My Dad is a hard working American from the South that loves this country. I refer to him as a “JFK Democrat” because the democrat party has completely changed over the years.
He started to wake up when the BLM riots were going on. These riots did not represent the party that he knew his whole life…the party of JFK.
Then the major lockdowns kept coming. This was a huge awaking for him. I kept telling him the lockdowns would lead to a vaccine mandate but he didn’t think it would get that far.
Then, the mandates rolled out. He is vaccinated but 100% disagrees with the mandates and thinks they should be the persons choice. Do to his age and previous health problems, I agree with him getting vaccinated.
With that being said, this administration has completely woken him up. He despises Nancy pelosi and the other day, he said to me he is never voting democrat again.
The everyday Americans are waking up in droves due to this administrations incompetence. Keep telling people the truth, don’t ever give up. WE THE PEOPLE WILL WIN!
I’m glad your father woke up. I gotta ask though…
“ Do to his age and previous health problems, I agree with him getting vaccinated.”
You know this shit is designed to weaken/kill people. Taking therapeutics would have been infinitely better for him. Not being a jackass, it’s obvious you care. Just saying this as most people want their parents around as long as possible.
Yeah the vaxx is of no benefit to anyone, no matter how old
Ring ring ring......
Hello, Dominion voting systems;
Can you add (1) more vote to the algorithm please because Itscrazytime’s Dad is gonna vote for Trump in 2024.
And just like that it really doesn’t matter until 2020 is exposed and fucking fixed
Due to his age...
My friend, the vax isn’t helping elderly. 95% rate has dropped to 1.5% and now coming out to be basically 0%.
Also, thats the average. Study from Quatar has the swing going well into the negative in mo 7. It approximately from 27 to -44 or so.
Tell that to the elderly with genuine weak immune systems put on the tube then put into the incinerator.
Elderly are DYING from the vax
I know personally 3 people that died from covid none were vaccinated. I know a few that have had breakthrough infection after vaccination they are all stll alive. So where is your real experience on the matter besides being in the idiot echo chamber?
So how are your math skills? 99 percent 1dead out of every hundred works for you? Walk into a room of 100 and pick one to die. You may not know death yet but you will.
I know three (otherwise healthy) people who died within 2 weeks of vaccination, and two people that had their cancer return in said timeframe, after vaccination.
The vaccine is fucking garbage. You have a lot of catching up to do, handshake. Watch some Bitchute videos.
(Also, welcome to GAW.)
Yup watch some poorly made videos by conspiracy nuts stoned in moms basement and ignore what is in front of me in reality I call BS on the people you supposedly know that suddenly died.
The videos with the dramatic music and flag transparency's are the best..........
Two were people I knew personally. One had his cancer come back and it killed him in two weeks (cancer coming back is a theme!). The other was a young man in his thirties who died of heart failure. Two Weeks.
I could call you a shill based on your limited activity, too. I see no point in lying; we are all in search of the ultimate truth here, ugly as it may be.
As for the videos, I meant the ones with some of the most accomplished and decorated doctors and scientists of our time. YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have deleted these videos as misinformation, but Bitchute leaves them up. They are speeches, interviews, etc.
Dr. Cole, Dr. Mikovitz, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. McCollough, the German scientist who analyzed the vaxx contents and found 1.5 mm synthetic parasites/hydra etc.
But you do you.
The shots are all different; it is like Russian Roulette. They could have 0 mcg mRNA, they could have 100 mcg (killshot).
P.S. We have all had loved ones get this garbage. But no reason to live in ignorance and deny reality. It is all in God’s hands. I say this because you are exhibiting all of the psychological signs of the stages of denial, which is probably because you had friends or loved ones get this thing.
Get what thing?
Let me see death certificates, pussiboi
I've considered myself a republican most of my life but in hind sight I would definitely be a JFK democrat when I observe his belief system over the majority of so called republicans today. I follow RFK Jr. daily on his CHD website and if he is anything like his father and uncle I will side with the likes of them over a Bush or Chaney any day.
Well yes, the Bush/Cheney Republican isn’t conservative. They are the Bolshevik NeoCons with no conservatism to speak of, just when it suits the voting bottom line.
Honest politicians have been systematically purged from our system due to assassination, bribes, blackmail, etc.
Bush and Cheney are the primary reason the number of Democrats in existence today is not Zero.
Dems do seem in a panic. Beto's campaign for governor in Texas got $5 million in two days. Just nuts.
They clearly know they're losing droves of people and needs lots of money to fund cheat schemes. (Beto will still lose)
beta won’t win… again
They're wasting their money, but these people can't seem to think straight. I suspect most of that money for Beto is for desperate cheating because they're going to lose a lot more locally.
My grandfather was the same way. Funny story - he was told he couldn't drive at 82 years of age. Later on in the same year, Obama was running in his second term. He woke up on election day, grabbed his keys, and headed off to the church to vote for a Republican. He didn't want to wait for someone to take him to vote. He had to make sure he voted against that "treasonous bastard"... LMAO...TRUE STORY!!
That's a great story.
The Democratic Party of JFK was nothing like the Democrats of today. Over the last 50 years we have taught politicians from both sides that corruption will be tolerated, and nobody will be held accountable for their actions. We are now seeing the unintended consequences of our lack of attention.
Are you saying Chicago cemeteries didn't make Senator Kennedy President?
It was New York cemeteries and Joe Kennedy's money.
We will have to agree to disagree on the geography. Democrats cheated then and continue to cheat now.
Great to hear about Dad’s common sense. Many people on here were at some point Democrats, but abandoned the sinking ship, because their brains still work. ;-)
Must say though, as the other replies mentioned, do not allow Dad to get any more boosters or pokes. It is coming out that do anything but help the problem. They seem to cause serious problems and deaths.
Do a little research on here or Bitchute and you will quickly arrive at the same conclusion.
Best to you and Dad.
I'm a JFK Democrat too, I haven't voted for a democrat since 68. But it didn't make a lot of difference.
The Democrats are BLM, Antifa, AOC, LGBTQ, socialism/communism, defund police, open borders, censorship, totalitarianism et al, they own it and are proud of it. The crazies in their party will never go back to center. Most people see a stinking corpse, but radicals love the smell.
A lot of folks have fallen asleep at the wheel. Is it their fault? Yes! Do many of us bust our butts to take care of our own and ignore politics cause it’s a toxic mess? Yes! Are we all responsible for how our country is governed? Damn right!
Lesson learned: pay attention and take part in your republic, or your republic will turn into a commie crap hole. Ignoring it won’t fix spit.
The fact that people are JUST NOW waking up blows my mind. What the fudge nuggets having you been paying attention to the last …. years?
Trying to quit cursing so much - excuse the childish expletives.
But saying fuck shit asshole cunt is so refreshing.
I don't know... fudge nuggets and commie crap hole have a certain charm🐸
JFK dems are conservative AF now days.
Tell him when he goes to vote, he'll still basically be voting democrat.
Why did you agree with him getting the clot shot?
So, if he was truly waking up, he'd realize voting means nothing.
Voting still helps. We see evidence of this in 2016. Just need a free candidate.
...but the vaccine doesn't.
Voting for RINOS isn't going to change anything.
Glad to hear but aren't you worried that thevax will kill him? I read that the vax death toll is up to 75 million ppl
This isn’t a theory but a known fact. Lincoln wrote about it after the war in his secret letters to contemporaries discussing him telling the people the true powers behind the South.
Lincoln could not bring “a second more bloody civil war to the people because instead of north v south it would neighbor vs neighbor.” He goes onto talk about how the Vatican had been bringing in their assets into the Christian churches, local govt, institutions since the revolution or shorty thereafter.
Many more go on to detail this throughout the decades including JFK & many more. This is a fact, no theory.
It is, but at the same time, it isn't.
One wing wants to:
-Teach kindergartners about trannies and gay sex
-Force vaccines
-Make gas and meat too expensive to buy
-Permanently erase borders
-Openly weaken the military and strengthen China's economy
-Etc, etc, etc
I realize that there are plenty of bad seeds in the Republican party. Lots of corrupt, bribed, disgusting politicians. But at least they can't openly support the above policies because conservative voters don't support that crap. Unlike the Dems, where two thirds of their voters, actually want all of the above to occur.
They are both going left. One side just does it faster, while the other pretends to be trying to correct course. They aren't. Don't fall for it.
If we are talking about the base of supporters then you have a point. The leadership however is UniParty through and through.