I like how every little cog in the system has now been forced to come out with statements that will result in their execution later. Almost like there's a plan.
What an idiot. “…not resist government mandates.” If I were a liberal and I heard this statement, I would be second guessing my decision to get the jabs.
This guys position looks like he takes fat dick in the ass till his stomach cramps......Is he personally going to come kill me? Because I hope he comes loaded to the teeth....I need a loot drop NPC handy
I like how every little cog in the system has now been forced to come out with statements that will result in their execution later. Almost like there's a plan.
Good luck crushing Gods Will.
Yes, the Kool-Aid is STRONG in this one. I can't imagine being that indoctrinated. He would have made a very good Nazi back in 1940.
This guy should resign any public duty he’s currently involved in.
Why interfere with an enemy who is destroying themselves?
Here's a thought exercise take that tweet and read it as the Star Wars character you think it most sounds like.....it's The Emperor isn't it?
Force compliance Crush resistance Break spirit Learn not to resist
Them's fightin' words
Every single time
What an idiot. “…not resist government mandates.” If I were a liberal and I heard this statement, I would be second guessing my decision to get the jabs.
Doesn't exactly sound like a government 'by, of and for the people' now does it?
I’d rather live in a cardboard box the rest of my life then bow down to the mandates. Never gonna happen broski!
This guys position looks like he takes fat dick in the ass till his stomach cramps......Is he personally going to come kill me? Because I hope he comes loaded to the teeth....I need a loot drop NPC handy
i like your style
GFYM. I will never break my faith and relinquish my freedom of choice. This is a death sentence and they all know it. Show me your papers.
Who's this idiot? Is he a journalist?
I'll NEVER be broken.
Sounds like Stalin.
This is satire, right? I can't imagine someone is dumb enough to write those words without being cheeky.
Get 🖕🏼'd Canadian asshole.
Your days are numbered, you're just too dumb to see it.
1776 again
He can go suck it.
Doug Little? More like dug little.
Don't let him walk down the street.
Liberal asswipe
Amazing how people are so willing to demean other people for their positions.