Wins of the Day: November 4, 2021 🏆 WINS OF THE DAY 🏆
posted ago by WinsAnon ago by WinsAnon +374 / -0
  1. Lawyer makes very clever argument that every person, every employer applying the vax mandate is transformed into a “state actor” because they were compelled to do it by the government, which opens door for mandate challenges as unconstitutional https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/trumps-impeachment-lawyer-sues-block-employer-vaccine-mandate-compelled

  2. Candidate in Virginia who had been caught by police destroying GOP candidates’ signs is one of the Dems who lost on Tuesday https://thepostmillennial.com/democrat-virginia-delegate-who-was-spotted-by-police-sabotaging-republican-campaign-signs-loses-election

  3. Key witness testifies that the man shot by Rittenhouse had threatened to kill him, providing enough reasonable doubt for any jury to acquit https://nypost.com/2021/11/04/man-shot-by-kyle-rittenhouse-allegedly-threatened-to-kill-him/

  4. Russian source of Steele Dossier lies is arrested in expansion of Durham’s march to the truth and accountability https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/deliberate-fraud-russian-charged-lying-fbi-about-dossier

  5. It looks like Clinton public relations and key campaign advisor Charles Dolan will be next in Durham’s assault https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/04/confirmed-pr-executive-1-in-durham-indictment-docs-is-charles-dolan-jr/

  6. Having lost his seat to the truck driver by 2,000 votes, New Jersey State Senate President goes straight to the Dem book of tricks, alleging thousands of newly found uncounted ballots https://www.politico.com/states/new-jersey/whiteboard/2021/11/04/sweeney-not-ready-to-concede-1392307

  7. Two different videos emerge showing voters in New Jersey who were unable to vote for GOP candidate for Governor because the machine would not accept the selection https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/fraud-new-jerseys-election-uncovered-voting-machines-not-allow-citizens-vote-republican-governor-candidate/

  8. At least 56% of voters think the 2020 election included cheating, which is up 5% since April https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/stunning-anniversary-2020-election-56-voters-now-believe-cheating-april-including-47-black-voters/

  9. Desperate Dems, on the heels of an obvious shift to the Right by the voters and fearing more movement next year, begin anew to try forcing their destructive agenda https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/11/05/one-more-time-at-least-house-to-try-to-pass-reconciliation-bill-today-n427171

  10. Meanwhile, the GOP is going to use this same momentum to force a vote on the Covid mandate to put pressure on centrist Dems https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/washington-secrets/gop-to-force-vax-mandate-vote-put-squeeze-on-moderate-dems

  11. Project Veritas releases video of New Jersey election worker allowing a non-citizen to complete and submit a ballot https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/11/04/new-jersey-election-worker-caught-allowing-non-citizen-to-fill-out-ballot-by-project-veritas-n469744

  12. Indiana education administrator caught saying we can definitely teach critical race theory to students and lie to parents about it https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/11/04/indiana-school-administrator-youd-better-believe-we-teach-crt-and-lie-to-parents-about-it-n427026

  13. Transgender commentator agrees that the largely unreported rape of a 9th grade girl in a bathroom by a boy in a skirt is “inconvenient for the Left” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/04/conservative-transgender-commentator-blaire-white-rape-of-va-girl-politically-inconvenient-for-left/

  14. Bezos’ Blue Origin loses lawsuit against NASA for awarding contract to Musk’s SpaceX https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/04/bezos-blue-origin-loses-lawsuit-against-nasa-over-spacex-lunar-lander.html

  15. Italy comes to its senses and revises total Covid deaths to 3,783 from 130,468 by differentiating people who actually died due to Covid versus people who died of other illnesses while having Covid https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/italian-institute-health-drastically-reduces-its-official-covid-death-toll-number

  16. Judge orders release of January 6 detainee after surprise inspection revealed deplorable conditions https://therightscoop.com/judge-orders-release-of-jan-6th-detainee-after-surprise-inspection-found-deplorable-conditions/

  17. Ted Cruz: Instead of giving illegal immigrants $450,000, why not give them a $500,000 Hunter Biden painting? https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/sen-ted-cruz-proposes-win-win-way-give-every-illegal-immigrant-450000

See you tomorrow.