People complain that the USA only has two major political parties, but on the bright side it leaves less room to hide. Biden’s election fraud stands out like a sore thumb, but Trudeau’s election fraud is a little trickier to detect
They can only fudge the numbers so much. 15% max swing from media fuckery, so I'm fairly sure that he's sitting at 23% approval. Fuck Joe Biden chants wouldn't just start happening if he weren't sitting EXTREMELY low
I always thought the same thing about Trump's approval numbers. They held up to to the level of Obama's approval numbers with 99% of the media against him, hurling insults and lies 24/7. Obama would have been as hated as Biden if the media hadn't had their lips superglued to his backside. Apparently, that stinky arrangement isn't working anymore. People are waking up.
So I'm gonna take a shot in the dark......4-6% perhaps?
wink wink nudge nudge
I litterly met one guy in my state that liked him,oddly a gay dude,and when he found out about the new car rules he no longer cares for him.
That's NY and CA.
My wife still watches FoxintheHenhouse news. Saw a poll today that put resident Numbnuts at 42% approval. C'mon man! As IF
42% LOL. No one can possibly believe that.
Trudeau was just reelected in Canada with only 31% of the vote, and nobody is questioning how this is mathematically possible.
People complain that the USA only has two major political parties, but on the bright side it leaves less room to hide. Biden’s election fraud stands out like a sore thumb, but Trudeau’s election fraud is a little trickier to detect
ONLY the programmed/braindead!
Yeah. Just imagine.
81 million votes....
The bell tolls for the Biden Admin. The rats know they are on a sinking ship. Otherwise they wouldn't release these outrageously incorrect polls. FJB
They can only fudge the numbers so much. 15% max swing from media fuckery, so I'm fairly sure that he's sitting at 23% approval. Fuck Joe Biden chants wouldn't just start happening if he weren't sitting EXTREMELY low
I always thought the same thing about Trump's approval numbers. They held up to to the level of Obama's approval numbers with 99% of the media against him, hurling insults and lies 24/7. Obama would have been as hated as Biden if the media hadn't had their lips superglued to his backside. Apparently, that stinky arrangement isn't working anymore. People are waking up.
Imagine having 99 percent of the media on your side and they have to admit your approval is so low. The media is the problem.
Now imagine how high Trump's ratings would have been without 99% of the media against him.
top kek
For what its worth, wish their was a rule that said if approval rating is below x then u gone.