To think police in the US will somehow stand valiantly against tyranny and wave the American flag while they refuse to kick your door in to take your guns and search your home cause some leftist faggot gave the order, is absolutely comical.
That faggot Aussie cop laid out their mentality perfectly; "I can't do anything else, mate. This is what I get paid to do."
That piece of human feces was saying that to a guy who had already lost everything and was begging him to stand with them. I see no difference in mentality here.
They'll be the same here. You think these guys are gonna lose their income for us? Not in a million years. Most of them are already unable to do anything else even when young. To top it off when there is no other jobs due to economic destruction, they'll hold onto theirs for dear life.
Any time in history some horrific shit happened it was the same group of people who gave the order to the same group of people who carried it out and the reasons were the same as that Aussie faggot cop.
Your local Sheriff won't make you wear a mask? Well that's so nice of him. He'll be off the job when the time comes.
Don't invite any cop into your life in a private manner. And if you've already shown one your firearms cache, then God speed.
And before you decide to lay out the Constitution to me, make sure you look around and realize they don't give a fuck about it anyway.
Here is the real reason backing the blue dosent work:
Once your government becomes belligerent, the executive arm of your government becomes belligerent as well.
As long as they are willing to enforce belligerent policies your police force is commiting unlawful acts -- aussies are learning this the hard way.
Once they go full blown belligerent in the US, the very first thing we need to do is disarm the police.
The second simultaneous event that needs to occur is removing people from public office and extricating them for life (They can never serve public offices again).
If we do this city by city, county by county you don't have to take on a governing body all at one time; they have to fight a 1000 different wars -- and they loose instantly with minimal bloodshed.
Requires a little organization but not as much as you would think.
I back those that back me and our country. In an age of "experts" and "respected whatevers" around every corner and their behavior tarnishing once respected titles (doctor, scientist, general, etc) your occupation currently means nothing to me and your demonstrated morals and behavior mean everything
Don't blindly back a single person because of their group membership or because someone somewhere tells you that you should. Judge em on their character instead. I back law and order and those that up hold the constitution but the blanket backing of a generalized group..that shit is long done in my mind. Had enough of it these last few years.
Amen, brother.
Depends on the town. Take Kennesaw, Georgia as an example. In Kennesaw it’s the law to own a gun. The police cars have bumper stickers that said at one time “Stop a looter. Be a shooter.”
Then there’s Chicago. Lol. Forget about it.
Small town cops are meaningless in the big picture. I'm talking about police forces that matter in size and control large swaths of population.
The departments and agencies you speak of reside in large Blue Populations.
The small Red jurisdictions are where your oil refineries, farms, power plants, military bases reside.
The hell with them. We own them. They rise up they’ll be shitting in a box in the dark eating cockroaches.
Most of the population live in large urban areas. I'm not going to make a post referencing small town cops who've never been out to the test and don't have power over large populations.
My husband made a point today:
"Cops' jobs are just to enforce the law. Period. Whatever the law is at that time".
It's very sad.
Right now they are inforcing mandates, which are not laws. They are lawless, as are those enforcing them.
Good point, fren.
Completely agree. Every single cop that I know or have talked to has given me that same "I can't do anything else" bullshit. They all complain about the job and whinge about the politics. However when you suggest retraining or doing something else they all give that same excuse - even the ones with university qualifications! Cunts won't even consider becoming a private investigator or work security.
The entire system is designed to maintain the current power structure. It needs to be dismantled and decentralized. Even if that means a free market solution where police and emergency services are privatized as a form of insurance. Needs to be local and customer driven.
And for fuck sake, include some retraining programs in the job description or retirement plan. The military does it. I'm sick of these cooked assed cunts whinging about work skills.
Yea I can't stand that excuse. People are losing everything and willing to stand for something but cops just "can't" do it. That's what happens when you give lazy faggots high salaries and unchecked power.
Don't hurt people. If you use a stick, lightly touch them, don't use full force. Shoot the rubber bullets above their heads.
Pretend people have broken through the police line.
Let people get away after being taken down.
Truth ^^^
Until I hear department's say they aren't going to enforce mandates I'm holding my support.
All you have to do is look at what the cops did in Boston after the Boston Marathon bombing.
They declared Martial Law, suited up like they were going to war in Iraq, rolled up and down the streets with military vehicles, and went door to door where they thought that one kid was hiding and performed warrant-less searches. Anyone who refused entry to the cops without a warrant had their doors kicked in and were handcuffed and thrown on their floors while they searched the house anyways.
This has been completely scrubbed from YouTube now, but when it happened there were dozens of cell phone videos of this behavior.
History has shown over and over and over that the police will "just do their jobs" no matter how utterly tyrannical that job is. In addition, a whole lot of cops are power tripping people who always wanted to have some kind of power in/over their lives and now someone has given them a gun and a badge and power/authority over other people's lives.
It makes for a real bad combination.
Bang on. Boston was insane and the test to see how citizens would react. It will be exactly what they do when the time comes for guns.
It's unfortunate that this is true
I never wrote they were. I very specifically described the reality of the situation.
People are waking up to the cops, too. About time. Not your friends.
don't discount the many feeling as we do, but feel trapped and conflicted. things have been moving fast and in a fog. they're on defense. so are we.
if you have a constitutionally loyal Sheriff with balls, seek his commitment and active participation with volunteer LEOs as you plan to go into school boards, legislative hearings, election challenges, rallies and protests. go on offense.
I supported them my entire life. Last year I began seeing them for what they are and at this point, I won't go near one. Don't want them to know or remember me during any interaction. I've seen enough of their brethrens behavior and since no one cares about the Constitution, I'm not gonna pretend the police do.
David Icke talks about a government program called "Common Purpose" which trains higher-up civil servants with neuro linguistic programming to consider the rest of us as the enemy. He said family members of these trainees have told him that it changes their personalities. This has been going on since the 80's and that is why the authorities now act like third world thugs. It was planned.
We support the police and we back the Constitution. Figure it out
They are not synonymous. Which takes precedence?
What he won't reply is the correct answer, which is The Constitution.
Who's "we"? You and you cop buddies? Did you even read what I wrote?
Well, the cops don't give two shits about the constitution. You just feel like they are protecting you. They aren't.
True blue are still out there. Back the true blue!
If they are, they are outnumbered by retards, mentally ill power fiends, and leftists who they are recruiting. True blue at this point couldn't possibly survive knowing the tyrants they take orders from.
Until proven otherwise by facts, you fell for the true scotsman fallacy fren.
The true blue will back us up and our country. Maybe not be as numerous as the fake blues, but they'll make up for it when the time comes to fight, with God's help. Leviticus 26:8 And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
Having trouble spotting WWF crisis actors?
Lmao this point flew right over your head, bud.
I've noticed a lot of these glow posts the last few days. Openly calling for doxing police officers.
The only way my post was glowie is if you're comprehension skills are grade school level and even then in the special needs class.
Read before you post the auto "tHiS iS gLow".
Like Doakes from Dexter? Surprise Motherfucker! Joking aside, I think you mean Dox.
lol. yeah I meant Dox :)
Dexter was an awesome movie!!!
Get back to reddit, handshake.