He worked in the Gang/Repeat Offender Unit and prosecuted many difficult and high profile cases from 1992 to 1998.
Brnovich has also been a Judge Pro Tem of Maricopa County Superior Court, a Command Staff Judge Advocate in the U.S. Army National Guard, the Director for Constitutional Government at the Goldwater Institute
In March 2021, he argued at the United States Supreme Court to protect Arizona’s commonsense election-integrity restrictions on ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting in Brnovich v DNC.
He has been featured on 60 Minutes in defense of capital punishment and has initiated national public education efforts to combat human sex trafficking.
Well that’s the thing, we feel pressured, to do the right thing. It should be easy. With Jesus it’s easy. We need to keep it easy. Do the right thing, even if it cost you. 🙏💯
Oof. They’ll have to get creative to plow through Shapiro. Thank God AZ had Brnovich to help them along.
Now that the AZ evidence is out other states should have enough drive and energy to force these audits. Any AG that gets in the way is basically outing themselves as corrupt to the entire country, more undeniably than ever before. Suicide week or fleeing the county? They can pick one because I don’t see another way out.
The MSM will of course spin it, and those conflicting reports(lies) will cause even more people to pay attention to the overall situation and look deeper.
The world needs to be made to stop living in ignorance.
So, he has definite purview over the crimes that violated state statute. But if the people committed treason, then that becomes a federal issue -> military tribunals. if I t is a conspiracy, then someone named Durham, probably has the goods by tracing the counterfeit ballots-> money used to buy them -> foreign government officials. What do we do with those countries? Were agreements put in place in 2017 to enable extradition (I think yes.)
That's not exactly a big deal. That " national emergency" language is language that needs to invoked for a president to execute economic sanctions. There are current national emergencies dating back to the 1990s
I believe it puts in place the ability to do much more than economic sanctions. I have seen analysis but don’t remember the details. PEADS? Insurrection Act? But I think you’re minimizing what it does, especially considering the fact that Biden extended it- to keep it in place still. Why extend it if it isn’t a big deal?
The Insurrection Act has been around for 200+ years. It's very different from executive orders implementing sanctions
But read the executive order
On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. The national emergency is "pursuant to" the IEEPA meaning it has to follow the terms of that law. That law is from the 1970s and that is gives the President the power to sanction someone. The first step to sanctions is you have to state the reason why. That's why a national emergency is called. There's like 30+ declared national emergencies that are active right now. None of them give the president the president the chance to declare an Insurrection. This is why I say it's not a big deal. If this was the mechanism to remove Biden from office, do you think he would renew it
The federal courts are compromised. Stew Peters had an excellent interview with a Florida lawyer earlier this year that demonstrated how corrupt the federal judges and system is right now. Last spring?
The military will have to try these cases once it is demonstrated how corrupted the courts are. Q says the military is the only way and he says it for a reason.
I love Pres Trump! I'm so grateful he woke everyone up to Deep State and the fake media.
He coined these phrases, and opened everyone's eyes to what was going on. This will have an effect us forever!
We can't go on in a country without elections. We need to be able to vote in those we wish to lead us or we will be Trampled Under like Australia suffering right now!
hand recount is the gold-standard for verifying
elections. And what did this recount show? It
showed Trump losing votes. We've all been waiting
for these recount results, sure that fraud would be
found. But it wasn't. The results match very closely.
I stopped taking you seriously after you indicated that 'someone deleting files doesn't prove fraud' wasn't a matter of importance. Are you familiar with the concept 'Chain of Custody'? Do you know which logs were deleted? Do you understand the whole point of the audit? If anything, it proved the voting process at Maricopa County, despite who you/I/we think won, was illegitimate, shady, and unreliable. It's not about a 'recount', its about a re-vote.
I do not know if you shill live in AZ, I do. No signature on ballot envelope, signatures do not match, not registered at time to vote in AZ, dead physically cannot vote, those are a few things that nullify votes that were counted and should be tossed. At the very least, AZ's certification of the election results need to be rescinded until this matter is fully investigated. Trump did win, and win big in AZ.
The people saying Trump won are correct. They are working on the legal proof of that now. That is what these audits are all about. The guilt of the other side can be ascertained simply by observing the lengths that they are going through to prevent/slow down these audits. Also note that Trump has called for an audit in Texas, a state he won, and he cooperated fully with the Russia collusion investigation during his presidency, which is a legal finding of no nefererious actions on the part of the Trump campaign. Therefore, we can conclude that Trump does not fear investigation into the legitimacy of elections involving him, but the Democrats do fear these investigations. What conclusion should we reach from that?
They've been trying to stop it, not debunk it. They are looking at jail time for themselves. They have a vested interest in debunking it, but they can't.
"You Guys"...?
Sounds like you are here for only 1 reason. So sow lies, and deciete. To discourage and doom. "You Guys"...
That's the line of somebody who divides.
Let's keep him in our prayers and pray that he will do the right thing.
Yup, all the good people (and potential good people), need our prayers. Prayer is powerful.
Why is this stickied? Because it's also stickied over at PW. W00t
Tell Mark what you think he should do!!!
AG Mark Brnovich
Phone: (602) 542-5025, Email: [email protected]
Letters: 2005 N Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004
or contact form here: https://www.azag.gov/mark-brnovich
We shall see. Hopefully he does the only right thing, and arrest those who were complicit in the election fraud.
Some highlights from his official bio:
He very well may be one of us...
The pressure on these people must be tremendous.
Well that’s the thing, we feel pressured, to do the right thing. It should be easy. With Jesus it’s easy. We need to keep it easy. Do the right thing, even if it cost you. 🙏💯
Pressure is what the rest of us are feeling with Biden’s tyranny and gas prices!
We can't survive 4 years of those people.
AG Shapiro declared the Pennsylvania election "won" by Biden the day before the election on his Twatter. PA will be the most corrupt of all.
Oof. They’ll have to get creative to plow through Shapiro. Thank God AZ had Brnovich to help them along.
Now that the AZ evidence is out other states should have enough drive and energy to force these audits. Any AG that gets in the way is basically outing themselves as corrupt to the entire country, more undeniably than ever before. Suicide week or fleeing the county? They can pick one because I don’t see another way out.
He was also on the ballot. Pray that the most corrupt states have people in their senates that are as tenacious.
Arrests will make every news cycle world wide.
The MSM will of course spin it, and those conflicting reports(lies) will cause even more people to pay attention to the overall situation and look deeper.
The world needs to be made to stop living in ignorance.
I don't think the arrests will even be reported.
Well it will be hard to hide the punishments.
So, he has definite purview over the crimes that violated state statute. But if the people committed treason, then that becomes a federal issue -> military tribunals. if I t is a conspiracy, then someone named Durham, probably has the goods by tracing the counterfeit ballots-> money used to buy them -> foreign government officials. What do we do with those countries? Were agreements put in place in 2017 to enable extradition (I think yes.)
We haven't had a treason case since WWII. Because you be in a legally declared state of war. A cold war situation won't do.
Treason cases are routinely tried in federal court. Tokyo Rose was flown from Japan to the US and tried in San Francisco.
We are in a National state of emergency. Read Trump’s Executive order 13848. Biden even extended it!
That's not exactly a big deal. That " national emergency" language is language that needs to invoked for a president to execute economic sanctions. There are current national emergencies dating back to the 1990s
It's not a war .
I believe it puts in place the ability to do much more than economic sanctions. I have seen analysis but don’t remember the details. PEADS? Insurrection Act? But I think you’re minimizing what it does, especially considering the fact that Biden extended it- to keep it in place still. Why extend it if it isn’t a big deal?
The Insurrection Act has been around for 200+ years. It's very different from executive orders implementing sanctions
But read the executive order
The federal courts are compromised. Stew Peters had an excellent interview with a Florida lawyer earlier this year that demonstrated how corrupt the federal judges and system is right now. Last spring?
The military will have to try these cases once it is demonstrated how corrupted the courts are. Q says the military is the only way and he says it for a reason.
be the hero
2:1 he’ll bitch out.
I do hope so, reading his previous cases he does seem to stand up to 0bama's climate crap and a bunch of other leftist causes he fought against.
The media is trying to provide him cover by saying the audit only proved Biden won.
I love Pres Trump! I'm so grateful he woke everyone up to Deep State and the fake media.
He coined these phrases, and opened everyone's eyes to what was going on. This will have an effect us forever!
We can't go on in a country without elections. We need to be able to vote in those we wish to lead us or we will be Trampled Under like Australia suffering right now!
Those who do not act for us here lose the opportunity to do so in the future.
Depends on if he is on "Their" payroll, or not.
Two choices step up now or step down later and go to jail.
I wonder if they have a secret indictment on me?
I dunno fellas. I dunno.
First time I saw his face I knew the jackass was an idiot and wasn't going to do anything
The fuck are you talking about? Did you read the report yourself, or are you making this claim after watching the news?
The hand recount is the gold-standard for verifying elections. And what did this recount show? It showed Trump losing votes. We've all been waiting for these recount results, sure that fraud would be found. But it wasn't. The results match very closely.
The recount included fake ballots. You need to go read the details of the report. An audit is not a recount.
Fuck off shill
I stopped taking you seriously after you indicated that 'someone deleting files doesn't prove fraud' wasn't a matter of importance. Are you familiar with the concept 'Chain of Custody'? Do you know which logs were deleted? Do you understand the whole point of the audit? If anything, it proved the voting process at Maricopa County, despite who you/I/we think won, was illegitimate, shady, and unreliable. It's not about a 'recount', its about a re-vote.
I do not know if you shill live in AZ, I do. No signature on ballot envelope, signatures do not match, not registered at time to vote in AZ, dead physically cannot vote, those are a few things that nullify votes that were counted and should be tossed. At the very least, AZ's certification of the election results need to be rescinded until this matter is fully investigated. Trump did win, and win big in AZ.
lol, way to give yourself up as a shill. Go lurk somewhere else.
Your Daddy?
The people saying Trump won are correct. They are working on the legal proof of that now. That is what these audits are all about. The guilt of the other side can be ascertained simply by observing the lengths that they are going through to prevent/slow down these audits. Also note that Trump has called for an audit in Texas, a state he won, and he cooperated fully with the Russia collusion investigation during his presidency, which is a legal finding of no nefererious actions on the part of the Trump campaign. Therefore, we can conclude that Trump does not fear investigation into the legitimacy of elections involving him, but the Democrats do fear these investigations. What conclusion should we reach from that?
I'm sure Maricopa county will get it's chance to debunk the claims from the Audit!! This isn't just one sided deal here
You're an idiot.
They've been trying to stop it, not debunk it. They are looking at jail time for themselves. They have a vested interest in debunking it, but they can't.
Is this the counterfeit paper?
"You Guys"...? Sounds like you are here for only 1 reason. So sow lies, and deciete. To discourage and doom. "You Guys"... That's the line of somebody who divides.
The audit showed fraud, period. It also listed all of the laws that were broken by the fraud, period.
What needs to happen next is criminal referrals sent to the AG for action.
You guys got the routers remember?
How can you debunk objectively incriminating tangible and/or forensic evidence?
you clearly think most criminal cases start out with "heresay" as evidence.
Review all the camera footage and data that is or will be widely available and see if you can debunk the audit findings.