Well said. Add the Pulitzer Board to that arrest sheet. If a schmuck like me knew back then that it was all fabricated lies against Trump - as was being widely reported and discussed in “Spygate” and “Obamagate” and “FISAgate” circles by many in the alternative media, numerous internet citizen sleuths like the Cates Brothers and Thomas Wictor and Rex, many from the Q community, all the way to Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, Dan Bongino, Hannity, Joe DiGenova, Lee Smith, Devin Nunes and many, many more, every single day for at least the first 3 years of Trump’s term, usually with much more than just circumstantial conjecture especially when the Horowitz and Nunes reports came out followed by the books, documentaries, C-SPAN speeches etc - then the Pulitzer crowd knew it was all a crock of shit too. And for this deception and fraud, should be disassembled and arrested for treason.
Didn't some communist sympathizing journalist once win a Pulitzer for reporting on how wonderful the USSR was when he was given tours of the fake soviet cities? I'm pretty sure he got blown the fuck out by Solzhenitsyn.
let's arrest the entire Nobel Committee for being Elite Cabal Pedophiles and trash the concept of them as an authority over anything
DJT Peace Prize, first awarded to DJT!
Well said. Add the Pulitzer Board to that arrest sheet. If a schmuck like me knew back then that it was all fabricated lies against Trump - as was being widely reported and discussed in “Spygate” and “Obamagate” and “FISAgate” circles by many in the alternative media, numerous internet citizen sleuths like the Cates Brothers and Thomas Wictor and Rex, many from the Q community, all the way to Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, Dan Bongino, Hannity, Joe DiGenova, Lee Smith, Devin Nunes and many, many more, every single day for at least the first 3 years of Trump’s term, usually with much more than just circumstantial conjecture especially when the Horowitz and Nunes reports came out followed by the books, documentaries, C-SPAN speeches etc - then the Pulitzer crowd knew it was all a crock of shit too. And for this deception and fraud, should be disassembled and arrested for treason.
Prize isn't worth shit. They gave it to Obama for nothing.
He can take Obummer's.
I like how the media says "Tbis is all normal"
So handing out pulizter prizes for sensational defemationcrap is "normal" ehh...
Didn't some communist sympathizing journalist once win a Pulitzer for reporting on how wonderful the USSR was when he was given tours of the fake soviet cities? I'm pretty sure he got blown the fuck out by Solzhenitsyn.
Found him: Walter Duranty.
It would have more value coming from the bottom of a box of Cracker Jack . . .
Trump should start his own prize give it out to real Winners of the world.
The innocent are paying a pretty high price for the second chances Trump is giving these devils. Misprision is Evil.