My understanding is that Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and expelled the banking cartel from his country. Why would a roth puppet do such a thing?
Same Goes For Every MSM media outlet.... This is one of the many things that annoys me about joe rogan. At least once an episode he'll say; "It's click bait, and they want the clicks, because they want to make money."
Which is clearly not the case since if they wanted to make money, they would report the news without bias... Even after the Joe Vs Cnn Saga, joe asserts that they were staright up lying about him.... but he defends them by saying "They just want clicks"
And Ironically, Joe is most likely "Lying" about his opinion on why they lied about him...I don't believe he is retarded enough to believe that this about Clicks, ratings, and money at this point...and I put lying in quotes because I'm sure joe has his reasons for saying this...
the truth of what's going on right now is more captivating than the most captivating movie ever made, let alone the propaganda they push. Even the people who hate trump can't stomach the MSM. They can't tolerate it either, and they sure as fuck know they are lying...whether they can admit it or not. Which is why they are on their final breath.
I finally cancelled my Netflix subscription yesterday! We hadn't watched anything on it in months, and of course, their leftist and immoral content was also a strong reason.
It's like in the mid 90s when you'd buy a DVD player and there'd be a free copy of "The Mask" by Jim Carrey in the box, as almost no one actually bought the movie.
Agitprop only moves the meter when it is consumed. So whom exactly is it for and why? It seems more like the various failed postcard campaigns to keep Firefly alive than something that actually works.
Well, RBG "doc" is a few years old already, and there were free screenings in museums and for seniors, in Europe. After reading the synopsis, I was so sorry I was not entitled to see it. Then.
I'd call them propaganda.... but ask yourself: who in their right mind is going to pay to see any of these movies? A few dedicated leftists maybe.
It's not about profit.
It's about inserting narratives and creating fake history.
History is told by the winners of wars.
The last 600 years, for example.
It's also a good way to money launder.
They don't even need Theatre's anymore. It can all be covered up with fake data.
This is true. What's even more jarring is the "unification" of big tech and big hollywood/media. Let's see:
netflix - known libtards
google - youtube should we say more?
amazon - it looks like they are going to move their studios HQ to the DC area? unholy alliance w/ the deep state
facebook - insta and now occulus and extended reality will be their gateway to controlling what people watch
apple - disney/pixar connections from the known pervert steve jobs on
Correct. However, history is then sometimes rewritten by the losers.
For example, the German socialists lost WW2, but they have rewritten history so that now most normies think the German socialists were right wing.
Hitler was a Rothchild sock puppet. Prescott Bush was a Satanist.
Any narrative of WW2 has to include those facts.
Who REALLY won the War?
My understanding is that Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and expelled the banking cartel from his country. Why would a roth puppet do such a thing?
The only “winner” in any war is the ones who instigated it for gain or pleasure. All the other participants are losers.
The banks. Every time a fiat currency system is about to collapse, they instigate a war.
"Hitler was a Rothchild sock puppet" Is a really, REALLY low IQ take
Same Goes For Every MSM media outlet.... This is one of the many things that annoys me about joe rogan. At least once an episode he'll say; "It's click bait, and they want the clicks, because they want to make money."
Which is clearly not the case since if they wanted to make money, they would report the news without bias... Even after the Joe Vs Cnn Saga, joe asserts that they were staright up lying about him.... but he defends them by saying "They just want clicks"
And Ironically, Joe is most likely "Lying" about his opinion on why they lied about him...I don't believe he is retarded enough to believe that this about Clicks, ratings, and money at this point...and I put lying in quotes because I'm sure joe has his reasons for saying this...
the truth of what's going on right now is more captivating than the most captivating movie ever made, let alone the propaganda they push. Even the people who hate trump can't stomach the MSM. They can't tolerate it either, and they sure as fuck know they are lying...whether they can admit it or not. Which is why they are on their final breath.
I finally cancelled my Netflix subscription yesterday! We hadn't watched anything on it in months, and of course, their leftist and immoral content was also a strong reason.
it's likely that they'll pay YOU to watch the movies.......
It’s the new version of the book deal.
It's like in the mid 90s when you'd buy a DVD player and there'd be a free copy of "The Mask" by Jim Carrey in the box, as almost no one actually bought the movie.
I never saw that, but I saw it as a free Crackerjack prize in DVD player boxes for a couple of years.
All Hollywood movies have some propaganda points. And some Hollywood movies are All propaganda. These are type II.
Agitprop only moves the meter when it is consumed. So whom exactly is it for and why? It seems more like the various failed postcard campaigns to keep Firefly alive than something that actually works.
Well, RBG "doc" is a few years old already, and there were free screenings in museums and for seniors, in Europe. After reading the synopsis, I was so sorry I was not entitled to see it. Then.