I like to consider myself a critical thinker, and that means that I evaluate both positions. I have strong convictions that the q movement is on to something but I also try playing the what if I'm wrong position. I have to follow the "approved" narrative in order for me to try and evaluate that the Devolution theory is real. Like the if Trump in control why would they let this happen sort of thing(but I think he is and it's killing me not knowing even tho I don't need to know). I'm not trying to doom but I just get a lil down about how fucked certain things are and don't look like they're going our way like immigration, like can we even rectify certain things. It just takes a toll u know, but u guys here at least give some hopium that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
At this point the 'sides' are so drastically divergent that there isn't really any room in the middle any longer. I do hope that the phrasing comes from being younger, newly redpilled, or formerly apolitical, not that it matters.
Hopefully someone has the link for the devolution series, it is quite lengthy and detailed. Whether it is devolution, revolution, or worse, the military (globally) will be what ultimately determines the outcome. The evidence suggests strongly that devolution is happening, hopefully someone has the patel patriot series for you, it is long but detailed. One way or another, all we can do is pray, make our voices heard and plan for the worst.
As for "dooming"... imagine seeing 9-11, and expecting that it was just a matter of time before the world government took control and that we would have 2-3 generations before the NWO collapsed from entropy and whatever remnant of survivors could try again. Now at least I know there's a solid chance that there is a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, rather than a brick wall.
Patel Patriot (Rumble) breaks down “Devolution” for you and shows where we’re at as far as that goes. He has created an entire series dedicated to teaching us all about devolution and why it applies/ is being used now. Chin up fren, we’re almost there 😁 you will need a Rumble acct… Steve Bannons War Room is on Rumble too. He deals with breaking news and updates on the battle being fought for the souls of humanity. Happy hopium hunting 🐸👍🏻
At this point I don't even want to know which family members are getting their children jabbed. Of course I know, they're the ones that are vaxxed. I just thank God that my own adult children aren't vaxxed, and their children won't be either.
I am thankful every day that my children are grown and out of school and that I don't have grandchildren in this crazy world. But there are still a lot of little children that I love and a lot of their parents believe in the vaccines.... I suspect that I'm gonna be shedding a lot of tears in the next few years, like all of us.
The only thing I'm guilty of Is not spell checking well when I talk to my phone. It's such a pain in the ass to fix. & sorry, we all can't be perfect like you 😘
I am not looking forward to saying that… why? Because I will be saying those words to people I care about and they will have taken the mark… this, in my case, will be wretched at best. I tried so hard to save them from themselves… I failed one, I failed all… well that’s how I feel anyways. All I can do is pray for strength and direction. I have managed to keep my close little family free of that foul cocktail, but my in-laws and children’s close friends all have had the double dose. My father-in-law is beginning to awaken and is disrespectful and dazed. He can be rude and selfish about everything COViD too, but I see the spark. He’s questioning himself and slowly realizing he lives in a fantasy world. Be brave frens! The newly awakened will be angry and hurt. They will be rude as heck and brutal in their questioning. Try to remember, their entire lives are crumbling right in front of their faces. Everything they “knew” is FAKE! Be secure in the fact that they will need you well before you need them. Look strong when you are weak, seem weak when you are strong. Sending powerful prayers of love, strength, and compassion to all active pedes!! We are in this together! WWG1WGA We are with you! God’s Grace and patience during the upcoming time of turbulent awakenings and raucous realizations! Be safe out there Digital Soldiers! ♥️🐸🇺🇸
I mean this is what all the sacrifice and late nights was for. We're here to guide the idiots who didn't open their eyes. It's biblical and it's the only way it can be.
You're going to have to steel your heart against your loved ones and remember to only use logic and persuasion, the way Q taught us. If it becomes emotional, they win. This is a fact-based movement.
Hopefully this will be the last Christmas alone for most of us.
Very true… I rarely have emotions other than fury these days but for my family all I have is broken hearted love and eternal patience. These days are filled with the misery of our people but rest assured, my emotions are tightly under control. You cannot teach another if you’re spazzing out 😁 and for those that are alone now, they will not be soon! It’s truly horrendous what these foul monsters have done to all people. I am blessed to be part of the healing, even if I lose most of my family. Thank God for Q. Without their teaching, I shudder to think of the atrocities… be blessed and strengthened in the name of the Lord my fren. Thank you for your dedication and compassion!
I think you might be spot on here, somewhat poignantly I honestly hope it’s “I was just following orders” to be quickly followed by the sound of rope tightening real quick.
Yep, every single one of them will be judged. From low level poll workers to the grocery store clerks that enforced masks to every college professor and every employee at major corporations.
Why do you think there are so many sealed indictments? It's in the half a million range at least and growing by hundreds every day.
The ones who are still asleep and obedient to the beast will need emotional help. We should help them to forgive themselves for what they've done. They had their own kindness used against them. They think they are doing the right thing, by vaccinating themselves and forcing it on others. This is how satan operates, he twists our good will into evil. I will be praying for their awakening and for their healing, physically and spiritually.
The difference is that the upper class liberal elites will start uttering them, instead of us.
Wait until inflation gets so bad that the Fed raises interest rates in a desperate move to corral price hikes. The stock market as well as real estate will crash by a solid 30-40%. That will wake up the Starbucks/Princeton/New York Times class.
I was thinking "I told you so asshole."
"We tried to tell you" sounds a little nicer though.
I’m Chris Hansen Dateline NBC
Fuck around and find out
I've actually been telling people. I haven't been "trying".
But cognitive dissonance rools OK.
Can't wait, I'm tired of feeling like a crazy person. I just wanna know I did my part in the fight where I can.
You only feel crazy because they play emotional games instead of considering facts.
I like to consider myself a critical thinker, and that means that I evaluate both positions. I have strong convictions that the q movement is on to something but I also try playing the what if I'm wrong position. I have to follow the "approved" narrative in order for me to try and evaluate that the Devolution theory is real. Like the if Trump in control why would they let this happen sort of thing(but I think he is and it's killing me not knowing even tho I don't need to know). I'm not trying to doom but I just get a lil down about how fucked certain things are and don't look like they're going our way like immigration, like can we even rectify certain things. It just takes a toll u know, but u guys here at least give some hopium that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
At this point the 'sides' are so drastically divergent that there isn't really any room in the middle any longer. I do hope that the phrasing comes from being younger, newly redpilled, or formerly apolitical, not that it matters.
Hopefully someone has the link for the devolution series, it is quite lengthy and detailed. Whether it is devolution, revolution, or worse, the military (globally) will be what ultimately determines the outcome. The evidence suggests strongly that devolution is happening, hopefully someone has the patel patriot series for you, it is long but detailed. One way or another, all we can do is pray, make our voices heard and plan for the worst.
As for "dooming"... imagine seeing 9-11, and expecting that it was just a matter of time before the world government took control and that we would have 2-3 generations before the NWO collapsed from entropy and whatever remnant of survivors could try again. Now at least I know there's a solid chance that there is a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, rather than a brick wall.
Patel Patriot (Rumble) breaks down “Devolution” for you and shows where we’re at as far as that goes. He has created an entire series dedicated to teaching us all about devolution and why it applies/ is being used now. Chin up fren, we’re almost there 😁 you will need a Rumble acct… Steve Bannons War Room is on Rumble too. He deals with breaking news and updates on the battle being fought for the souls of humanity. Happy hopium hunting 🐸👍🏻
Thanks fren :)
Good vid fellow patriot, thanks that helps a lot :)
And the next five spouted by the black hats will be, "I was only following orders.".
Followed by their body falling a few feet, then stopping due to a rope.
I just begged someone this morning not to jab they're six-year-old. She never responded.
At this point I don't even want to know which family members are getting their children jabbed. Of course I know, they're the ones that are vaxxed. I just thank God that my own adult children aren't vaxxed, and their children won't be either.
I am thankful every day that my children are grown and out of school and that I don't have grandchildren in this crazy world. But there are still a lot of little children that I love and a lot of their parents believe in the vaccines.... I suspect that I'm gonna be shedding a lot of tears in the next few years, like all of us.
Well, since, as you say, "they're six-year-old" maybe they are simply too young to understand.
The only thing I'm guilty of Is not spell checking well when I talk to my phone. It's such a pain in the ass to fix. & sorry, we all can't be perfect like you 😘
Thank you for trying.
This should be everywhere.
Save it, and re-post it.
I’d prefer days and weeks, but I concur.
The other 4 most used words will be: Fuck you Joe Biden
"Fuck Joe Biden" and "Let's Go Brandon!" need to be included into Merriam-Webster's dictionary for 2021.
You think so? I mean he's such a puppet and dotard. I don't see him being smart enough to even sign his own name anymore.
The person to watch out for is Kamala because she's going to be president here in a few months.
I am not looking forward to saying that… why? Because I will be saying those words to people I care about and they will have taken the mark… this, in my case, will be wretched at best. I tried so hard to save them from themselves… I failed one, I failed all… well that’s how I feel anyways. All I can do is pray for strength and direction. I have managed to keep my close little family free of that foul cocktail, but my in-laws and children’s close friends all have had the double dose. My father-in-law is beginning to awaken and is disrespectful and dazed. He can be rude and selfish about everything COViD too, but I see the spark. He’s questioning himself and slowly realizing he lives in a fantasy world. Be brave frens! The newly awakened will be angry and hurt. They will be rude as heck and brutal in their questioning. Try to remember, their entire lives are crumbling right in front of their faces. Everything they “knew” is FAKE! Be secure in the fact that they will need you well before you need them. Look strong when you are weak, seem weak when you are strong. Sending powerful prayers of love, strength, and compassion to all active pedes!! We are in this together! WWG1WGA We are with you! God’s Grace and patience during the upcoming time of turbulent awakenings and raucous realizations! Be safe out there Digital Soldiers! ♥️🐸🇺🇸
I mean this is what all the sacrifice and late nights was for. We're here to guide the idiots who didn't open their eyes. It's biblical and it's the only way it can be.
You're going to have to steel your heart against your loved ones and remember to only use logic and persuasion, the way Q taught us. If it becomes emotional, they win. This is a fact-based movement.
Hopefully this will be the last Christmas alone for most of us.
Very true… I rarely have emotions other than fury these days but for my family all I have is broken hearted love and eternal patience. These days are filled with the misery of our people but rest assured, my emotions are tightly under control. You cannot teach another if you’re spazzing out 😁 and for those that are alone now, they will not be soon! It’s truly horrendous what these foul monsters have done to all people. I am blessed to be part of the healing, even if I lose most of my family. Thank God for Q. Without their teaching, I shudder to think of the atrocities… be blessed and strengthened in the name of the Lord my fren. Thank you for your dedication and compassion!
I think you might be spot on here, somewhat poignantly I honestly hope it’s “I was just following orders” to be quickly followed by the sound of rope tightening real quick.
That long chain of people that will use the defence “ I was only following orders”.
I think about them a lot, and the same questions keep coming up.
You are educated, literate career people working in law, govt, medicine, military.
You entered public service and at no time did you ever use critical thinking to question whether those orders were correct.
Are you so brainwashed, smug and genuinely wrapped up in the perks of public service that you never ever question anything?
At what point would it take you to stop following orders.Being instructed to shoot people, poison people or be instrumental in destroying people.
The point is from the top down or the bottom up they are ALL complicit.
Yep, every single one of them will be judged. From low level poll workers to the grocery store clerks that enforced masks to every college professor and every employee at major corporations.
Why do you think there are so many sealed indictments? It's in the half a million range at least and growing by hundreds every day.
The three most frequently used words?
I dindu nuffin!
Biden's 5 most used words are: I just shit my pants
I hope "I've been praying for you" trends too
Trump is the legitimate President
Hopefully most of us will be alive to say it when the time comes.
The ones who are still asleep and obedient to the beast will need emotional help. We should help them to forgive themselves for what they've done. They had their own kindness used against them. They think they are doing the right thing, by vaccinating themselves and forcing it on others. This is how satan operates, he twists our good will into evil. I will be praying for their awakening and for their healing, physically and spiritually.
"It can't get any worse" will be the five words.
The difference is that the upper class liberal elites will start uttering them, instead of us.
Wait until inflation gets so bad that the Fed raises interest rates in a desperate move to corral price hikes. The stock market as well as real estate will crash by a solid 30-40%. That will wake up the Starbucks/Princeton/New York Times class.
Just two more weeks promise!
Followed by "I already knew that"
Nope. I'm too economical. "TOLD YOU SO". OS MY GO TO.
november will be awesome, many victories. December and Jan will be rough. Feb, on the other hand, will be good indeed.
How I pray this is true
The 4 favorite words of the vaccine cult victim are
I thought it was: Let's Get Biden To Quit.
Coming Months and Weeks is So Re ashuring :P Might as Well Say years too