It's not about being racist and hating other races for no reason, it's about us White people calling out the assholes that are trying to destroy our race by trying to force race mixing and diversity on us. There is a plan to destroy White people and White culture, we cannot be afraid to speak out about this problem out of fear of being called a racist.
I'm white and I don't give a shit about what color you are as long as you value liberty, truth and peace.
The people I detest the most are self-loathing white liberals because they're lazy, racist and terrified of being responsible for their own actions and welfare.
The problem is the Kalergi plan, infinite wars and "disaster relief" designed to funnel as many non-white immigrants to areas where the population needs bolstering in a way to justify democrats stealing elections (so that votes don't exceed local population).
But the above limp-wristed whining accomplishes nothing to address the problem.
If you sit around worrying that people hate that you want to live in a white neighborhood, you have the thought process and reasoning abilities of a democrat.
Color means nothing to me in the context of feeling persecuted, and I couldn't care less about what people think where I want to live.
Democrats getting their justification for switching votes because of demographic changes are the problem, and warmonger republicans who want never ending wars in the middle east are just as much to blame as democrats.
The solution? Q. No president has done more to stop the Kalergi plan than Trump did, putting up the wall, ending Haiti refugee status, demanding asylum-seekers remain in Mexico, ending the never ending wars that create refugees in the first place.
If Q is real then they will take down the politicians who thrive off implementing the Kalergi plan.
Meanwhile, keep away from me with your whining about how disadvantaged you are as a white. That's the gayest shit I've ever seen.
What is the big fucking problem with white people having their own countries?
The problem is your tactics.
Apparently you didn't read my accurate portrayal of the situation we're in with Kalergi and the solution to the problem.
Meanwhile you're in the corner trying as hard as you can to not throw a sieg heil and would be perfectly fine if the whole conversation degraded into the races you hate the most in order of loathing.
Completely oblivious to the fact that what I stated is the solution to your problem.
Completely oblivious to the fact that whining about being an underdog as a white accomplishes absolutely nothing.
I defy you to state how you have any solution (or hope) other than to glom onto the Q community while ignoring the fact that Q posted many times against those who want to divide based on race.
People should be allowed to be proud of their race, and even seek to better it. But we are better together if we can work it out. The problem is the communists and the tyrants they worship.
The race division is dumb and play right into the hands of the despots, I've met based black people and libtard white people, and trust me I would much rather have the based black family as my neighbor.
To say white is racist. The fact is America was mostly white till like the 60s and most of the people at the time were Christian and had decent morals and ethics. Any race can have decent morals and ethics. Some specific cultures are what is ruining America. As Candace Owens grandpa says.... the hippies ruined everything. We all need God whatever color anyone is. We stop the assimilation of other shitty cultures and bring back God and we’ll get a decent America back.
I don't like living near commies or karens, which is almost entirely white people.
Was doing some fishing on eerie and Vermilion river this weekend, took the scenic route home. Drove through a town and was seeing BLM, ACAB, and communist flags on houses!!!! You know what race of people I saw? White. I can't remember the town but next time I'll come back west first instead of driving through a shit show of white communists again
The race argument can't hold water unless you conveniently leave out a hefty chunk of white people.
I'd much rather live next to African-American (literally emigrated from Africa) or black American families than a large chunk of white people I meet.
Can ANYONE explain to me why we ignore so many white people when statements like this are made?
It's akin to the commies claiming black people are white supremacists, illogical and retarded
People on this board don't care about skin color either. I'm not racist at all, I treat all races with equal respect and I'm sure many people here do as well, but at the same time I notice that the cabal is deliberately trying to eliminate white people and our culture, trying to force race mixing and diversity down our throats.
Forcing race mixing and diversity on white people is a deliberate attack on us and we cannot be afraid to speak out against it, it's not about being racist, it's about standing up and fighting for your own race.
You have to ignore like..... the whole fucking culture war to think "whites" are homogenous or the victims here.
The focus on race is to divide the people and it works.
How many white people argue with white people about white people, and then disparage the race or say we have a unified culture?
I just can't grasp how we ignore so many white people to make an argument about white people.
The only way I can rationalize it without assuming the ideological subversion has control of your minds is to assume these people are EXTREMELY narcissistic with nothing to offer the world so they find some identity in their skin color and assume they're representative of the whole.
If ANYONE tried to gain my support by appealing to a racial identity, they get the same respect as the communists. None
This is the way. It is a cultural war, not a race war. They lie and say it's about race to confuse and divide us, but they're attacking American values at every turn.
This isn't racist coming from anyone except white people.
Black kid: "I'm proud to be black!" Asian kid: "I'm proud to be asian!" White kid: "I'm proud to be a rascist!"
"we gotta take these motherfuckers out" Everything will be OK once we kill all the civilized people.
There are no patriots who care about skin color. It's. Requisite to being a patriot.
It's not about being racist and hating other races for no reason, it's about us White people calling out the assholes that are trying to destroy our race by trying to force race mixing and diversity on us. There is a plan to destroy White people and White culture, we cannot be afraid to speak out about this problem out of fear of being called a racist.
I want my kids to look like my grandparents, I guess I'm racis.
Fuck the globohomo corporate prop-a-ganda machine.
I'm white and I don't give a shit about what color you are as long as you value liberty, truth and peace.
The people I detest the most are self-loathing white liberals because they're lazy, racist and terrified of being responsible for their own actions and welfare.
The problem is the Kalergi plan, infinite wars and "disaster relief" designed to funnel as many non-white immigrants to areas where the population needs bolstering in a way to justify democrats stealing elections (so that votes don't exceed local population).
But the above limp-wristed whining accomplishes nothing to address the problem.
If you sit around worrying that people hate that you want to live in a white neighborhood, you have the thought process and reasoning abilities of a democrat.
Color means nothing to me in the context of feeling persecuted, and I couldn't care less about what people think where I want to live.
Democrats getting their justification for switching votes because of demographic changes are the problem, and warmonger republicans who want never ending wars in the middle east are just as much to blame as democrats.
The solution? Q. No president has done more to stop the Kalergi plan than Trump did, putting up the wall, ending Haiti refugee status, demanding asylum-seekers remain in Mexico, ending the never ending wars that create refugees in the first place.
If Q is real then they will take down the politicians who thrive off implementing the Kalergi plan.
Meanwhile, keep away from me with your whining about how disadvantaged you are as a white. That's the gayest shit I've ever seen.
The problem is your tactics.
Apparently you didn't read my accurate portrayal of the situation we're in with Kalergi and the solution to the problem.
Meanwhile you're in the corner trying as hard as you can to not throw a sieg heil and would be perfectly fine if the whole conversation degraded into the races you hate the most in order of loathing.
Completely oblivious to the fact that what I stated is the solution to your problem.
Completely oblivious to the fact that whining about being an underdog as a white accomplishes absolutely nothing.
I defy you to state how you have any solution (or hope) other than to glom onto the Q community while ignoring the fact that Q posted many times against those who want to divide based on race.
I know what you consider to be "genocided", i.e. white marrying colored.
FYI, that's not the definition of genocide.
You need to head back on over to Voat, where they appreciate your point of view. What's that? They shut it down???
I did Nazi that coming.
People should be allowed to be proud of their race, and even seek to better it. But we are better together if we can work it out. The problem is the communists and the tyrants they worship.
The race division is dumb and play right into the hands of the despots, I've met based black people and libtard white people, and trust me I would much rather have the based black family as my neighbor.
To say white is racist. The fact is America was mostly white till like the 60s and most of the people at the time were Christian and had decent morals and ethics. Any race can have decent morals and ethics. Some specific cultures are what is ruining America. As Candace Owens grandpa says.... the hippies ruined everything. We all need God whatever color anyone is. We stop the assimilation of other shitty cultures and bring back God and we’ll get a decent America back.
I don't like living near commies or karens, which is almost entirely white people.
Was doing some fishing on eerie and Vermilion river this weekend, took the scenic route home. Drove through a town and was seeing BLM, ACAB, and communist flags on houses!!!! You know what race of people I saw? White. I can't remember the town but next time I'll come back west first instead of driving through a shit show of white communists again
The race argument can't hold water unless you conveniently leave out a hefty chunk of white people.
I'd much rather live next to African-American (literally emigrated from Africa) or black American families than a large chunk of white people I meet.
Can ANYONE explain to me why we ignore so many white people when statements like this are made?
It's akin to the commies claiming black people are white supremacists, illogical and retarded
I'm starting to think that white people are legitimately legit. Why else would we only see "white supremacy" from these liars.
So do a majority of Whites, but that is not the case from those that hate Whites. Ignoring the truth doesn't make it go away.
Whites are the ones pressing the race thing.
White people are the vast majority of people pushing the race policies.
Why do we ignore those white people, if race is so important?
Yep, and old necklacing Winnie and Nelson shouldn't be put up as heroes to our children either.
I have found a documentary that is a tad over 2 minutes long that is a crash course on Mugabe
Well, that kind of stuff should be covered in a "current events" type of class. I did that once a week with my students.
People on this board don't care about skin color either. I'm not racist at all, I treat all races with equal respect and I'm sure many people here do as well, but at the same time I notice that the cabal is deliberately trying to eliminate white people and our culture, trying to force race mixing and diversity down our throats.
Forcing race mixing and diversity on white people is a deliberate attack on us and we cannot be afraid to speak out against it, it's not about being racist, it's about standing up and fighting for your own race.
Not in all of America.
They're trying to destroy western culture.
Race has nothing to do with it.
You have to ignore like..... the whole fucking culture war to think "whites" are homogenous or the victims here.
The focus on race is to divide the people and it works.
How many white people argue with white people about white people, and then disparage the race or say we have a unified culture?
I just can't grasp how we ignore so many white people to make an argument about white people.
The only way I can rationalize it without assuming the ideological subversion has control of your minds is to assume these people are EXTREMELY narcissistic with nothing to offer the world so they find some identity in their skin color and assume they're representative of the whole.
If ANYONE tried to gain my support by appealing to a racial identity, they get the same respect as the communists. None
This is the way. It is a cultural war, not a race war. They lie and say it's about race to confuse and divide us, but they're attacking American values at every turn.