Where is he going with that airplane wreckage? Why is her hand empty? Where is she going? Why is that wreckage up against the wall in the background being left alone, but the wreckage in his hand is not?
i believe thats what they call "tampering with evidence"
The Pentagon is the easiest to debunk. If a plane really crashed there, why doesn't it look like a plane crash site? Why were 82 cameras disabled or their tapes confiscated? Why is there a hole in E ring and C ring but no hole in D ring?
And the part of the Pentagon hit by the ‘plane’ was newly renovated. Easy cover for putting explosives in the walls.
Why did they suppress one of the security gate videos that was right next to one that was widely shown?
Not just suppressed - edited. The video they did release had frames removed and doubled-up to "hide" the edits but it was done so poorly it's easy to see.
And why is all the wreckage Ive seen of light pieces easily handled and moved? No big chunks of engine? Just light pieces of aluminum that identify it as plane related?
It looks like something hit it, but that can’t be a commercial airline. It’s too small and way too close to the ground.
I find it strange friends/relatives of all the passengers/workers on those planes do not comment about those no longer with us. Or is there another reveal site where the deceased of those planes are memorialized? Or, if there were no planes, where did these folks go? The people lost in the Twin Towers are mentioned by many friend/relatives.
I read this PDF earlier this year and found it fascinating. From what I remember, he researched the passengers on the plane that hit the Pentagon, and found that many of them were connected to 3-letter agencies. My takeaway is that these passengers safely de-planed and started new lives. Very suspicious.
“911 Passengers” by Miles Mathis
The evil and planning that went into 9/11!
play this at 1/4 speed... then the frame at 24 seconds you can see the long slender body of something heading in... definitely NOT a plane... -also.. look at the fireball... short and sweet.. not a big orange ball of barely burned fuel followed by thick billowing black smoke that always follows any plane crash... especially one with thousands of gallons of fuel on board. -also notice.. not one scrap of big shiny "plane" parts and chunks scattered about that you would see in other photos of the "event" you would need to be a moron to think that this was a plane... only an idiot would believe the msm spin on this!
I worked one exit away from the Pentagon on 9/11. I’ve traveled the roads around it many, many times. Something no one talks about very much is how low the building actually is. It’s difficult to find accurate pics, but the roads around the building are higher than the building. When you’re driving by, you’re looking down onto the building. There simply isn’t enough space for a plane to come in that low and level out to hit the building. It would’ve hit nose first into the ground.
This 9/11 incident is what really made me stop and think the days afterwards. I’ve heard rumors the damage to the Pentagon was from a missile. Is there truth to that?
I agree the “wreckage” always looked suspect, as well as all the people just wondering around the wreckage after it happened.
Why did the Twin Towers planes create giant fireballs, massive explosions, and an inferno? Why didn't the Pentagon impact?
They found more wreckage from the Malaysian Airlines crash in the ocean than they did from the Pentagon 9/11 impact.
Why didn't anyone see a plane flying that low over the roads nearby? In that high of a security area, it should have sounded every alarm the US Govt had and alerted every person in the area.
Friend of mine’s husband at the time worked over there in the pentagon in that section. He was in the next sector over because for some reason they were “remodeling” that section. They went to do a tour that morning and he turned left and the ladies who continued on died. Very sad!
There was no wreckage of a plane because a plane didn't hit the Pentagon. Every computer model done for the past 20 years shows if a plane hit it the way it supposedly did there would be wreckage everywhere and the tail section would have literately been sawed off by the impact into the building. Also the wings would have folded backwards and been left behind. I think it was around 9/12 when I fully woke up to everything being a lie.
I can’t believe I fell for this for so many years
funny... big chunks of the "plane" way far back from the point of impact!!! did you ever see parts of a crashed car hundreds of feet before the scene of the crash?? c'mon, man!!! let's use our heads before believing all the shit the msm pumps out!
The hole in the beginning was very little and only a rocket can do that damage. Also no plane debris.... of course it was a photo op
Like I've said elsewhere in comments, 4 planes hitting 4 different places should've left thousands of plane parts. But there aren't. Logical thinking.
And bodies and luggage, etc. And in Shanksville, nothing but a hole in the ground. We're supposed to believe that the ground just opened up and swallowed everything.😏
that second picture appears to be a group of DMV tier employees dressed up in federal police garb drawing massive tax funded salaries so they can play Special Agent Savetheday while being the cogs in the bureaucratic machine that slowly imposes tyranny.
Look up who Janet Airlines is and what their planes look like
In the first photo, it appears as if the car in the background exploded. Adds to the feeling of the scene being staged.
We've had that video for years, that's nothing new. Why do you think that they could stage the whole plane setup, but a single frame edit of a security camera released ~5 years after the event is impossible for them to create?
You seem to misunderstand my comment entirely.
Reread it.
Your own original source claims otherwise.
You mean the original source that you're now in disagreement with? The original source which is entirely centered around the video and literally nothing else?