What in the actual fuck
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I thought we were supposed to be watching a movie, not a horror show!
Yup the world has to be destroyed. I have accepted this and am just preparing to reap the rewards.
That is easy. When the sheeple / bleeding hearts are gone we kill off the evil mother fuckers behind this shit to the last one.
More people would rather be in the majority than be right (as in correct). Social outcasting is a strong component built over eons...hard to shake.
Why do we need people to wake up? At what cost? I think enough have woken up.
Especially when revolutions have been fought before with only 3% of the population participating.
Was discussing that with someone the other day on conflicting numbers of 71% vs 50% and I pointed out that at best 71% might include people who got the first jab and blew off the second one after having side effects from the first one, witnessing others having problems from the second one, and/or finding out that it doesn't really protect them anyway so why continue through with it.
Have some faith.
Maybe you just don’t know how absurd those numbers are.
94-96% being lost contradicts Trump’s huge election victory.
4-6% is over 20 million people in the US alone.
In order to get that low, msm and big tech have to be dealt with. Their propaganda has its tendrills deep
I find it odd that SenateAnon came along on the the Chans and blew the lid wide open on PizzaGate, sex trafficking ring, and Racine Wisconsin. It is undeniable that Racine is the enemies main hub.
Then shortly after Q appeared on the Chans.
Flash forward to today, the media is now mashing those two names together to flood the entirety of search results making it harder to find SenateAnon.
SenateAnon + Q = QAnon.
Lots of fuckery going on guys......
I know you guys don't want to hear this... but prepare for the worst....
The Bible does say that end times will have false saviors and lots of deception.
Wow. Never even heard of SenateAnon before. Can you point me somewhere I can read up on them? I wonder what else I have missed. Thank you for mentioning this.
Really good stuff. You, u/TrustTheTruth and a few other Anons have really done some hard digging. Kudos. So much to read & learn...
Thank you.
That's what I said this is NO damn movie it's s horror flick ,, what the actual F ,, praise God almighty , we need you now! The plan has to be rounding the corner ,, God have mercy white hats have compassion , it's gotta stop
i've been saying this for years