4chan is not so much a website but an idea. Even if 4chan were to disappear it would pop up elsewhere under a different name, or using one of the many dark web backups or mirrors. 4chan is the ultimate anarchic, truly human, website. No censorship, no internal politics, just a bunch of nobodies complaining to other nobodies about lots of somebodies that they all agree are bad.
Let us in on the joke.
4chan is not so much a website but an idea. Even if 4chan were to disappear it would pop up elsewhere under a different name, or using one of the many dark web backups or mirrors. 4chan is the ultimate anarchic, truly human, website. No censorship, no internal politics, just a bunch of nobodies complaining to other nobodies about lots of somebodies that they all agree are bad.
Also not to mention a hive mind and if they get focused on a task can do anything. Remember when they made Shia LaBeouf cry? Pepe farms remembers.
Capture the flag was fucking hilarious. Less than 2 full days to find it.
Totally hilarious! If anyone has any doubts as to why the autists were chosen, this Capture the Flag video should help quell those doubts.
Read the comments, they're gold!
I still watch those vids done by John Ward because they're funny as hell. That was an awesome time!
These videos are seriously funny. Now I have to look up shia labouf because I have no idea who he is.
Yes! I love this.
isnt that what 8kun and this place is for
Chans basically mean this.
Under the hood most chans are low tech as shit so the idea is do anything to increase the ease and speed of shitkreig postinz
The faster I can post memes and q proofs the better
I don't know if I can do that if you are so clueless.
How about you do something crazy and type the following into a google web search bar:
hacker known as 4chan
and look at the top result.
Ah, so it's a reference to an obscure meme from 2014. Funny.
It was the Let's go Brandon of 2014.
An absolutely clueless press/media.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Tell us you woke up 5 minutes ago without telling us you woke up 5 minutes ago.
I think he woke up 2 seconds ago. Or emerged from his rock.