Yes Greek alphabet. And likely other variants that were identified in between that have letters but are nothing burgers thus the skipping in names. There a lot of letters between Delta and Lambda that haven’t been mentioned in the news.
In fact, variants have continued to develop and spread since the emergence of delta. The World Health Organization has designated variants Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda “variants of interest” and is tracking 13 additional variants that originated in the U.S., Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, and other nations.
That says WHO is "tracking 13 variants", so I guess you're wrong on that point.
Yes, yes, I know we're fighting disinformation and the cabal, and they can't be trusted, but they claim there's 13 variants. And within that framework, they name them with letters from the Greek Alphabet, of which Mu is the 12th.
At this point, critical thinking demands that we at least test your theory, in spite of the fact that it appears to just be stupid. So, let's test it by comparing your claimed pattern to the other variant names:
Mu -> Moo -> Cow -> Calf ->Ba'al
This I understand, and maybe you're on to something... let's keep going:
I'm not seeing a pattern... what do you see here that I don't?
I'm not saying that you're wrong. I'm not saying that the mRNA shot isn't changing our genetic code, or that the cabal doesn't worship Ba'al.
**What I'm saying is that there's ZERO EVIDENCE that the "Mu variant" is named Mu as a salute to Ba'al. **
Or, as I stated before, sometimes Mu is just the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet.
Now, your natural reaction to my posting this (assuming you read it) is that you'll get angry. Emotional response to someone disagreeing with you is the response that the cabal has been programming into your brain for the past 10 years. It's how you handle that emotion that separates you from the reeeeeee'ing masses of leftists who get triggered when you disagree with them.
You'll have the urge to argue with me, tell me I'm a moron for not seeing what you see, downvote me for daring to have a differing opinion, and so forth.
I urge you to fight that programming you've received over the past 10 years and simply say, "You know what, you may be right". That's the sign of a critical thinker. That's the sign of people able to think for themselves.
Personally, I look to Biblical prophecy during times of chaos. I don’t “trust the plan” of Q or man. You are claiming that misinformation is spread flippantly right now yet cite a Harvard medical link.... If you go get a Covid test, did you know that you are not legally allowed to know what variant you may have? That tells me all I need to know. Regarding the news, believing nothing that you hear—and only half of what you see. Without watching the sermon video I linked, you are assuming I am pulling Baal worship out of my ass because I said Mu. No hostility here brother.
No, my brother - I am reading what you wrote and assuming that you are pulling Ba'al worship out of your ass ("How do they come up with these names?!").
Who "decides" what are variants and how to name them? The cabal.
Harvard is part of the cabal. Since THEY are claiming there's more than 12 variants, I linked a source from THEM. I consider them to be an expert source on what the cabal claims, and it seems you agree with me.
You're the one claiming there are not 12 variants, thus there must be some surreptitious meaning behind the Mu variant.
Once I showed you that THEY claimed there are 13 variants, then it makes perfect sense for the 12th to be named Mu if all the others are also named after letters of the Greek alphabet, wouldn't you agree?
It's basic taxonomy.
If my dog has a huge litter of puppies, and I decided to name them after letters of the Greek alphabet, one of them is going to be named Mu if there's at least 12, right?
Does that mean that the 12th puppy is the evil reincarnation of Ba'al because his name is Mu? Or that he's actually a calf instead of a puppy because his name sounds like the sound a cow makes?
ANY list of items from ANY source that uses the Greek alphabet as its naming convention will ALWAYS have a "Mu" element if there are at least 12 elements. It doesn't mean the ones named "Mu" have special significance.
I'm not sure how I can make this simpler for you, but that's my stance.
I'll freely admit that I may be dead wrong, and the Mu variant may indeed have special significance, but I don't see anything especially devious or evil naming the variant Mu.
So how many variants is that then? So logically speaking any vakk's invented to stop the original vvirus is now useless because of these mutating vviruses? Surely as it evolves, always becoming weaker but easier transmitted no testing will be available, we know the PCR test is useless because (finally) the CDC has said so? What's being used to confirm this "Mu-h" strain?
World Economic Forums, Nu is the next one on their list then Ksi, omicron, Pi, Rho.. and so on ending in Omega feb, 2023. Though, seems they have skipped a few already and moved the dates around thus far.. In a time crunch maybe?
Anything to take any spotlight off china. I didnt see the officials of Greece complaining about the horrible racisms in affiliating their alphabet and by association, their culture with the china virus. Never named with the chinese for one, two, three..
Greek Alphabet, because they really think we are all that stupid.
Yes Greek alphabet. And likely other variants that were identified in between that have letters but are nothing burgers thus the skipping in names. There a lot of letters between Delta and Lambda that haven’t been mentioned in the news.
Oh man I hope they don’t use them all haha! But it wouldn’t surprise me if The Cabal tries it just to taunt the idiots! Hahaha.
I’m making up my own name for the variant, it’s called FU.
"Variant of Interest." Truly boggles the mind. Could the next one be Mew-Two? Or maybe they'll go with Covey McCovface...
The Mu flu - giving Kate Brown more ammunition to outlaw livestock ranching in Oregon.
Like Joey Trebbiano said on Friends, "It's a moo point. The point is moo."
LOL!! it's like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo.
HOWEVER - per Garfield & Friends, when nobody's around, cows discuss literature. So is a cow's opinion more than moo??? Discuss...
The first variant was the bat variant. I think Mu is the cat variant!
Fitting, since the people who actually buy this shit are cattle for the slaughter.
Baal worship (the golden calf). If your looking, it’s obvious. What does “Vacca” mean? The word they get vaccine from? Herd immunity? Mu?
We aren’t that stupid are we? Watch this video. Satan is making Human Temples of Baal
Sometimes Mu is just the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet.
Have there been 12 variants? No. Sometimes there really is a demonic agenda being played out in real time.
How do you know there haven't been 12 variants? Do you have inside information that's not publicly available?
How about
That says WHO is "tracking 13 variants", so I guess you're wrong on that point.
Yes, yes, I know we're fighting disinformation and the cabal, and they can't be trusted, but they claim there's 13 variants. And within that framework, they name them with letters from the Greek Alphabet, of which Mu is the 12th.
At this point, critical thinking demands that we at least test your theory, in spite of the fact that it appears to just be stupid. So, let's test it by comparing your claimed pattern to the other variant names:
Mu -> Moo -> Cow -> Calf ->Ba'al
This I understand, and maybe you're on to something... let's keep going:
Delta -> ? Epsilon -> ? Zeta -> ? Eta -> ? Theta -> ? Iota -> ? Kappa -> ? Lambda -> ?
I'm not seeing a pattern... what do you see here that I don't?
I'm not saying that you're wrong. I'm not saying that the mRNA shot isn't changing our genetic code, or that the cabal doesn't worship Ba'al.
**What I'm saying is that there's ZERO EVIDENCE that the "Mu variant" is named Mu as a salute to Ba'al. **
Or, as I stated before, sometimes Mu is just the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet.
Now, your natural reaction to my posting this (assuming you read it) is that you'll get angry. Emotional response to someone disagreeing with you is the response that the cabal has been programming into your brain for the past 10 years. It's how you handle that emotion that separates you from the reeeeeee'ing masses of leftists who get triggered when you disagree with them.
You'll have the urge to argue with me, tell me I'm a moron for not seeing what you see, downvote me for daring to have a differing opinion, and so forth.
I urge you to fight that programming you've received over the past 10 years and simply say, "You know what, you may be right". That's the sign of a critical thinker. That's the sign of people able to think for themselves.
Good luck, pede.
Lol quite the response.
Personally, I look to Biblical prophecy during times of chaos. I don’t “trust the plan” of Q or man. You are claiming that misinformation is spread flippantly right now yet cite a Harvard medical link.... If you go get a Covid test, did you know that you are not legally allowed to know what variant you may have? That tells me all I need to know. Regarding the news, believing nothing that you hear—and only half of what you see. Without watching the sermon video I linked, you are assuming I am pulling Baal worship out of my ass because I said Mu. No hostility here brother.
No, my brother - I am reading what you wrote and assuming that you are pulling Ba'al worship out of your ass ("How do they come up with these names?!").
Who "decides" what are variants and how to name them? The cabal.
Harvard is part of the cabal. Since THEY are claiming there's more than 12 variants, I linked a source from THEM. I consider them to be an expert source on what the cabal claims, and it seems you agree with me.
You're the one claiming there are not 12 variants, thus there must be some surreptitious meaning behind the Mu variant.
Once I showed you that THEY claimed there are 13 variants, then it makes perfect sense for the 12th to be named Mu if all the others are also named after letters of the Greek alphabet, wouldn't you agree?
It's basic taxonomy.
If my dog has a huge litter of puppies, and I decided to name them after letters of the Greek alphabet, one of them is going to be named Mu if there's at least 12, right?
Does that mean that the 12th puppy is the evil reincarnation of Ba'al because his name is Mu? Or that he's actually a calf instead of a puppy because his name sounds like the sound a cow makes?
ANY list of items from ANY source that uses the Greek alphabet as its naming convention will ALWAYS have a "Mu" element if there are at least 12 elements. It doesn't mean the ones named "Mu" have special significance.
I'm not sure how I can make this simpler for you, but that's my stance.
I'll freely admit that I may be dead wrong, and the Mu variant may indeed have special significance, but I don't see anything especially devious or evil naming the variant Mu.
May the peace and blessings of God be upon you.
Woah. Not so fast there turbo. Mu is not the only game in town. It's a competition now.
So how many variants is that then? So logically speaking any vakk's invented to stop the original vvirus is now useless because of these mutating vviruses? Surely as it evolves, always becoming weaker but easier transmitted no testing will be available, we know the PCR test is useless because (finally) the CDC has said so? What's being used to confirm this "Mu-h" strain?
Greek alphabet
World Economic Forums, Nu is the next one on their list then Ksi, omicron, Pi, Rho.. and so on ending in Omega feb, 2023. Though, seems they have skipped a few already and moved the dates around thus far.. In a time crunch maybe?
What happens when we get to Omega
Here is one tracking site. Sorry it's the CDC.
And a different one that uses EU data source:
Big media push today about "WHO monitors mu variant." I suspect fear porn.
It only affects fat chicks
Anything to take any spotlight off china. I didnt see the officials of Greece complaining about the horrible racisms in affiliating their alphabet and by association, their culture with the china virus. Never named with the chinese for one, two, three..