TRUST THE PLAN. IT IS UNFOLDING. But, OK, bois and xirls, what's next in that plan? Indictments? Prosecutions in AZ? The audit still has things to drop that weren't presented, Friday. Do those come out, and then something else happens? What would that be? And Durham is rolling, does that accelerate?

This will be long, but I wanted it to be comprehensive.
The audit results will not put Trump back in the White House. By now we should be accustomed to things not being simple. Progress always takes longer than we'd like.
To understand where we are now, refer to Q post 1753:
At this point we're building the foundation, which is FISA abuse, just as Q stated.
Then "People are more aware of current events." That's the initial purpose of the audits. Simply to redpill the masses, which is critical to the primary objective of avoiding civil war. The audits alone cannot result in the removal of a president since there's no federal process for that. And we shouldn't want there to be. It would inevitably be abused any time a corrupt party like the Democrats flip a state legislature. Consider how they abused the articles of impeachment.
Next in post 1753, Q says "Establish link. Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS. Public awareness. Evidence introduced. MSM covert link."
The link will be a bridge built on one side by the audits/Dominion analysis and the other side by Durham. How does that work? Well, auditing the ballots and analyzing the Dominion hardware and routers has provided Sydney Powell with the legal framework to depose Eric Coomer (and others) and establish -- in court -- the fact that Dominion machines were accessed by foreign entities.
As Q has said many times, starting with post 1287, "How do you introduce evidence into an investigation [legally]?" You do it through discovery, in court, as Powell is doing. Then, the MSM will have no choice but to report it as part of the trial. This is what Steve Bannon calls a "Forcing function." In post 1753, Q calls this the "MSM covert link."
Once foreign interference is proven in court, and normies see it, military intelligence and CISA (Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency established by Trump) must engage per policy. So this is one side of the link.
The other side of the link is Durham shaking the tree of FISA abuse. When Q says "Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS," he's talking about Hillary's Russia hoax and also Obama using DHS tools to spy on the Trump campaign. The worst offense was illegally unmasking Trump campaign members with no just cause. A list of Obama personnel doing this was recorded, and the final name on that list was Joe Biden.
Durham may obtain evidence of foreign interference from Hillary's campaign communications and illegal private server, or he may obtain it from Biden's communications. Either way, illegal involvement with the CCP and Ukraine will be proven, then corroborated by Hunter's hard drive and the Chinese intelligence defector, Dong Jingwei.
So that's the link: Foreign interference in elections, and foreign corruption of Biden. One side of the bridge is built by investigating voter fraud, the other by Durham.
What about devolution? Here are my thoughts:
Kamala will be caught up in this too. Why else would she be selected as a running mate for this coup? One data point that wasn't reported was her name was present in some of Hunter's emails. No smoking gun material yet, but expect it.
Thanks to Democrats, the precedent for impeaching a sitting president for collusion with a foreign enemy has recently been established (These people are stupid). This precedent will be used to impeach Biden and Harris, and with them their entire corrupt administration. There goes majority of the chain of presidential successors.
Pelosi will be caught up in Durham's dragnet and will possibly skip town (Post 4414, RED3) With Pelosi out, you're left with the President Pro Tempore of the senate in the chain. That's Patrick Leahy. LOL, like he won't be popped by Durham too. Limbaugh used to call him Leaky Leahy for all the classified leaks he sent to the MSM.
With no chain of presidential succession, the vacuum will be filled by the military per the law of war for occupied territory. Then they'll open all the files and Weiner laptops and Epstein videos that the FBI and CIA kept buried. That's when the storm arrives.
To add to what you said here
Link from Q post which connects Harris to Biden scandal:
Ah, so that was reported. I found out through another channel. Thanks for posting that.
All of this is excellent information and logical thinkingšThank you!šø
Insightful. Thank you, both. Kudos.
Ty u for this added confirmation ! This is by far, to me , a logical comprehensive explanation or thought of how this will go down! Perhaps itās just me but this explanation made me feel both relieved and refreshed , as I mentioned on a separate comment !
From a legal perspective the Russia gate shows they wanted trump out, when it didn't work they cheated but fucked it up wink wink. This is the Christmas future that scrooge sW. We are experiencing what we would have if they really won. It's so much worse than we imagined. But it's all a dream. We will wake up.
Feinstein. Where have I heard that name elsewhere?
I think this sounds very plausible, very reasoned and accurate.
Terrific, insightful stuff (that deserves more views and upvotes). I only have one minor quibble:
The Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery, the Party of Child Muder, the Party of CCP-directed Treason, will be as viable as the Nazi Party after this is over. (And RINOs will be acknowledged as treasonous collaborators.)
We can rid our current generation of traitors, but that won't prevent future generations from producing their own. There was a time when all political factions were loyal to the union, but that didn't prevent civil war or the rise of the Left. We cannot enable future treason by tipping the balance of power to suit our needs.
This is why it is so important to remember history.
Also, why the punishment must be viewed by as many as can, and it is supposed to be very harsh. Some countries still have the punishment for treason, drawn and quartered.
I believe there will ALWAYS be at least 25%, maybe even as high as 40%, who will ALWAYS side with the Democrat party, no matter what is revealed about them.
I think once the TRUTH is revealed only a minor percentage of die hard democrats will be unconvinced and that group may simply be in denial.
What a great post! Thank you!
Thank you for taking your time to write, to explain these thoughts, this sounds right to me , truth , sound reasoning! I somehow feel relieved and refreshed after reading your comment , Iām going to read again and get a double dose ! Thank you !
That's what I predict, yes. Military rule will be how the tribunals are legally implemented while the corrupted courts are legally bypassed. It's gotta be by the book. Processing the thousands of tribunals will take at least two years of military rule, then we'll be ready for the 2024 election.
Myanmar is the current model for this.
No. The enthe Cabinet is in the line of succession.
The impeachment will likely include the entire Cabinet. The Constitution allows for the impeachment of any civil federal officer.
You can be impeached and stay in office. It's happened to the president three times in my lifetime.
The entire cabinet would most likely involve a series of separate impeachments.
What about the vote requirement - current house won't impeach, current senate won't convict.
How do you impeach the entire cabinet?
If the Secretary of the Treasury was impeached how would that affect the secretary of energy??
Does the election fraud remove the entire administration?
This post says it doesn't.
I think the post is hopium at best.
I mean Sidney Powell's lawsuit is a civil suit, not criminal. And she's the one being sued.....that going to prove foreign interference in elections???
I think it is more likely that Dems lose the house and Senate in 22 and trump becomes speaker. At that point at least you have a reasonable line of succession via impeachment, and impeachment is actually possible
You still need to convict an impeached President to re move him. And a simple majority doesn't get you there. You need 2/3 of the Senate
This would be great but with corrupt voting systems, that won't happen. So I think the best thing that can happen between now and midterms is to get so much proven voter fraud out in the open that the military would have to run future elections.
Then I could see this as a very viable option of Trump becoming speaker.
elections will still be corrupt in 2022, as will be the politicians running for office.
The entire cabinet can be removed via impeachment if they're culpable. These traitors tend to surround themselves with fellow traitors.
Culpable of what though? What crime would ensnare them all?
I think is a list of things you hope would happen, not a list of things that are likely or even possible to happen.
For example, impeachment alone doesn't remove the president. Conviction by 2/3 of the Senate does.
Also the military running the country is not possible under the Constitution. The Republic is gone by that point