Ironic how there's no outrage for the harming of adults but when it comes to helpless animals and children, people want blood. I'm just grateful that sheeple are finally outraged over something. Public execution of this scumbag can't come soon enough. May he rot in a pile of sandflies.
The internet is still spouting off how safe the Covid jab is, calling intelligent doctors and researchers quacks, playing with the numbers, and debunking findings of major problems with the jab. There's pages and pages of it. If a normie believes them, we look like crazy people.
But photos of a beagle puppy being slowly killed by sand flies speaks a thousand words. No one can excuse it. 44 Beagle puppies and we paid Fauci $375,000 to do it.
Everyone has a different trigger. As long as the trigger works, it's ok.
Yes, censored. Bitchute has a large collection of people suffering the effects of the jab. I think many were plucked from social media, ie Facebook, Twitter, etc. before they were scrubbed.
The asleep have a hard time wrapping their heads around the type of evil we are dealing with. They cannot fathom a reality where millions of people have been killed by a sinister plot involving our most trusted institutions.
But animal abuse is a level of evil they are familiar with. Everyone knows about PETA. Everyone has seen those commercials showing abused dogs. And normies love dogs.
When they accept that someone like their beloved Facui can do something evil to animals, their minds can more easily accept the greater crimes against humanity.
When they accept that someone like their beloved Facui can do something evil to animals, their minds can more easily accept the greater crimes against humanity.
What's more, it gets them to looking deeper. Most are aware that this was likely not the one unique event and that we just happened to notice it. When you see something this evil, it begets the question: What else have they done/are doing?
The tortured dogs is the last sure fire way to get even sleepwalkers to open their eyes. And since many liberals take better care of their pets then they do their own spouse, this can be a bipartisan issue now.
TBS, the same horror for animal torture held by most all, draws the line at the murder of preborns, which compared to a beagle or an eagle is a 62 million insignificant issue. Such is the cognitive dissonance of this age..
Kills millions of people with leaked virus and forced experimental vaccines, left is silent. Kills a few dogs in evil experiments, they go nuts. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I think the outrage is about those that cannot defend themselves, whether they be children, the elderly, or puppies. It's about getting people to awaken and unite. If someone can get upset over puppies then they can work through cognitive dissonance to understand and get angry over children and the elderly and we can unite finally. One step at a time.
most people are outraged over animal torture and child abuse bc both are at the mercy of adult humans. adults who make dumb decisions bc they're too lazy to research or let their fear rule them don't have my sympathy.
Purkiss i love you and you post great content. I think that Q post is exactly what it means. We are going to eventually see evidence of similar testing/torture/abuse in regards to children. Real wide open blow the doors off evidence on a grand scale. As much as people are horried by the puppy thing, this is not a reference to this Q post in my opinion.
Thank you...
"We are going to eventually see evidence of similar testing/torture/abuse in regards to children."...I agree...It will be shown...Starting off by showing the Sheep the Extreme cruelty been done to animals by "trusted Individuals" leaving the door open to "what else could they be capable of"...lets hope they wake up...
Yep I agree that is the way this is going. Thats a good point, I didnt view the puppy story as a stepping stone. I thought you were equating it to that post. I do think thats a wakeup call for most to realize these arent good people.
Wtf is it going to take to get this guy removed let alone jailed?? Doublethink advice on masks; Funding the Wuhan lab; Lying to Congress; Torturing's like the White Hat producers of this movie are purposefully trying to make him do all the worst things to get a reaction out of the audience and we still just shrug and move on.
Maybe they're right. They are totally untouchable.
So, cut his vocal cords and lock his head in a cage filled with sand flies to feast on his face? He head could fit in one of those boxes in the picture above.
Ironic how there's no outrage for the harming of adults but when it comes to helpless animals and children, people want blood. I'm just grateful that sheeple are finally outraged over something. Public execution of this scumbag can't come soon enough. May he rot in a pile of sandflies.
I guess if you look at this way, Adults can make their own choices, children and animals cannot. All adults matter.
Couldn't agree more.
The internet is still spouting off how safe the Covid jab is, calling intelligent doctors and researchers quacks, playing with the numbers, and debunking findings of major problems with the jab. There's pages and pages of it. If a normie believes them, we look like crazy people.
But photos of a beagle puppy being slowly killed by sand flies speaks a thousand words. No one can excuse it. 44 Beagle puppies and we paid Fauci $375,000 to do it.
Everyone has a different trigger. As long as the trigger works, it's ok.
Right again, Doc. I agree.
You are a peach!
It might have been censored
Yes, censored. Bitchute has a large collection of people suffering the effects of the jab. I think many were plucked from social media, ie Facebook, Twitter, etc. before they were scrubbed.
The asleep have a hard time wrapping their heads around the type of evil we are dealing with. They cannot fathom a reality where millions of people have been killed by a sinister plot involving our most trusted institutions.
But animal abuse is a level of evil they are familiar with. Everyone knows about PETA. Everyone has seen those commercials showing abused dogs. And normies love dogs.
When they accept that someone like their beloved Facui can do something evil to animals, their minds can more easily accept the greater crimes against humanity.
Very well said. I think you are 100% correct.
As someone else stated...this is setting the stage for when crimes against the children become exposed. People will be horrified!
What's more, it gets them to looking deeper. Most are aware that this was likely not the one unique event and that we just happened to notice it. When you see something this evil, it begets the question: What else have they done/are doing?
The tortured dogs is the last sure fire way to get even sleepwalkers to open their eyes. And since many liberals take better care of their pets then they do their own spouse, this can be a bipartisan issue now.
TBS, the same horror for animal torture held by most all, draws the line at the murder of preborns, which compared to a beagle or an eagle is a 62 million insignificant issue. Such is the cognitive dissonance of this age..
Kills millions of people with leaked virus and forced experimental vaccines, left is silent. Kills a few dogs in evil experiments, they go nuts. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I think the outrage is about those that cannot defend themselves, whether they be children, the elderly, or puppies. It's about getting people to awaken and unite. If someone can get upset over puppies then they can work through cognitive dissonance to understand and get angry over children and the elderly and we can unite finally. One step at a time.
Spot on...👌
It’sa crime against caninity
most people are outraged over animal torture and child abuse bc both are at the mercy of adult humans. adults who make dumb decisions bc they're too lazy to research or let their fear rule them don't have my sympathy.
Purkiss i love you and you post great content. I think that Q post is exactly what it means. We are going to eventually see evidence of similar testing/torture/abuse in regards to children. Real wide open blow the doors off evidence on a grand scale. As much as people are horried by the puppy thing, this is not a reference to this Q post in my opinion.
Thank you... "We are going to eventually see evidence of similar testing/torture/abuse in regards to children."...I agree...It will be shown...Starting off by showing the Sheep the Extreme cruelty been done to animals by "trusted Individuals" leaving the door open to "what else could they be capable of"...lets hope they wake up...
If someone is willing to do that to a cute sweet trusting puppy, what are they willing to do to a person?
Yep I agree that is the way this is going. Thats a good point, I didnt view the puppy story as a stepping stone. I thought you were equating it to that post. I do think thats a wakeup call for most to realize these arent good people.
Left outrage - save the puppies, kill the babies
The NYC AIDS orphans they used for experimental testing of drugs and other procedures has to be the one that ends this, right? Right?
Fucking should be if people are paying attention... will get worse....especially when the atrocities that have been done to the children are exposed.
God that picture is gut wrenching. I hope he rots in prison then hell.
Quit stalling. Misprision will have to be answered for. Now or later.
Wtf is it going to take to get this guy removed let alone jailed?? Doublethink advice on masks; Funding the Wuhan lab; Lying to Congress; Torturing's like the White Hat producers of this movie are purposefully trying to make him do all the worst things to get a reaction out of the audience and we still just shrug and move on.
Maybe they're right. They are totally untouchable.
The difficult truth: they cared more about the puppies than the children...
Coincidentally, there is a simpsons episode with a similar premise (dogs valued more than some humans)
So, cut his vocal cords and lock his head in a cage filled with sand flies to feast on his face? He head could fit in one of those boxes in the picture above.
Fauci will not protect his Faucists if he gets busted. Dominos
dogs are kids now? thats some leftist logic men are women and dogs are children
There's that pesky "final nail" again.
None of these final nails are going to work. Everyone knows you take out vampires with a stake to the heart.
We're getting there.