Their system works by faith. All that is required to take it down is to remove the faith that holds it up. In order to do that, all that is required is teaching people the truth about it. Once people learn the truth, faith in the system will cease.
From there we can transition to a new system. It may not be easy to do that, but it is absolutely possible to do that. It's not even all that hard, and completely intuitive, at least where to begin.
For example, we can move back to a semi-barter system but with a modern twist. We can set up many of our real assets (not all, but many) as asset backed cryptocurrencies. We can then choose one of those real asset backed cryptos as an intermediary for barter (any precious metal is ideal for that purpose).
This semi barter system prevents the hording of money issues that have been used in the past by Bankers to manipulate economies. This was the actual cause of the fall of the Roman Empire (which I don't think ever "fell" at all. I am using that term within the standard definition of that event).
Thanks pede. I am feeling a little lost as well as you can see by my reply. I do think that if we are going to move forward we have to get a leader and get going. That is the roadblock I am currently seeing.
any 'new system' would have to be in place already, there would have to be an overlap or transitional period when the failing system and its replacement are simultaneously available
The seeds would need to be in place (see GME's NFT's as a seed of exactly this system), but the entire system does not need to be in place.
Putting just gold and silver into real places that can be withdrawn and setting up a crypto based on it would all by itself take over the economy. Building that infrastructure isn't super easy, but its not that hard either. For example, once faith in the system fails, banks go out of business, and those buildings can be used to store the real gold and silver for exchange with the crypto that backs it. And all of the sudden you have a real economy.
All you need is to take faith out of the system, take over the banks, distribute (ship) gold and silver to those banks, and have the software written for the crypto (which I think already exists).
If the software is ready for that (I know it exists in lesser forms) it would take a week to transition enough to have a thriving economy.
Imagine, we could (if motivated) get rid of the Fed and the Bankers control in a week of transitioning.
Yes and no. People have been taught to believe that real money (constitutionally defined as precious metals, though it could be any real asset) are the "old way" of running an economy. Only the "new money" is worth anything.
It shows the power of the Matrix, where people can believe that a real asset in hand is worthless, and a worthless debt IOU (what we call money) that is printed on a piece of paper, or stored as electrons on someone else's computer is the most important thing in the world.
Plus we are required to pay both our taxes and our debts with their money (Legal tender laws). Unless people would be willing to stop paying taxes (which are unconstitutional) and stop paying debts (which is illegal until we prove the Banks committed fraud) we still have to use their money.
It is only when we teach people that what they use is fraud that we can transition. Its all based on belief. Beliefs must change first, then the rest is easy.
Kinesis, and yes. I was thinking of that, but there is no easy method of exchange between that system and having actual in hand assets. "Money in the bank" can no longer work. There has to be a 1:1 ratio of real assets to crypto, and an infrastructure for exchange between them for any real economy to work.
Yeah people care look at the awards and likes on that post. Sadly I dunno what to do the media was supposed to gatekeep and call everyone on their shit but they don't work for us anymore.
Yeah. That feels like it should be in the pistol space meme. Anyhow I also replied to another one of your replies. I like the cut of your gibe but I still think we need some kind of leadership or some more organization to truly get away from the old matrix.
We must learn we are our own saviors. We don't need leadership specifically, what we need is wakeupship. We The People need to understand what is going on. We need to learn to think for ourselves across the board.
We have been told all our lives that we need leaders, experts, thinkers, to guide us and tell us how to accomplish our goals, how best to live. We believe that we are not as capable of critical thinking and discernment as others. I don't mean you, or I, or anyone in particular. The Entire World believes that they are not the ones to do what needs to be done. They are truly stuck in the Matrix, because they don't realize it exists. Even those that realize it exists don't realize the extent of it. Its like Inception. Everytime someone thinks they have broken free of the Matrix, it takes time before they realize there is another level to wake up from.
We believe we are weak. We The Entire People need to learn that we are strong. We need to be motivated to that belief, because we have been programmed to not believe it for our entire lives, and the entire lives of our parents, and grandparents, etc.. Until the programming is broken, until we stop worrying about "leaders" and start recognizing individual action as the path, we will not be ready to move forward.
Education is what the GA is all about. Education with the end goal being deprogramming. That is The Plan. To teach us to think for ourselves, to act for ourselves, to be the solution, to be our own saviors.
Once everyone is aware (or almost everyone) and ready to act on our own behalf, the solution will take almost no time at all.
I was not paying attention until recently and honestly I am a bit petrified because to me things tend to look hopelessly tangled. Maybe it is just me wanting a leader, because when you see the mess all at once it is hard to figure out where to start.
I def care. The last time I did a protest kr anything against the Fed a ton of random BSD shit happened and we had Provacatuers. My brother actually did a contract for them and I got to see their security contractors first hand: it’s effing terrifying. These guys have Carte Blanche to do whatever the f they want from intimidation tactics on and they carry weapons you wouldn’t imagine.
Well, they robbed the Treasury in 1913, and then completely destroyed the Treasury department by 1933. I think its safe to say we have not had a government of We The People since then (though it was effectively not our government long before that).
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
It's going to come crashing down after October 23rd. That's when Evergrande defaults, and a whole lotta other Chinese investment firms will follow. It's going to be a bloodbath for cabal controlled US firms like Blackrock.
Doing so would either cause another bigger evergrande and/or devalue the artificially high RMB, meaning more printed RMB needed for imported inputs.
No inputs, the factories stop.
No factories, no exports.
No exports, then the RMB goes down further to maintain existing living standards.
Living standards go down and the unspoken deal between the CCP and the Chinese people is broken, and China has its long overdue revolution.
Letting evergrande bite it and trying to mitigate the consequences is what they’re going with. But the mitigations will cause another bigger evergrande, and the cycle begins anew.
When asked about the Federal Express Reserve - Q said “restructure, gold” or something along those lines.
What if this Red October has to do with the 10/23/2021 impending default of Evergrande and that dovetails into the insider trading of the Fed GAIS?
I mean want all eyes on that trading? If we see a melt like 2008, much less a worse one - all the sudden that shit will have all eyes on and those fucktards would not have a leg to stand on with Consumer Confidence. Wouldn’t Congress be Forced to make Restructures in just about every way?!
What happens when your bond holders themselves go tits up and cash in the bonds?!
Lehman was 6.2% of our GDP
Evergrande is 23% of theirs.
They will need liquidity fast.
Is this the Great Reset itself? Was this the inevitable trigger? The CCP vs Real Estate shit was always guaranteed to implode. I know JP Morgan sold them on that whole idea too.
It’s def going to wreck the CCP a chunk. In my heart of hearts this Great Awakening requires the Chines people rising up and realizing the NWO is why they have boots to their faces.
Xi would prefer to be the absolute ruler of China the independent nation and one of three superpowers, instead of the puppet frontman for the globalist regime that will ultimately do to China as it is doing to the West. With space as a frontier war is obsolete.
He said “our government” and it’s actually “all government.”
There is no exception. There is a linear relationship between size of government and severity of corruption.
As for corporate corruption, bring back antitrust law. The more competition and competitors there are, the less corruption is possible. Break them all up into a million small businesses.
Powell was trading in broad index funds. And not at an auspicious time. If he was trading on inside info, it'd look a lot more focused and better timed.
Oh people care, but they have no way to do anything about it
Not true, even though it seems like it is.
Their system works by faith. All that is required to take it down is to remove the faith that holds it up. In order to do that, all that is required is teaching people the truth about it. Once people learn the truth, faith in the system will cease.
From there we can transition to a new system. It may not be easy to do that, but it is absolutely possible to do that. It's not even all that hard, and completely intuitive, at least where to begin.
For example, we can move back to a semi-barter system but with a modern twist. We can set up many of our real assets (not all, but many) as asset backed cryptocurrencies. We can then choose one of those real asset backed cryptos as an intermediary for barter (any precious metal is ideal for that purpose).
This semi barter system prevents the hording of money issues that have been used in the past by Bankers to manipulate economies. This was the actual cause of the fall of the Roman Empire (which I don't think ever "fell" at all. I am using that term within the standard definition of that event).
Thanks pede. I am feeling a little lost as well as you can see by my reply. I do think that if we are going to move forward we have to get a leader and get going. That is the roadblock I am currently seeing.
any 'new system' would have to be in place already, there would have to be an overlap or transitional period when the failing system and its replacement are simultaneously available
The seeds would need to be in place (see GME's NFT's as a seed of exactly this system), but the entire system does not need to be in place.
Putting just gold and silver into real places that can be withdrawn and setting up a crypto based on it would all by itself take over the economy. Building that infrastructure isn't super easy, but its not that hard either. For example, once faith in the system fails, banks go out of business, and those buildings can be used to store the real gold and silver for exchange with the crypto that backs it. And all of the sudden you have a real economy.
All you need is to take faith out of the system, take over the banks, distribute (ship) gold and silver to those banks, and have the software written for the crypto (which I think already exists).
If the software is ready for that (I know it exists in lesser forms) it would take a week to transition enough to have a thriving economy.
Imagine, we could (if motivated) get rid of the Fed and the Bankers control in a week of transitioning.
Would it be possible to use such a system to simply bypass the Fed?
Yes and no. People have been taught to believe that real money (constitutionally defined as precious metals, though it could be any real asset) are the "old way" of running an economy. Only the "new money" is worth anything.
It shows the power of the Matrix, where people can believe that a real asset in hand is worthless, and a worthless debt IOU (what we call money) that is printed on a piece of paper, or stored as electrons on someone else's computer is the most important thing in the world.
Plus we are required to pay both our taxes and our debts with their money (Legal tender laws). Unless people would be willing to stop paying taxes (which are unconstitutional) and stop paying debts (which is illegal until we prove the Banks committed fraud) we still have to use their money.
It is only when we teach people that what they use is fraud that we can transition. Its all based on belief. Beliefs must change first, then the rest is easy.
Kinesiology is metals backed
Kinesis, and yes. I was thinking of that, but there is no easy method of exchange between that system and having actual in hand assets. "Money in the bank" can no longer work. There has to be a 1:1 ratio of real assets to crypto, and an infrastructure for exchange between them for any real economy to work.
Yeah auto correct butchered that one and I was eating with one hand so I didn't notice haha.
Oh man, the things I've said before...
Kinesis is backed by metals
I just don’t get it… because so are metals?
Why’s it all have to be on the internet with you young uns?
Yeah people care look at the awards and likes on that post. Sadly I dunno what to do the media was supposed to gatekeep and call everyone on their shit but they don't work for us anymore.
They never did. The only difference now is, the gloves have come off.
Yeah. That feels like it should be in the pistol space meme. Anyhow I also replied to another one of your replies. I like the cut of your gibe but I still think we need some kind of leadership or some more organization to truly get away from the old matrix.
We must learn we are our own saviors. We don't need leadership specifically, what we need is wakeupship. We The People need to understand what is going on. We need to learn to think for ourselves across the board.
We have been told all our lives that we need leaders, experts, thinkers, to guide us and tell us how to accomplish our goals, how best to live. We believe that we are not as capable of critical thinking and discernment as others. I don't mean you, or I, or anyone in particular. The Entire World believes that they are not the ones to do what needs to be done. They are truly stuck in the Matrix, because they don't realize it exists. Even those that realize it exists don't realize the extent of it. Its like Inception. Everytime someone thinks they have broken free of the Matrix, it takes time before they realize there is another level to wake up from.
We believe we are weak. We The Entire People need to learn that we are strong. We need to be motivated to that belief, because we have been programmed to not believe it for our entire lives, and the entire lives of our parents, and grandparents, etc.. Until the programming is broken, until we stop worrying about "leaders" and start recognizing individual action as the path, we will not be ready to move forward.
Education is what the GA is all about. Education with the end goal being deprogramming. That is The Plan. To teach us to think for ourselves, to act for ourselves, to be the solution, to be our own saviors.
Once everyone is aware (or almost everyone) and ready to act on our own behalf, the solution will take almost no time at all.
I was not paying attention until recently and honestly I am a bit petrified because to me things tend to look hopelessly tangled. Maybe it is just me wanting a leader, because when you see the mess all at once it is hard to figure out where to start.
I've been there. I was there for quite a while. It took a while for me to start to see the real problem, which led to the obvious solution.
I def care. The last time I did a protest kr anything against the Fed a ton of random BSD shit happened and we had Provacatuers. My brother actually did a contract for them and I got to see their security contractors first hand: it’s effing terrifying. These guys have Carte Blanche to do whatever the f they want from intimidation tactics on and they carry weapons you wouldn’t imagine.
Abolish gov and build a parallel society.
Robbing the treasurery is always the last thing done when a government collapses
Well, they robbed the Treasury in 1913, and then completely destroyed the Treasury department by 1933. I think its safe to say we have not had a government of We The People since then (though it was effectively not our government long before that).
Damn, this sounds familiar. Oh yeah:
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
-Andrew Jackson
People care, its just that the news is complicit in the crimes.
Let's all magnify this further!
Insider Trading Allegations and Probe for the Federal Reserve
Jerome Powell Sold More Than a Million Dollars of Stock as the Market Was Tanking
Fed’s Vice Chair Defends His ‘Integrity’ After Trading Revelations
Post it up here, there, everywhere. Make a scene, get it seen.
It's going to come crashing down after October 23rd. That's when Evergrande defaults, and a whole lotta other Chinese investment firms will follow. It's going to be a bloodbath for cabal controlled US firms like Blackrock.
You would think they would know this and either preparing for it so they would weather it or working to stop it from collapsing.
Doing so would either cause another bigger evergrande and/or devalue the artificially high RMB, meaning more printed RMB needed for imported inputs.
No inputs, the factories stop.
No factories, no exports.
No exports, then the RMB goes down further to maintain existing living standards.
Living standards go down and the unspoken deal between the CCP and the Chinese people is broken, and China has its long overdue revolution.
Letting evergrande bite it and trying to mitigate the consequences is what they’re going with. But the mitigations will cause another bigger evergrande, and the cycle begins anew.
Nothing can stop what is coming. Down she goes.
The federal reserve employees insider trading their own stocks is literally the least corrupt and destructive thing they have ever done
The MSM is the problem. Most people don't ever hear about the crimes of the elites.
I have been away from this site for a few days and havent heard this ANYWHERE. This site is literally the real source of news.
When everyone in govt. is compromised or sold out or afraid to take a stand fearing repercussions… we got no shot.
Whoa hold on.
Thought just now.
When asked about the Federal Express Reserve - Q said “restructure, gold” or something along those lines.
What if this Red October has to do with the 10/23/2021 impending default of Evergrande and that dovetails into the insider trading of the Fed GAIS?
I mean want all eyes on that trading? If we see a melt like 2008, much less a worse one - all the sudden that shit will have all eyes on and those fucktards would not have a leg to stand on with Consumer Confidence. Wouldn’t Congress be Forced to make Restructures in just about every way?!
What happens when your bond holders themselves go tits up and cash in the bonds?!
Lehman was 6.2% of our GDP
Evergrande is 23% of theirs.
They will need liquidity fast.
Is this the Great Reset itself? Was this the inevitable trigger? The CCP vs Real Estate shit was always guaranteed to implode. I know JP Morgan sold them on that whole idea too.
Xi is a white hat and wants China freed of the cabal too. The crash in China will come right when it harms the cabal the most.
It’s def going to wreck the CCP a chunk. In my heart of hearts this Great Awakening requires the Chines people rising up and realizing the NWO is why they have boots to their faces.
Xi would prefer to be the absolute ruler of China the independent nation and one of three superpowers, instead of the puppet frontman for the globalist regime that will ultimately do to China as it is doing to the West. With space as a frontier war is obsolete.
Yes. The bluster of hypersonics is absurd. Fractional Bombardment made it all a joke.
I disagree with one word.
He said “our government” and it’s actually “all government.”
There is no exception. There is a linear relationship between size of government and severity of corruption.
As for corporate corruption, bring back antitrust law. The more competition and competitors there are, the less corruption is possible. Break them all up into a million small businesses.
So glad to see the diamond hand gurus waking to the reality of our institutions.
Remember you can always join them in that fight but time is probably running out on the con.
Trust me, its not gonna go unchallenged. U won't see it in the media though.
Don't you love that group! They are waking up in droves!
How about Durham? He might?
People care. They just think no one will do anything.
The United States government. Biggest pyramid scheme ever.
Powell was trading in broad index funds. And not at an auspicious time. If he was trading on inside info, it'd look a lot more focused and better timed.
It'd look like Pelosi's trades.
Somebody wants to flush the current Fed leadership and replace them with SJWs, or outright communists.
“Because dems are in charge”
We care; well most of us minus the doomer shills, or we wouldn't be on this forum looking for truth, and helping each other to get that truth.
Hey OP, do you write those Fakebook <insert topic here> “but I know 99% of you wont share it” memes too?
Really kind of shitty, even shilly to use a title like that...
Trump appointed Powell and nobody cared then either.
The stock market is rigged, the Federal Reserve controls them. Just like the lottery is rigged.