I don't know what time these polls are from but it feels like they are from the past in the future, or what they want. But why is the real question? And who is a good questions too.
His eyes are SO dark in comparison to his white hair that they just look dead. I thought he was blue eyed (correct me if I’m wrong) so what’s with the small, black eyes? Something is definitely off with this creature called Biden.
The irony is the majority never did think he was. Nor did they vote for him.
Yes! Thank you!
This was a horseshit question so he could deliver a horseshit response. It's for the normies.
So now when someone starts complaining about Biden, the sheep can repeat the same reasoning found in this clip.
Biden ignores the real issue of HOW he withdrew. Not that he ended the war. Total avoidance of accountability.
" I haven't seen that pole. I haven't been to Poland" -Biden , probably
Pussy ass reporter. "Forgive me, I'm just the messenger..."
What's ammatta, afraid of the Arkencide??
For telling the truth.....
Translation: "C'mon man!"
Notice the nose touch as he hears the challenging parts of the question
lol polls. Polls don’t tell you what the real sentiment of the masses is.
I don't know what time these polls are from but it feels like they are from the past in the future, or what they want. But why is the real question? And who is a good questions too.
Simple Joe and his simple choices and basic decisions.
Hope this basic decision he had to make wasn’t anything like “The Choice Is Simple Vax or Mask”
Because if it is, expect to be back for Afghanistan Round Two in just a short few weeks.
Buy a shotgun!
Look. Come on man.
Listen, fat
His eyes are SO dark in comparison to his white hair that they just look dead. I thought he was blue eyed (correct me if I’m wrong) so what’s with the small, black eyes? Something is definitely off with this creature called Biden.