Decode: Fake planes 9:11
Reverse 9/11 incoming.
Extra note: Inflatable plane with CGI augmented reality type layer to add more but not all details for videos - Get it?
“Look we can fake planes too” - Whitehats
The people running below and around and on the side of the plane obscure the supporting vehicle that is moving the inflatable prop.
This one shot contains all the same elements and techniques used to fake the TV footage of 9/11.
You are watching a movie.
These pictures coming out of Afghanistan all seem fake.
It's definitely all fake. Watch this hilarious takedown of the video. With epic narration. Wake up!
“Get outta here” 😂😂
His channel is funny and informative!
I already know...yall are talking about BAM!
Damn straight. Wake yourself up!
Yeah, that looks fake as all get out. The windows for sure. The dude sitting on the landing gear texting on his phone?? Pa-leeze.
Great find!
Mag Bitter Truth channel on BitChute!
That was awesome! I love that guy!
They do look all freshly showered.
that vid where the herd was running in front of and alongside the C17 looked more to me like they were towing it.
You mean the picture where it appears 200 Afghans are sitting in cargo bay?
That's a hilariously bad photoshop.
Exactamundo - Lots of great links to video sources. Thank you!
Point 1 - Yea look at that crowd go, except when you watch it a few times, it becomes less natural and more like a CGI / video composite crowd. Those are digital avatars running dropped in. Their heads movement and reaction the plan do not look natural to the scene events. They look left they look right, as if the motivation is running from something and virtually no body language or moves registering the plane, the "white guy" with glasses in the blue jumper might be a give away.
The whole shot looks digitally composed.
Now here is an extra clue, those shots of people falling from the plane, gee a lot like the jumpers form the buildings right?
Another giveaway is there should not be a plane with those markings. The 62nd Support Mission Group was a part of Operation Neptune Spear, who took down Bin Laden. The original plane has been dismantled.
Which in turn makes me question when these videos were taken.
Dismantled? Isn't there still an " 02-1109 and the ICAO is AE117B" as KM points out below? Different Global?
As far as the second one goes, I do believe saracens really are that stupid, that they would sit on an airplane and believe everything would be okay. Nevermind that they go up a mountain and it gets cold and a little difficult to breathe.
The full tail number of that plane is 02-1109 and the ICAO is AE117B. Here is a collection of photos of it at various points throughout the world. It was in the region on the 16th.
Nice decode. Mirror 9/11. Mirror Q drop 15 Aug 2018.
Thanks. You’re gonna like this - The moment the decode popped into my mind. I laughed to myself. I looked up at the clock.
Stared and laughed again out loud.
The large hand was at pointing 11, the small han was pointing at 6
The signs don’t come better than this.
In the matrix. Woo woo. 👍
I hope the 9/11 incoming is just a metaphor for the bomb of disclosure
A reverse 9:11 = a reverse outcome.
A real New World
Not a new world order which is the old world order by another name.
Nice decode! Congrats!
I hear that those engines are very powerful and loud.
They are but nothing to stop overlaying an audio track. Another clue. Think about it. Go listen to audio from infamous 9:11 footage and you’ll get it.
Truth is you can not trust anything due to the sophistication of the digital tech, but if you go back and watch old 9/11 TV broadcasts - it looks very poor to todays eyes, we all have high bandwidth high res screen in our pockets, our visual sophistication and appetite has only increased through exposure - see how badly all that 9/11 footage has aged with 2021 eyes.
Check out this old school site
I shed a few tears watching the Vimeo videos.
We've fucking been lied to about everything. Every goddamned mother fucking thing we've ever been told may be lies.
My Dad did business with a bunch of people in those towers. I'm actually kinda glad he's not here anymore because I'd have one hell of a tough time deciding if I would want to show him those videos.
Damn, it's been a while since I saw that site.
Compare that to the 911 deboonker sites.
Do you actually think that proves it's, what...real...?
If I was in charge of security there, I'd want decoy aircraft for the enemy to take pot shots at with rockets and mortar fire. Not a stretch to re-purpose one for some Hollywood magic.
How could 9/11 footage have been faked in 2001? CGI technology was nowhere close to what we have now.
It was still CRT screens back then. Lower res. Easily done. All a movie. Watch the videos. Simple composition by tech if the time was well capable and live.
Search for the B-Thing and there is your pre laid means.
Look at the url.
Anyone notice the footage of the 2 men falling from the C-17? They both just disappear in the sky.
Man I love you ppl lol...
The plight of Geronimo the UK Farm Alpaca has been recently documented, the latest update here:
And here:
(much more alpaca related stories in top news streams in the last week or so)
The mission 'Geronimo' to find OBL following 9/11 resulted in nomenclature dispute:
I postulate that there might be a connection.
There seems to be a countdown related to 'Geronimo'. I don't know what this is, but shit could be spicy as far as comms to look out for.
Duz the Thalibz gut OOBBLL?
My latest musing on this subject post recent tragic events can be read here:
Wouldn't it just piss the public off more if they find out they're lied to? What's the strategy here?
Since you are here - Now you know your purpose solider!