I live in Florida and I work for a popular grocery store in the south. I was informed today by my boss that “ I understand you don’t want the vax and I understand your view. However ‘grocery’ store is waiting on OSHA guidelines on mandatory vax on November 7th and will decide what to do then.’ I asked the usual questions such as ‘how can they mandate a vax that is still in trail? When the vax the fda approved isn’t available here until 2024?’ After questions he didn’t know the answer to he told me that you don’t have to take the jab but get tested every week. I told him about the EO on the tips of the nasal swab and how it causes cancer. Could they do a mouth swab? He said he didn’t know and that they had to find out if the state, grocery store or the employees would have to pay for it. I’m am so over this bull shit. I know people who have died from the jab people that are in the hospital with the jab. I know the truth. People are being killed. This all needs to stop
Comments (32)
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Ask them to prove that COVID-19 is real.
You have a legal case on your hands -- especially being in Florida.
Have you seen the vids like this:
If you talk with your coworkers, and they are of like mind, and all tell your boss together that they wont put up with this shit, then they will either be a popular grocery store with no workers (and no popularity for much longer).. or the managers will shit themselves and relent.
Its a burned-earth option for sure, but its still a card you can play. You have a couple weeks to talk to other people and see if its a viable strategy.
Get DeSantis on the case, I thought he outlawed that.
I came here to say something similar. I thought DeSantis said that garbage won't happen in Florida.
This has to be either Publix or Winn Dixie.
And ask them if they are testing everyone for every other communicable disease? You want to know who you work with has aids, tb, vd, bronchitis, etc.
My company hasn't said anything yet.
It's annoying me that we are close to Nov 7th. And my company still haven't made an annoucement.
They need to tell everyone as soon as possible. I am hoping that it;s not one of those wait until a week before. Then say we have to do it.
We need at least a month notice.
You should take this as a good sign. It means they don't want to rush into any sort of mandate.
They are waiting until the actual guidance comes out before doing anything rash.
The head of my company has JD degree from Michigan. And former Military guy who went to Vietnam.
Not sure if that makes a difference or not.
Some companies are waiting to see what OSHA issues. Remember the FDA put out a bogus announcement about the Pfizer vaxx being approved. It never happened.
I wonder is OSHA going to issue issue what happens to remote employees. Also.. what happens when the states sue right away?
Will a court injuction be put in place.
Good questions. Since when has OSHA become a medical practitioner? Since the "computer operating system" as Moderna calls their mRNA vaxxine, is failing and is now being reported as 20% effective, what else are they going to write safety guidance for? Where does it stop?
I just can't see OSHA going along with this. If the FDA is the measure, the guidance will be another fraud and deception.
I hear you brother.
This is an upside down world we are living in.
The Jenkins kids are trash. George would roll over in his grave if he saw how it's run now. Two brothers gave their life to them snd they shit on them for years. Always holding a store over their heads but new diversity hires get promoted in no time without putting in the sweat equity.
This is the first time I've heard the Nov 7th date----the guidelines won't go into effect until it goes into the Federal Register. Then, they have to give time for people to get the double dose. (Since J&J is turning out to be a total dud now.) Sounds like they're going to try and ruin the Christmas holidays for anyone who is feeling pressured about being vaxxed. Bastards!
If this goes sideways they're going to kill you or lock you up. No matter what happens the other side of this shit is going to be completely unpredictable. I'm not going to spend what may be a short time left alive and relatively free working for the good of someone else. If all goes according to plan finding another job will be a piece of cake.
Why aren't you getting a hold of the Governor's office and tell them what your employer is planning! The Governor has already started the legal paperwork to fine the hell out of any organization in Florida that cow toes to the illegal Biden Vaccine Mandate! You got to make your stand now! BTW - Have you noticed the news last night that Schumer went to the TSA to see what could be done about people flying and keeping safe from the COVID during the Thanksgiving Holidays. I'll bet he hasn't been Vaxxed with most of his co-hordes in the Senate. Congress, Senate, Congressional Aids, Senate Staff, and a lot more are exempt from the Mandate! When everyone is required to be Vaccinated without exception, then maybe these POS employers and Law makers could make their case!
BTW- Why would anyone in their right mind put their life in danger getting Jabbed with an mRNA Gene Therapy?
I've put this in other post on this forum but here is a very good reference for information about the JAB here in Florida: Coffee and Covid
Yes! I was planning on doing this along with the few people I know that are against this.
Great! Do it!
Im already on borrowed time at my work. Today was suppose to be the start of "mandatory" testing for us selfish uninjected. They havent forced it today so far. Im quietly not disclosing anything. Come find me and find out and see what happens. Now..... once the OSHA guidance is reviewed and approved, and it will be, things are going to get ALOT more tenuous for everyone. Like a boa constrictor on our ability to work and provide. Good thing ive lived well within my means for many years and have no worries. I have time to figure things out. People pay check to pay check its time to see why its important to not spend and create debt slavery right up to the last penny. Position of desperation is how the system was designed for every middle class individual to be in.
Where I live there are several testing centers, most are the nasal testing but there is one saliva one. No idea why they don't have more of those, probably to make it as much of a PITA as possible.
Good luck...
Please don't say it's where it's a pleasure to shop.
ThankQ for that
Omg! Thank you for that! I really needed that, it was really starting to get to me.
Your thread was the first one I thought of when I read this news. I enjoy spreading good news!
I’ll be spreading it too. So much appreciated.