🚨 This insanity is happening on college campuses
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They cut it off when the dude started standing up for himself, and making sense.
Yeah. But I was thinking, there is no sensible way to deescalate these crazy bitches.
RKO out of nowhere?
The full video can be found on reddit:
I'm losing brain cells here trying to figure out their logic. Now why do these kids want segregation?
The kid was shellshocked by her argument. We need to reach out to young conservatives and really explain this stuff to them. We can't have them unable to find a response to this kind of ignorant trash.
They never listen to arguments they are like robots
This bitch is clearly in the 4-6 percent that are lost for good. And good riddance.
She cannot even figure out how to get an ID
They should have just called campus security and reported a crazy agitated woman with a camera disturbing their quiet study time.
Liberal/communism has destroy the minds of students for 40 years.
I'd get uppity over that sticker too after the events that have taken place in Melbourne and Sydney.
Defending her self-righteous stance for racial segregation.
Rosa Parks just rolled over in her grave.
That's the part I find the funniest.
They're so fucking dumb, they don't even understand what they're asking for. In 2 years, when we're back to full segregation, they'll be like ...."hey.... wait a minute"
Be too late then, they asked for and demanded it. I really, really hope they are ready for what they get. US gov't has been trying to rid America of blacks for a long ass time. What's the harm if they, themselves, help it along?
I would've, nicely, shut this ignorant racist fool down. She's a VERY shallow person when all she can base her judgment on is the color of a person. If that was a black or asian man with that sticker or shirt, the karen probably wouldn't have said a word.
Those guys have got to defend themselves more.....when they stay silent, it empowers crazy fools like this woman.
Drama clubs final project.
You can always hear bad acting before you see it.
Turn your screen off and just listen. The third actor (the pro cop kids friend) in the black shirts awful acting gave it away.
I would give them a B-
Oh you think it was scripted? I dunno there are crazies out there...
There are but you can hear the raw emotion in thier voices when the videos are legitimate. These people are on take 5 of a script that they don't even like.
This shit leaves me speechless. They’re quietly working and these racist women pick a fight with them and demand they leave because THEY ARE UNCOMFORTABLE? You’re no longer free when you can be bullied for your color, culture (if black or “brown” is a culture than white is too) gender AND BELIEFS. The entitlement of these women is disgusting!!!!
What a bunch of stupid women they don’t have the facts about police killing blacks.
Wow. The programming.
Yeah all those black cops must be racist while people too
How much serious mental deficiency do you have to possess to be like this? Makes sense though, under 25 and in college = that means you know everything about everything
"Taking up my multicultural space" "Support police is racist"
I'm certainly not racist, but I call it like I see it.
Blacks need to just fuck off and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Kinda like how white folks have done since inception.
Let's be completely honest here. Maybe if MOST blacks didn't just straight up play into the stereotype, maybe they'd be looked at differently? Blacks have many, MANY more advantages that any other race in North America due to "affirmative action", and instead of whining about what all the "whites" are doing, why don't they take full advantage, get a full education ( for basically free ), become a lawyer and HELP your brothers and sisters.
NOPE. 10000000X easier to collect welfare / sell drugs, load my mouth full of fake gold, shoot other blacks on an exponential basis, be the exact cause of 90% of all violent crime and just blame white people.
Not racist, but respect for blacks? Not really
Time colonize their college tables.
Backup video link:
Man just one letter away from Mr Froq, if only that white guy didn't give such fucking weak body language, maybe his link could've been cool like Mr Froq 😒
Archived Tweet:
Bitches need slapped!
They want to divide and weaken us
I don't see why multiculturalism is bad but in true liberal fashion they don't mean what they say. Instead of multiculturalism why they mean is multiracial, meaning they only care about certain races.
Multiculturalism is bad because trying to force opposing cultures into the same space will, by definition, create animosity and conflict. Basic example: Culture A believes the age of consent should be 18 and Culture B believes the age of consent should be 12. How do you satisfy both those beliefs in the same town?
I don't think I portrayed my point very well, it's like climate change, climate change is real because out climate is always changing what climate change isn't is global warming which is what they changed the term climate change to mean. So multiculturalism is good, it's great to have multiple cultures! It's great to learn about food and the way of life in other cultures! It's not good to be racist like the leftists and think multiculturalism is only Black or Hispanics or sometimes Asians.
Hopefully that explains it better.
It’s one thing to learn about other cultures, but in a country, there cannot be different laws for different people. That means one culture has to be the dominant one. If “multiculturalism” means studying other cultures or traveling to other countries to visit, that is one thing, but forcing multiple cultures into one place and demanding they somehow live together in harmony is wrong. Because it doesn’t work. They will not speak the same language, so they cannot communicate. They celebrate different holidays, so work schedules are all off. They wave different flags and burn the ones that aren’t theirs. They have different references and no shared history, so they fail to connect. They raise their children differently, so no established curriculum for schools can form. They demand different styles of clothing. They believe in different punishments for crimes, and what one culture considers a crime, the other does not. They believe in different ages of consent.
What we should instead strive for is separate, independent nations with their own national cultures. That way the people who want to dress, speak, and live a certain way can all gather themselves in a nation where those values are upheld. People who want to dress, speak, and live a different way can then do so in their own nation with their own national culture. This will unite people and reduce conflict, anxiety, and violence around the world. From there, people from one nation can visit and learn about another, but only as tourists. And they have to follow that nation’s culture while they are there.
Yeah I don't understand why multiculturalism would mean following the ideologies of the country that person is from unless you are going to that country.
I think one of the problems is the left has forgotten why America is a melting pot and why it works, that people came here for a new way of life while still holding to their cultural values and beliefs (which these values should not over rule the rules of the country). I also think a lot of it especially when it comes to Islam they think multiculturalism means that we need to respect all of the beliefs of Islam for sake of religious freedom.
Thinking about this actually makes me wonder if the word multiculturalism got the newspeak treatment done to it.
Yes, multiculturalism was a trick word, and all but replaced the melting pot concept. I agree that in a limited way, the idea of “multiculturalism” could be nice, but it’s long been co-opted as a Marxist weapon, so even when we use it in the limited way, it ends up validating the Marxist line of thought. And of course the irony of it all is that what they call “multiculturalism” is actually destroying “multiple cultures” by rolling the world up into this one-world monocultural globalist mush.