protest DAILY! They are MURDERING people by withholding and suppressing TREATMENT OPTIONS. It is unbelievable that more people do not see what is happening. I know they will because the truth comes out sooner or later!
Thanks all who have posted this. I've printed it out and shared it with friends.
Do we know why they recommend the melatonin, and why so much? 1mg kicks my butt, and I only take it if I've had caffeine too late in the day. I couldn't imagine taking 6mg daily!
Not sure, but I do know it's an impressive hormone and one of the most powerful anti-oxidant you can take, crosses the blood-brain barrier (very important),
At small doses it may cause you to be drowsy (IF you're in a very dark room...), but you can take mega doses as well -- typically 300mg per day, pulsed every 3-4 hours I believe.
It's a good natural cancer therapy protocol. A lot of research on this.
So Melatonin is good for you regardless.
I also wondered why the recommended it. I thought it was just so you would be rested and get some good sleep to help recover. But this makes sense.
Sleep is very good too for sure.
Melatonin is odd, if you take a dose in broad daylight you will not get drowsy, but once you’re out of daylight you’ll start feeling drowsy. Artificial lights could keep you awake too … but from my experience the red lights don’t (easier on the eyes too at night, makes for a great night light)
Melatonin can help create glutathione. Here’s what doctor Wikipedia says: Melatonin has been proven to be twice as active as vitamin E, believed to be the most effective lipophilic antioxidant.[52] Via signal transduction through melatonin receptors, melatonin promotes the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase.[53][54]… that being said, I personally wouldn’t take melatonin because it disrupts your hormonal balance if you supplement with it. It’s better to just get glutathione.
Thanks for both of your replies! I had no idea melatonin was good for anything other than making you drowsy. Honestly, that's the only thing I knew it was good for, so I didn't even think to look into other uses.
Edit: I figured the recommendation was just to promote better sleep habits.
Wikipedia is a fucking joke. Melatonin is a hormone. Most of the hormones in the body are governed by negative feedback, which works like your household thermostat. Say you set your thermostat to 72 degrees and the room temperature is 69 degrees. The heater kicks in to warm the room up. When the temperature reaches 72 degrees, the heat shuts off until the temperature drops again. Administering hormones can actually shut off our body’s hormonal negative feedback loop. It’s like heating a room by a space heater and the furnace shuts off because it isn’t needed. I would stay away from melatonin as there are much better ways to get some sleep.
6mg is not too much, I take 10 mg tablets.
My mom has tried 10mg and it did absolutely nothing for her, meanwhile I'm barely able to keep my eyes open for long with just 1mg. It's crazy how dosages affect people so differently!
The ideal dose is .3mg. 10 mg is 30 times too much.
Serious Question: could someone please convert this over to horse paste. It would be very helpful, as most folks have easy access to it in that form.
There are markings on the horse paste 250lb mark is right around 24mg I weigh 220 and was prescribed 21mg by my doctor per dose
Thank you!
I wanted to buy some Ivermectin, but my country of the Netherlands does not even allow me to buy it without a prescription from a doctor, same thing with the horse dewormer. I'm getting so tired of government taking my freedom, especially seeing what retards run it.
Just found this I’ll be changing my dosage.
If you like and have access to oysters, 3oz is all you need for Zinc intake, also Kale for vegetables. If you have lighter skin then 30 minutes of direct sunlight per day should be all you need for Vitamin D.
Thanks! I’m looking for all of these I can.
.6mg/kg would be 60mg a day for a 200 pound man. Is that what everybody is seeing elsewhere? I’ve seen 12mg a day in Bangladesh.
Thanks again for posting - this is really useful!
21 mg as a preventative if you have COVID as a 220lb guy. It’s more if your infected.
You can buy melatonin from iherb with no issues.
Sauce for more delicious consumption
Appreciated, my 200lb horse thanks you!
edit: ok, you caught me, he's closer to 210lbs
I just got my horse paste today!! Anybody know a good place to get hydroxychloroquine? I’m trying to find NAC too, if you know any sources or info on how to get those or equivalents in diet/supplementation, etc I’d really appreciate it. is still selling NAC.
Life Extension is also a good source of Quercetin, NAC, and Melatonin. All of these are Prophylaxis for Covid-19.
I can vouch for life I've used them for years to get their enhanced zinc lozenges.
Awesome!. The jabbed have a cure for what the jab gave them.
Anyone know of that apple flavored horse stuff is safe for humans?
I went to buy some at Tractor supply today and there was a sign saying not for human consumption and how dangerous it was. Funny thing was they were sold out of the brand that I've seen people posting about. I'm going to buy a couple of tubes when they get more in. Sold out on
When you buy psychedelics online they always have the label "for research purposes only". Ass covering.
Not legal to dispense medical advice, you will have to ask you doctor
I’ve been reading a lot of other posts and it seems like there’s a lot of “horses” being treated successfully. I haven’t had to use it on my horseys yet and hopefully I won’t need to, but I’m glad I have it on hand. There have been a lot of threads on it recently.
I'm human and have taken ivermectin horse paste. As far as I know it contains nothing but ivermectin and apple flavoring (does not taste like apple to me). Unlike other de-wormers there are no additives that are unsafe for human consumption. Bonus: according to the package description it kills bots.
More dosing breakdown. Make sure you are not logged into google before accessing to prevent doxing yourself!
There is also a ivermectin subreddit. I'm not a reddit fan, but created an account just for that one sub.
Where can we get the ivermectin? Will America's Frontline doctors give you an on-going prescription?
Yes they will