If it is overturned, most likely they'll concede that life begins at conception or at the heartbeat...not sure how the scotus will go with this. If so, than any state passing laws to murder the unborn would be unconstitutional. I'm sure they will pass those laws, and they will be struck down.
Hate to burst bubbles but the mass infertility weapon has already been released. No more babies to abort anyway after 2022. Anyone who would abort their kid would have already been vaccinated by now. I Don’t think this is a win for us. Just more deception.
Roe v Wade was an overreach not because it legalized abortion, but because it did so at the federal level. If Roe is overturned, the restriction or legalization of abortion becomes a state issue, and each state will have to pass legislation based on the will of the people (hopefully) in each state.
That said, it doesn't cite the constitution but rather the thinking and the influences of many of the constitution's writers. I prefer that SCOTUS stick to the letter of the law rather than interpreting the likely intention of the writers. Interpretation allows for a lot of latitude, sometimes gross deviations from the letter of the law (for example, Roe v Wade, Citizens United, or recent same-sex marriage rulings). Personally I think the constitution says nothing at all about abortion, or when a person becomes a person, and therefore it should defer to the states on that point. The states determine drinking age, driving age, marrying age, and even voting age within explicit limits set by the constitution; to me it seems reasonable that states should determine personhood on their own, since the constitution says nothing specifically relevant to the unborn within the womb. Obviously hoping that SCOTUS does the right thing; time will tell.
Well, the writers of the Constitution could not cite the Constitution before they wrote it. It did not exist, yet. They could only state their understanding of law that existed for hundreds of years leading up to the Constitution. That should be obvious.
Since the federal Constitution is silent on the issue, it is not a federal power. However, Roe v. Wade said that it is also not a state power, because it is a fundamental right. Fundamental rights are above the government (whether state or federal). That is the point of a constitutional republic (not a democracy).
Therefore, we are talking primarily about fundamental rights. That makes it a philosophical debate.
Why hypothesize? Every cause has an effect. The notion of R. Vs. W. being overturned is undoubtably fodder for DS shenanigans. Never let a crisis go to waste... But also, lefty normies will REEEEEE louder than our ears have experienced yet.
Should it be overturned? Yes. Will it be under Biden? If so, then SC is not compromised or obviously under white hat control. Because they would never allow this to happen while they are presumably in control.
If Roe v Wade is overturned, then (hopefully) abortion law will be decided by individual states.
I'm against abortion, but with exceptions, and I believe that in the first trimester it has to ultimately be up to the woman that's pregnant to decide if her personal situation justifies an exception.
Most people (though maybe not most people here) believe that there are situations were an abortion is justified - most often when rape is involved or when severe genetic defects are identified. And in the first trimester I don't think the government should be involved in allowing or disallowing abortions that fall into those categories. Besides the fact that it's a deeply personal matter, there are some domestic abuse situations where an accusation of rape would put a woman's life in danger - and we also don't want to create an environment where a woman might be tempted to make a rape accusation in order to abort.
It would get messy - and imho, it's none of the government's business.
And on top of all of that, I'm afraid that the movement to totally ban abortion is pushing people away from seeing the truth about what's happening with lockdowns, vaccines, human trafficking, and all of the other things that people here care about.
By being absolutely against abortion - with no exceptions, I think that some people are buying into the efforts to divide us, and unfortunately that position is being used by people on the left to justify the horrific idea that any restrictions on abortion are just the first step toward a total ban with no exceptions.
There’s no reason for it. After morning treatment and birth control is easy to get. They won’t repeal it though because of money. Taking care of kids from mothers who would kill their children is costly. By the time they are taken they have a list of mental health diagnoses☹️. At least one state will have such a thing or they’d throw after morning combinations OTC. The only people that use them are drug addicts or the mentally ill. The rest would be forced to be more responsible and that’s not a bad thing.
First more babies will live. Second, some states like California and New York can pass laws to make it legal in their state.
If it is overturned, most likely they'll concede that life begins at conception or at the heartbeat...not sure how the scotus will go with this. If so, than any state passing laws to murder the unborn would be unconstitutional. I'm sure they will pass those laws, and they will be struck down.
While sane states can push through legislation to make it illegal.
Hate to burst bubbles but the mass infertility weapon has already been released. No more babies to abort anyway after 2022. Anyone who would abort their kid would have already been vaccinated by now. I Don’t think this is a win for us. Just more deception.
Roe v Wade was an overreach not because it legalized abortion, but because it did so at the federal level. If Roe is overturned, the restriction or legalization of abortion becomes a state issue, and each state will have to pass legislation based on the will of the people (hopefully) in each state.
States will pass a variety of laws.
Here is an interesting article on what the Founders thought.
That's a good article. I'm glad I read it.
That said, it doesn't cite the constitution but rather the thinking and the influences of many of the constitution's writers. I prefer that SCOTUS stick to the letter of the law rather than interpreting the likely intention of the writers. Interpretation allows for a lot of latitude, sometimes gross deviations from the letter of the law (for example, Roe v Wade, Citizens United, or recent same-sex marriage rulings). Personally I think the constitution says nothing at all about abortion, or when a person becomes a person, and therefore it should defer to the states on that point. The states determine drinking age, driving age, marrying age, and even voting age within explicit limits set by the constitution; to me it seems reasonable that states should determine personhood on their own, since the constitution says nothing specifically relevant to the unborn within the womb. Obviously hoping that SCOTUS does the right thing; time will tell.
Well, the writers of the Constitution could not cite the Constitution before they wrote it. It did not exist, yet. They could only state their understanding of law that existed for hundreds of years leading up to the Constitution. That should be obvious.
Since the federal Constitution is silent on the issue, it is not a federal power. However, Roe v. Wade said that it is also not a state power, because it is a fundamental right. Fundamental rights are above the government (whether state or federal). That is the point of a constitutional republic (not a democracy).
Therefore, we are talking primarily about fundamental rights. That makes it a philosophical debate.
Why hypothesize? Every cause has an effect. The notion of R. Vs. W. being overturned is undoubtably fodder for DS shenanigans. Never let a crisis go to waste... But also, lefty normies will REEEEEE louder than our ears have experienced yet.
Should it be overturned? Yes. Will it be under Biden? If so, then SC is not compromised or obviously under white hat control. Because they would never allow this to happen while they are presumably in control.
If Roe v Wade is overturned, then (hopefully) abortion law will be decided by individual states.
I'm against abortion, but with exceptions, and I believe that in the first trimester it has to ultimately be up to the woman that's pregnant to decide if her personal situation justifies an exception.
Most people (though maybe not most people here) believe that there are situations were an abortion is justified - most often when rape is involved or when severe genetic defects are identified. And in the first trimester I don't think the government should be involved in allowing or disallowing abortions that fall into those categories. Besides the fact that it's a deeply personal matter, there are some domestic abuse situations where an accusation of rape would put a woman's life in danger - and we also don't want to create an environment where a woman might be tempted to make a rape accusation in order to abort.
It would get messy - and imho, it's none of the government's business.
And on top of all of that, I'm afraid that the movement to totally ban abortion is pushing people away from seeing the truth about what's happening with lockdowns, vaccines, human trafficking, and all of the other things that people here care about.
By being absolutely against abortion - with no exceptions, I think that some people are buying into the efforts to divide us, and unfortunately that position is being used by people on the left to justify the horrific idea that any restrictions on abortion are just the first step toward a total ban with no exceptions.
if the job of the government doesnt include protecting innocent life, what is its job in the first place?
What would Jesus do?
Thank you for your reply.
The left's heads will explode.
Liberals will fucking flip, that's what will happen. If you thought they were crazy before.... wow
Cities will burn, police will be executed, shops looted and store owners murdered or just a normal day in a Blue City....
It becomes a state by state issue instead of federal.
that means that the democrat whores will have to shut their legs!
More legs will be crossed.
There’s no reason for it. After morning treatment and birth control is easy to get. They won’t repeal it though because of money. Taking care of kids from mothers who would kill their children is costly. By the time they are taken they have a list of mental health diagnoses☹️. At least one state will have such a thing or they’d throw after morning combinations OTC. The only people that use them are drug addicts or the mentally ill. The rest would be forced to be more responsible and that’s not a bad thing.
If life begins at conception this is murder. Period.