Q says there are no coincidences (335, 405, 819, 947, 1301, 3404). Can anyone explain this?
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Imagine if you would, that all of these platforms were run by Italians. What would everyone be saying?
What if they were Irish? Or Russian? If all of these"influencers" were black?
That's all you have to ask yourself to realize we have been taken over and the media is the propaganda arm.
Normies have no response to this. None. All they will do is slander you or make a stupid joke. Anyone who is intellectually honest and willing to acknowledge what is blatantly in front of their faces will actually go, “Huh! Good question!”
Even Jewish People sheepishly disappear in shame when this is pointed out. That is the most disappointing thing. I believe a based Jewish Person would say, “I see it too. This has nothing to do with me and I think it is a bunch of nepotistic bullshit too.” But that doesn’t tend to happen because I think the natural human tendency in these situations is to play both sides. Fight for America but know if you lose, your tribe will be in charge anyway so it’s win-win for you. I think Muslims do the same thing with ISIS and Islamic terrorism. Don’t support ISIS publicly but meanwhile know that if ISIS wins, your tribe will be in charge.
Beyond those scenarios, the only other group is the Jewish People who remain and try to defend it without slander or jokes. And there argument is always: Jewish People are just genetically superior to all other races, and that is why this happens. So, Jewish Supremacy is their explanation. Not that I buy that but even if I did, it would still be a problem that the world was run by Jewish Supremacists, so it’s not the mic drop counter argument these guys think it is.
Same people who say racism is to blame for all black problems also say jewish genetics are behind all jewish success.
Saving Israel for last.
Just thinking out loud, reading the drop, is this the reference D5 that is often spoken/writing about?
One reference to D5 was GWB's funeral date Dec 5
There isn't much you can tell me about this stuff that I haven't already come across ;)
But if you do, I would be happy because I am always learning new things
That's the Mark of the beast.
Jews being oppressed is the biggest propaganda we've swallowed up.
I wonder if this is what Trump meant when he said congress was "rightfully" controlled by Jews. Sort of like a "matter of fact" interpretation.
Nice connection
The big lie meaning jews who are not actually Jews but khazars?
Did you not hear the video where trump said Isreal has had control over congress for years....
If you've ever wondered why if anyone says anything about Jews and the Antisemite crowd comes to beat you down...
If it was as simple as labeling a religion as bad, Q would have.
This is why they spam anti Jewish propaganda on 8kun.
They want to call us Nazis. They want easy racism for the media to point at.
Don't give them ammo. All people, cultures and religions have been deceived by the cabal.
Well put
Yep, just like George boy Soros.
So control over facets of media that push false narritives isn't enough?
27 out of 30 cabinet members being Jewish or having some familial relationship by marriage?
Entertainment that normalizes over sexualization, drug use, destruction of the nuclear family and glorification of deliquent behavior owned hy them isn't enough?
Big banks with high interest rates being owned ny them isn't enough?
We are living in Weimar 2.0
Wake up
Oh, yeah. Absolutely