This is why I'm not on the trump train any more. He's taken it too far. Too many times he's taken credit for it. There is zero reason why he would do this that makes remotely any sense.
This is a nonsensical argument. He didn't force anything. Children are now directly in the crosshairs and some people here are still grasping at straws to contort Trump's actions into some sort of greater plan.
The greater plan is this. We are all being forced to make a binary choice. 'Vax and comply' or 'No vax and resist'. This is a spiritual test, of sincere faith in God versus the obviously clear satanic agenda of our worldly leaders.
Yet I believe in the One True Living God! Where is your faith that he’d send someone like Trump because as long as he has his people here the larger his family becomes!!! Give God credit if you believe he is a sovereign God! Being Sovereign he makes all the decisions on down to who will rule over us or have you not read but cherry picked verses?
There is one you need if I could recall but bottom line he had relent from the punishment due us IF he chooses!
Because he never forced it upon people. If he was in power I don’t see him forcing the vaccines. Remember he pushed HCQ before the vax was out. I think he would have tried pushing other methods besides the vax.
Btw regarding your “i’m off the trump train comment.” Dont try coming back on once things start turning around
If he was in power I don’t see him forcing the vaccines.
Well that's why he stepped aside and did nothing to prevent or overturn the fraud. If they had let him win, no one would have taken the 'vax'. It was a bait and switch to try to get as many on both sides as possible to be onboard with the 'vax'.
Hum bum... We need differing opinions right now if we are ever going to figure out what is going on in this country. The pots about to start boiling it seems.
Well when there is ONLY two sides …I stand with Donald Trump who has proven he was chose to serve the one true living God and help us or I truly believe those on the left side will die! Because you can only choose good or evil no neutral zone in this war!
Or, he's pushing it based on the state of the vaccine when he left office.
Or... Etcetera.
Bottom line is this: the side of good is not going to force us to do anything.
At least 4% - 6% of the global population is irrecoverably brainwashed.
That's upwards of 500,000,000.
Maybe 500,000,000 people will be stupid enough to take 17 booster shots, and just suddenly drop dead. The remainder will realize this and wake up, and it will all be over!
Unfortunately your thinking lines up perfectly with the eugenicists. We have to be better than them or else we simply prove them right for what they are doing in their minds.
Now big pharma can pin a vaccine disaster on Trump. That one official statement from Trump saying he developed it is all the MSM needs to make it look like it's his fault.
That's OK, though. That would be sacrificing your queen to take king. Admitting the vaccine is a disaster is the goal. Admitting the vaccine is a disaster leads to corrupt governments falling all over the world. Who cares if Trump is around in politics after that?
Exactly! He didn't develop the vaccine. More accurately, he developed the opportunity for the vaccine to become available much sooner than was ever expected. He developed a way back to work. He developed a way to end the lock downs. His development of the vaccine opportunity was based on a choice to take it or not. Know the risks, decide for yourself and move on. Trump has every right to take credit for this and should. I'm really tired of people confusing his opportunity to get vaccinated with actually standing in a laboratory concocting the stuff. What concerns me more than Trump taking credit, is the fact that he's pretty quiet about mandates. I've heard him say a few times that people should have the right to decide for themselves but he hasn't been as vocal as I think people in his base would like.
No they can’t. Because they are the ones with the contracts stating they can’t be sued for reactions. They are the ones trying to withhold the information for 50+ years. Trump just wanted it out for people to take if they were comfortable. He wasnt gonna force it on us.
Oh you have studied well Anon! J&J is thee only vaccine Trump named by name and supported its development. Plus J&J was developed the old fashioned way, not using experimental technology.
Unpopular opinion: maybe he's just not that smart? or maybe he just believes the majority of the population think the vaccines are a good thing so he's hedging his bets in that direction while also dissing the mandates in an attempt to appeal to the most people possible?
He is obviously very smart and possibly brilliant.
I’ve thought about what he does for work and where he does it.
He produces excellence on the highest levels, in realestate, in the most sought out areas of the world.
Men that build skyscrapers, casinos and hotels (just to name a few) need to be very smart and have excellent intuition.
I guess you could enter that game through inheritance, but if your not top notch you’re going to need to hire someone who is or it will all come crashing down.
In Trump’s company he is the man you would hire. He is the brand and the main driving force that gets things done.
Take all that and then add in he is known as the king of comebacks and you find yourself with a guy that’s capable of turning around a country such as America.
hes trying to win normies hearts and these people are scared out of their wits of this imaginary virus. i dont think we're always the audience in his posts.
We can debate what this strategy intends to accomplish but it’s blatantly obvious this is a strategy. None of this is random and we have to accept we are at war and people will die. All they can do is try to reduce death as much as possible.
Trump says something like this, and right here I see the sheep come out in some of you. Don’t be fooled! This is war! The casualties from Trump bringing THEIR vaccines and specifically ……….. specifically ……… the Cabal’s special and oh so pushed BOOSTERS (that operate like rocket stages), are so much lower then what they planned. You continue to whine about Trump “discussing the vaccines” and never whine about all the people he has actually saved!
Let me be VERY CLEAR! The Cabal planned to have a full WWIII with the Vaccines, boosters, then shooting, then multiple NUKINGS, followed by A BILLION or so DEATHS by now, if Hilary had won, or The Cabal had Impeached and removed Trump!! This was planned my Padawan Anon’s! You people whining on this thread, myself, most of our families would be dead or very closely dead! LET THAT SINK IN.
Every time you want to whine, “ ohhh ohhh rheee rheeee!!! Trump mentioned his vaccines again! Rheee! Rheee!”, you show your sheepish skin, and show you REALLY HAVEN’T BEEN PAYING ATTENTION to your research…if you did it!
Trump has saved hundreds of millions of lives to this point! And yes The Cabal may still do a NUKE SCARE, or Actually Set One Off Somewhere in the world! But the body count, the overwhelming deaths have not happened. Your families at most are still alive. Yes maybe a few, a few sadly have been lost and you are sad and angry. But stop looking to Whine and Blame Trump!! BLAME the TRUE ENEMY, The Cabal!
And by God you work hard through our Lord to wake EVERYONE you can up! That’s why you’re here isn’t it? To stretch that mind yourself, and then use the knowledge to awaken others?! I hope so, I hope so. Because Where We Go One, We Go All! Where We Go One, We Go All! With Christ our Lord, We Will Win.
Wow beautifully said! Well Done!!! I too say stretch your mind! Most ask “ what does that mean? It means ALLOW YOUR OWN BRAIN TO THINK FOR YOU LET TRUTH SETTLE IN AND IT WILL STRETCH YOUR MIND!!!
Please post this everywhere you can. I’ll add one think “People why did God give you a brain? Do you even know?!
No he hasn’t. And all people need to do is research the MnRNA Information to see how it operates. The Boosters are key to making it stronger, or worse. Just read all the Covid Vaccine death news. The majority are double vaccinated/ double booster/triple booster people dying. And people still want to blame Trump here in this forum. Why are they not all then marching on Biden and Fauci!? Well because they haven’t truly grasped the facts, that why.
I live in the most highly-jabbed corner of North America (St.John's Newfoundland), and have yet to meet a SINGLE PERSON whos had a serious reaction. Nfld is also the Whitest and most Christianized area of the continent....something isnt adding up. Perhaps Q was telling the truth when he said "you and your families are SAFE. PROMISE". (Do you honestly believe President Trump wants 95% of us DEAD!?)
I know at least over 20 harmed by the vaccines. Maybe +30, I am starting to lose track actually there's so many including my aunt, cousin and friends, neighbors ... it's sad. Of course I know many more that didn't get any health issues as well. But I could make the argument"give it time to do its evil work". I also don't know anyone who died from covid.
It seems more likely that the reports of illness and death are part of the awakening process by military intelligence.
Why wouldn’t they use us to get the word out that big pharma is corrupt? Why wouldn’t they come to GAW and other sites to promote an idea that gets Americans thinking about the corruption in big pharma. Especially if they had thwarted a plan by the elites to use big pharma through Covid/jab to usher in the great reset.?.
Do you remember the press conference Trump hosted where he signed an EO directing some federal agencies to prioritize purchasing certain drugs and medical materials when made in the United States?
At that press conference he said👇🏼
"So, I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you'll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I'm doing. But I think we have one chance to do it, and no other president's going to do it.”
This is just speculation, but I think that statement was partially about big pharma and the plan that was rolling out to wake Americans up to their bullshit.
If the whitehats knew the best way to deal with this was to let the chinaflu run its course through natural immunity then the stories about the jab being saline make sense.
They would still need ppl to think the jab was real so they could wake ppl up to the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.
Though, that doesn’t explain for the failure to use HCQ and Ivermectin, so there’s that..
Q said “it was over before it started” and that seems to work with this premise.
I am trying to follow what you said. Are you suggesting that the adverse reactions are "fake news" from white hats, and that the shots were saline? Plausible, if so.
I’ve started to wonder the same thing, everyone I know that’s taken it is fine, the only place that I keep reading about bad reactions is online. Makes you wonder…
I’ve started wondering too if the white hats have an operation to spread the news about negative side effects online to keep us from taking it, but that would go against everything I know about the internet. I’ve read countless stories through various social media outlets, forums, articles, peer reviewed research, doctors speaking out, whistleblower testimonies about deaths and side effects from the vax. It’s so widespread it would be difficult to fake news on this level. But that’s just the thing… I know very few/no people who have died or suffered due to the vax in real life. Makes you wonder…
Different thought: we routinely debate this, but we are coming from our side of the issue. Maybe Trump knows we know, and his comments are only meant for the MSM and sheeple who believe in the vax. So, if we let go of the "digging a hole" paradigm and just see his comment as taking away FJB's singular point of "success" in the eyes of FJB's sheeple stooges, it makes more sense. It's like having it both ways, plus Trump avoids being pilloried by the MSM regarding the vax.
Always been my thought that anyone with a brain shouldn't worry about anything President Trump says about the vaccine. DJT obviously knows something that we do not. After fighting off demons brilliantly 5 years, he would not be making a mistake at this point, what he says must have a purpose.
So, if we let go of the "digging a hole" paradigm and just see his comment as taking away FJB's singular point of "success" in the eyes of FJB's sheeple stooges
I don't see how it takes anything away from dementia Joe.
The media will ignore Trump's statement and credit Joe as long as the going is good. But once the deaths start piling up and it all become impossible to conceal, they'll turn around and say Trump was the real culprit. Trumps statement saying he developed it is all the proof they need. It's as good as a signed confession.
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population.."
Wait what? How making everyone vaccinated by experimental vaccine better your safety?
Yes, maybe older people gets saved in short term but what about those young who would get behind covid without problem and have now heart side effects problems?
His only play at this point is claim he thought the vaccines were good, but was not privy to the info the current administration has. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. This troubles me. Hope he has an out.
What if one of the vaccine companies was/is working with Trump right from the begining when he started pushing the vaccine, and that manufacturer is actually producing a placebo?
Isn’t it common sense if God of Heaven created all things snd is sovereign he is in control of all things??? Read OT God decided all the kings snd kingdoms and took them now! Everyone nobody else made theirselves a king or kingdom. Read and understand He is MASTER of all the universe!
If you know he raises up the kings and kingdoms and he is sovereign in all the decisions then you know that Trump is there. He told Pharaoh
“ Exodus 9:16 (KJV)
And in very deed for this [cause] have I raised thee up, for to shew [in] thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.”
So we see God raised up Pharoah . So he says Be still and know he is God!
Daniel 4:17 (KJV)
This matter [is] by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
We see if he rules he rules! He chose Trump as a matter of fact he chose them all!
If he rules he chose! Often if we deserve punishment then the righteous acting wicked gets a king to match their heart!
God tells us what is happening is on HIS PEOPLE! Not the sinners!
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
If my people, <>>>which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from >>>>>>their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Q never said for or against the vaccine, how much are we being lied to and manipulated and by who? I'm not saying to get the vaccine at all, but where's the truth in all of this we are being run by fear on both sides.
Fear of the vaccine on our side fear of the unvaxxed on their side. They want us divided, and they're doing a very good job.
Why he keeps digging this hole is beyond me.
This is why I'm not on the trump train any more. He's taken it too far. Too many times he's taken credit for it. There is zero reason why he would do this that makes remotely any sense.
Without the fast rollout of vaccines we would have been in lockdown for YEARS.
MSM and cabal were forced to either admit their vaccines don’t work, or open up the country.
This is a nonsensical argument. He didn't force anything. Children are now directly in the crosshairs and some people here are still grasping at straws to contort Trump's actions into some sort of greater plan.
The greater plan is this. We are all being forced to make a binary choice. 'Vax and comply' or 'No vax and resist'. This is a spiritual test, of sincere faith in God versus the obviously clear satanic agenda of our worldly leaders.
Yet I believe in the One True Living God! Where is your faith that he’d send someone like Trump because as long as he has his people here the larger his family becomes!!! Give God credit if you believe he is a sovereign God! Being Sovereign he makes all the decisions on down to who will rule over us or have you not read but cherry picked verses? There is one you need if I could recall but bottom line he had relent from the punishment due us IF he chooses!
Because he never forced it upon people. If he was in power I don’t see him forcing the vaccines. Remember he pushed HCQ before the vax was out. I think he would have tried pushing other methods besides the vax.
Btw regarding your “i’m off the trump train comment.” Dont try coming back on once things start turning around
Well that's why he stepped aside and did nothing to prevent or overturn the fraud. If they had let him win, no one would have taken the 'vax'. It was a bait and switch to try to get as many on both sides as possible to be onboard with the 'vax'.
Hum bum... We need differing opinions right now if we are ever going to figure out what is going on in this country. The pots about to start boiling it seems.
Differing opinions is not the same as “i dont support trump anymore” which is essentially what you are saying when you claim to be off the train
Well when there is ONLY two sides …I stand with Donald Trump who has proven he was chose to serve the one true living God and help us or I truly believe those on the left side will die! Because you can only choose good or evil no neutral zone in this war!
Or, he's genuinely pushing it for X reason.
Or, he's pushing it based on the state of the vaccine when he left office.
Or... Etcetera.
Bottom line is this: the side of good is not going to force us to do anything.
At least 4% - 6% of the global population is irrecoverably brainwashed.
That's upwards of 500,000,000.
Maybe 500,000,000 people will be stupid enough to take 17 booster shots, and just suddenly drop dead. The remainder will realize this and wake up, and it will all be over!
Those dumb enough to become Transgenders remove themselves from the gene pool.
Those dumb enough to become Homosexuals remove themselves from the gene pool.
Those dumb enough to get every vaccine available remove themselves from the gene pool.
Those dumb enough to abort their own children...
Those dumb enough to shoot themselves...
Those dumb enough to abuse drugs...
Etcetera and etcetera. So on, and so forth.
Unfortunately your thinking lines up perfectly with the eugenicists. We have to be better than them or else we simply prove them right for what they are doing in their minds.
That stupid people are going to die? Can you explain what your thinking is so I don't misunderstand you?
Libs hate trump. By taking credit for vax it will ultimately help normies flip on pharma, which is a step in the right direction.
These folks need microdoses of red pills.
Zero reason that you can think of. Re read op post again
He Brought on the vaccine he took himself and told Americans he bought up all the supply so America could have it for free. Regeneron.
First I've seen of that.
What did he mean by that?
Why would he take credit for the vaccine that's causing heart attacks in young healthy people??
What's going on?
My best guess: Bait Big Pharma into rebuking his claim
He just didn't have to say anything.
Now big pharma can pin a vaccine disaster on Trump. That one official statement from Trump saying he developed it is all the MSM needs to make it look like it's his fault.
Maybe that's the point behind all of this, behind why Flynn said "Trump quit," maybe the reason why we're suffering through Biden...
It's for optics, and he's going to take a fall to promote the cause?
That's OK, though. That would be sacrificing your queen to take king. Admitting the vaccine is a disaster is the goal. Admitting the vaccine is a disaster leads to corrupt governments falling all over the world. Who cares if Trump is around in politics after that?
Exactly! He didn't develop the vaccine. More accurately, he developed the opportunity for the vaccine to become available much sooner than was ever expected. He developed a way back to work. He developed a way to end the lock downs. His development of the vaccine opportunity was based on a choice to take it or not. Know the risks, decide for yourself and move on. Trump has every right to take credit for this and should. I'm really tired of people confusing his opportunity to get vaccinated with actually standing in a laboratory concocting the stuff. What concerns me more than Trump taking credit, is the fact that he's pretty quiet about mandates. I've heard him say a few times that people should have the right to decide for themselves but he hasn't been as vocal as I think people in his base would like.
No they can’t. Because they are the ones with the contracts stating they can’t be sued for reactions. They are the ones trying to withhold the information for 50+ years. Trump just wanted it out for people to take if they were comfortable. He wasnt gonna force it on us.
That may be what he is offering. ''End the pain and I'll take the blame''.
-already invented
-bait big pharma
-cause lib confusion
Let’s say that’s correct and only pertains to mRNA jab.
Notice he used vaccine in the singular form.
When was J&J (non-mRNA) jab developed?
Maybe he’s referring to the one non-mRNA jab that was pulled by the FDA(?)
Oh you have studied well Anon! J&J is thee only vaccine Trump named by name and supported its development. Plus J&J was developed the old fashioned way, not using experimental technology.
Thank you good sir!
Sometimes I’m amazed I can put together any logical hypothesis with the amount of disinformation I inadvertently devour on a daily basis.
Unpopular opinion: maybe he's just not that smart? or maybe he just believes the majority of the population think the vaccines are a good thing so he's hedging his bets in that direction while also dissing the mandates in an attempt to appeal to the most people possible?
He is obviously very smart and possibly brilliant.
I’ve thought about what he does for work and where he does it. He produces excellence on the highest levels, in realestate, in the most sought out areas of the world.
Men that build skyscrapers, casinos and hotels (just to name a few) need to be very smart and have excellent intuition. I guess you could enter that game through inheritance, but if your not top notch you’re going to need to hire someone who is or it will all come crashing down.
In Trump’s company he is the man you would hire. He is the brand and the main driving force that gets things done.
Take all that and then add in he is known as the king of comebacks and you find yourself with a guy that’s capable of turning around a country such as America.
This is it.
hes trying to win normies hearts and these people are scared out of their wits of this imaginary virus. i dont think we're always the audience in his posts.
We can debate what this strategy intends to accomplish but it’s blatantly obvious this is a strategy. None of this is random and we have to accept we are at war and people will die. All they can do is try to reduce death as much as possible.
Trump says something like this, and right here I see the sheep come out in some of you. Don’t be fooled! This is war! The casualties from Trump bringing THEIR vaccines and specifically ……….. specifically ……… the Cabal’s special and oh so pushed BOOSTERS (that operate like rocket stages), are so much lower then what they planned. You continue to whine about Trump “discussing the vaccines” and never whine about all the people he has actually saved!
Let me be VERY CLEAR! The Cabal planned to have a full WWIII with the Vaccines, boosters, then shooting, then multiple NUKINGS, followed by A BILLION or so DEATHS by now, if Hilary had won, or The Cabal had Impeached and removed Trump!! This was planned my Padawan Anon’s! You people whining on this thread, myself, most of our families would be dead or very closely dead! LET THAT SINK IN.
Every time you want to whine, “ ohhh ohhh rheee rheeee!!! Trump mentioned his vaccines again! Rheee! Rheee!”, you show your sheepish skin, and show you REALLY HAVEN’T BEEN PAYING ATTENTION to your research…if you did it!
Trump has saved hundreds of millions of lives to this point! And yes The Cabal may still do a NUKE SCARE, or Actually Set One Off Somewhere in the world! But the body count, the overwhelming deaths have not happened. Your families at most are still alive. Yes maybe a few, a few sadly have been lost and you are sad and angry. But stop looking to Whine and Blame Trump!! BLAME the TRUE ENEMY, The Cabal!
And by God you work hard through our Lord to wake EVERYONE you can up! That’s why you’re here isn’t it? To stretch that mind yourself, and then use the knowledge to awaken others?! I hope so, I hope so. Because Where We Go One, We Go All! Where We Go One, We Go All! With Christ our Lord, We Will Win.
Wow beautifully said! Well Done!!! I too say stretch your mind! Most ask “ what does that mean? It means ALLOW YOUR OWN BRAIN TO THINK FOR YOU LET TRUTH SETTLE IN AND IT WILL STRETCH YOUR MIND!!!
Please post this everywhere you can. I’ll add one think “People why did God give you a brain? Do you even know?!
Thank you Anon and God bless.
Notice Trump has not once promoted a booster...
No he hasn’t. And all people need to do is research the MnRNA Information to see how it operates. The Boosters are key to making it stronger, or worse. Just read all the Covid Vaccine death news. The majority are double vaccinated/ double booster/triple booster people dying. And people still want to blame Trump here in this forum. Why are they not all then marching on Biden and Fauci!? Well because they haven’t truly grasped the facts, that why.
I live in the most highly-jabbed corner of North America (St.John's Newfoundland), and have yet to meet a SINGLE PERSON whos had a serious reaction. Nfld is also the Whitest and most Christianized area of the continent....something isnt adding up. Perhaps Q was telling the truth when he said "you and your families are SAFE. PROMISE". (Do you honestly believe President Trump wants 95% of us DEAD!?)
I know at least over 20 harmed by the vaccines. Maybe +30, I am starting to lose track actually there's so many including my aunt, cousin and friends, neighbors ... it's sad. Of course I know many more that didn't get any health issues as well. But I could make the argument"give it time to do its evil work". I also don't know anyone who died from covid.
No I don’t.
It seems more likely that the reports of illness and death are part of the awakening process by military intelligence.
Why wouldn’t they use us to get the word out that big pharma is corrupt? Why wouldn’t they come to GAW and other sites to promote an idea that gets Americans thinking about the corruption in big pharma. Especially if they had thwarted a plan by the elites to use big pharma through Covid/jab to usher in the great reset.?.
Do you remember the press conference Trump hosted where he signed an EO directing some federal agencies to prioritize purchasing certain drugs and medical materials when made in the United States? At that press conference he said👇🏼
"So, I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you'll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I'm doing. But I think we have one chance to do it, and no other president's going to do it.”
This is just speculation, but I think that statement was partially about big pharma and the plan that was rolling out to wake Americans up to their bullshit. If the whitehats knew the best way to deal with this was to let the chinaflu run its course through natural immunity then the stories about the jab being saline make sense. They would still need ppl to think the jab was real so they could wake ppl up to the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. Though, that doesn’t explain for the failure to use HCQ and Ivermectin, so there’s that..
Q said “it was over before it started” and that seems to work with this premise.
At least that’s what I’m hoping..
I am trying to follow what you said. Are you suggesting that the adverse reactions are "fake news" from white hats, and that the shots were saline? Plausible, if so.
Yes, I think it’s very possible the white hats are manufacturing these stories to get ppl to see big pharma in a different light.
I won't rule this out. But I am more inclined to think that there have been a lot of adverse effects for real. I guess time will tell.
In the last 4 months I had two friends die that made ZERO sense.
Both were vaccinated and as far as what we’ve been told none were sick.
So I get… I really do.
I’ve started to wonder the same thing, everyone I know that’s taken it is fine, the only place that I keep reading about bad reactions is online. Makes you wonder…
What if the deep state is falsifying/inflating the negative effects and deaths from vax just as they do for COVID?
I’ve started wondering too if the white hats have an operation to spread the news about negative side effects online to keep us from taking it, but that would go against everything I know about the internet. I’ve read countless stories through various social media outlets, forums, articles, peer reviewed research, doctors speaking out, whistleblower testimonies about deaths and side effects from the vax. It’s so widespread it would be difficult to fake news on this level. But that’s just the thing… I know very few/no people who have died or suffered due to the vax in real life. Makes you wonder…
Different thought: we routinely debate this, but we are coming from our side of the issue. Maybe Trump knows we know, and his comments are only meant for the MSM and sheeple who believe in the vax. So, if we let go of the "digging a hole" paradigm and just see his comment as taking away FJB's singular point of "success" in the eyes of FJB's sheeple stooges, it makes more sense. It's like having it both ways, plus Trump avoids being pilloried by the MSM regarding the vax.
Always been my thought that anyone with a brain shouldn't worry about anything President Trump says about the vaccine. DJT obviously knows something that we do not. After fighting off demons brilliantly 5 years, he would not be making a mistake at this point, what he says must have a purpose.
Agreed. Thanks for weighing in.
I don't see how it takes anything away from dementia Joe.
The media will ignore Trump's statement and credit Joe as long as the going is good. But once the deaths start piling up and it all become impossible to conceal, they'll turn around and say Trump was the real culprit. Trumps statement saying he developed it is all the proof they need. It's as good as a signed confession.
Ron Howard - It's not going good and they're still crediting Joe for not being Donald Trump.
Not unless he is able to prove that they commandeered the process and made it evil.
"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population.."
Wait what? How making everyone vaccinated by experimental vaccine better your safety? Yes, maybe older people gets saved in short term but what about those young who would get behind covid without problem and have now heart side effects problems?
I am really confused on why he is saying this but he always says things for a reason and is most likely playing a longer game .. time will tell.
His only play at this point is claim he thought the vaccines were good, but was not privy to the info the current administration has. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. This troubles me. Hope he has an out.
If enough people realize the vaccine was poison all along can't they pin it on Trump?? He's on record saying he developed the vaccine.
What if one of the vaccine companies was/is working with Trump right from the begining when he started pushing the vaccine, and that manufacturer is actually producing a placebo?
Has any of you considered that God wants you to trust him and his plan? Trump is part of his plan and I can prove it scripturally!
Psalm 46:10 (KJV) Be still, and know that I [am] God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Where does that verse say anything about Trump??
Isn’t it common sense if God of Heaven created all things snd is sovereign he is in control of all things??? Read OT God decided all the kings snd kingdoms and took them now! Everyone nobody else made theirselves a king or kingdom. Read and understand He is MASTER of all the universe!
I agree that God decides what happens.
But you said Trump is part of God's plan but I don't see anything about Trump in that verse.
If you know he raises up the kings and kingdoms and he is sovereign in all the decisions then you know that Trump is there. He told Pharaoh
“ Exodus 9:16 (KJV) And in very deed for this [cause] have I raised thee up, for to shew [in] thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.”
So we see God raised up Pharoah . So he says Be still and know he is God!
Daniel 4:17 (KJV) This matter [is] by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
We see if he rules he rules! He chose Trump as a matter of fact he chose them all!
If he rules he chose! Often if we deserve punishment then the righteous acting wicked gets a king to match their heart!
God tells us what is happening is on HIS PEOPLE! Not the sinners! 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) If my people, <>>>which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from >>>>>>their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
These are coms, try looking at the bigger picture.
Q never said for or against the vaccine, how much are we being lied to and manipulated and by who? I'm not saying to get the vaccine at all, but where's the truth in all of this we are being run by fear on both sides.
Fear of the vaccine on our side fear of the unvaxxed on their side. They want us divided, and they're doing a very good job.