If it has been longer than a week since the initial infection, you may no longer dealing with a viral infection. Most respiratory viruses will run their course in about a week. What makes people so sick is the secondary type 1 hypersensitivity response that follows the infection and causes all the damage. This can occur very quickly on the eighth day after the initial infection. Sometimes a person starts to feel a little better and thinks they have turned the corner only to get very ill - quickly. If her Covid has now moved into a second phase, to continue to throw antivirals at Covid, including Remdesivir and Ivermectin, will do little to halt the progression. However, Ivermectin does have some immune modulating activity and is more helpful versus Remdesivir or other such toxic antivirals. At this stage, antihistamines and steroids have been seen to turn this around and do so quickly. Inflammation is the enemy at this stage and some medical interventions only exacerbate the problem. I am glad you are seeking the medical power of attorney. That is the only way to protect her from medical kidnapping and attempt to control her treatment.
Things to use to fight inflammatory Covid sequela are:
Prednisone and not dexamethasone along with comitant use of H1 and H2 antihistamines to help to mitigate the attack on the tissues. H1 antihistamines like promethazine and H2 antihistamines like cimetidine are useful. She has both lung and digestive symptoms so the antihistamines may help. Budesonide has also been shown to help with compromised breathing. Antibiotics are only useful for secondary bacterial infection. Usually viral pneumonia is bilateral with equal sounds, while bacterial pneumonia is usually on one side with unequal sounds. Please review the following material to see if this may fit her case. God's speed to you fren.
No remdesivir! She need high flow oxygen, and antibiotics. My mother in law is going through the same thing right now. Bacterial pneumonia, they gave her remdesivir and put her on a vent the first night and her kidneys didn't respond well to it, so they stopped the remdesivir. Once they got the lung infection under control with antibiotics, they found parts of her intestines had died, most likely from the remdesivir. So she had to have a big amount of her intestines removed as well. She's on the mend now and getting better every day, but be wary of that remdesivir shit.
The kind of cultures hospitals like to run may not show for pneumonia and they take 24 hours anyway. Just get the antibiotics. The side effects of most antibiotics are mild so the consequences of over treating are a non-issue.
Well, it's hardly uncommon for a viral infection to be followed by a bacterial one. I'm sure that's why the rebel protocols like Z stack include an antibiotic and why they have been successful.
I’m a Covid nurse. Sounds accurate to me. We see people like her with all her variables. Lungs close up, inflammation like if you shut your thumb in the door, swelling, it just doesn’t go down if you take ibuprofen or another Med, it takes time.
People with chronic lung failure and double transplants have blood oxygen around 90 percent, when it gets in the 80s they are dying.
Her lungs have no open spaces, it’s wall to wall inflammation.
At that point you have to wait for the swelling to go down. It’s no longer the virus, like your thumb is no longer between the door jams.
The reason it swelled is gone, now you have to wait for the swelling (inflammation) to go away.
No meds really make swelling go away. Just like in hives. Or a black eye. Ice may reduce a little bit but that swollen eye will go down with time. You could add a bunch of steroids, but it still takes days or weeks.
In my hospital we ask very nicely if they want remdesivir and nurses aren’t supposed to bring it in unless they ask the patient each time.
We also allow patients to bring their ivermectin in as long as they keep it to themselves. We let them take it. Often they’ve been on it for weeks and come in with lungs closed up.
Hope that helps you understand how swelling/inflammation works.
Ivermectin may have lowered the viral counts early on leading to less swelling, but once it’s swelled, I can’t see a mechanism for that to work. Probably as an early preventative treatment.
Even if it’s bacterial, it’s the same thing. They can give antibiotics to kill the bacteria, but the swelling will go down over time. We do give Covid patients plenty of antibiotics. We treat the patients, not the diagnosis. We don’t so much care what’s causing it, we hit it from any direction that might help,
You're being dramatic. 02 in the 80s is not "dying". People with sleep apnea drop well below that. I was high 80s when I walked in to the ER under my own power and I had very little trouble breathing.
It's still a medication and can affect the body in strange ways. Another poster says that it builds up in the body so that is something to be concerned about too.
The benefits are generally immediate and the treatment window narrow so only take it as needed. Which may include a once-yearly treatment for parasites.
Same story different patient. The hospitals never get tired of killing people so they can collect their COVID-Remdesivir-ventilator bonuses.
She should be on anti-biotics, IV vitamins and Ivermection. You had better get external support from FrontlineDoctors and/or a lawyer because they will kill your GF otherwise.
Are YOU? I HAD covid, was in the hospital, was given remdesivir and azythromycin. Shit worked great. I'm probably closer to it than you are. While I was there I grilled the doctors and nurses in order to sort through the bullshit. There's a lot of THAT coming from BOTH sides.
I am actually pretty close to it, closer than being in the hospital as a patient. While I agree there is bullshit coming from both sides there are studies which I referenced that show remdesivir causes kidney failure in about of the third of the cases. Adding certain other drugs can increase those odds. I know they are testing daily and watching levels which is good but if there are less invasive treatments that work why not use those treatments? Why not be open to the possibility that there are other methods? Also, CMS does give a pretty large increase if remdesivir is on the claim. So there is incentive to use it. I am glad this worked for you. My issue is with the blinders that so many health professionals have at this time.
Also, I had COVID as well and didn’t end up sick enough to be hospitalized because I used an effective treatment protocol at home. Early treatment is the key.
This is interesting. If you look at the FDA's website and look at the COVID protocols, it gives a history also, and for Remdesivir, it was causing further kidney/liver damage early on in patients who already had kidney/liver damage. It made it worse. They halted its use for a while, then reissued the protocol with additional blood tests for kidney/liver function, and as your PDF said, additional monitoring.
When I had it, there were times I was pissing every 30 minutes, so my kidneys were working fine.
There is a specific protocol that nationally funded hospitals use that can earn them around 500K. This does not include treatment for her to get better. They will put her on Remdesiver (5 day dosage) and try to intubate (they get Benjamin’s for intubating). She has to be unconscious for intubation, so she won’t be communicating anymore. My sister spent 1 week on the floor before they moved her to ICU where she lasted 1 more week. She probably lasted as long as she did because she refused intubation but was on max BiPAP (the conscious step below intubation). They will not give her ivermectin since it’s not part of the protocol. Hydroxychloriquine is not allowed either. She needs to get out of there as soon as possible. Get home oxygen. Get a pulse oximeter. Treat her at home. Treat pneumonia. They will get a positive covid test eventually, even if they have to find it somewhere else. Hospitals no longer are places of healing.
If she’s doing okay on O2, can she be released to home on O2? Give them a phone charger. Send in daily written questions for her to answer until you get the phone charged. Notes of I love you too of course. Advise her they should be treating for pneumonia. No remdesiver. She can refuse. If they’ve started, they can stop.
The sources were on here—listing out the payment for each treatment escalation. It added up to the upper 400k. I didn’t keep the link and searching is not possible from my mobile phone (don’t even know what I would search for). I honestly don’t know since I haven’t seen a bill and don’t think my BIL has seen one either).
There is no such thing as covid pnemonia there is just pnemonia. The treatment is antibiotic but when they call it covid pnemonia they do not give the regular antibiotic. They will kill her unless you get a lawyer in there immediately to give her antibiotics and invermectin. Pnemonia does not go away it kills you unless she gets the antibiotic. I really hope you win this battle for her sake as well as yours. Find a way to get in touch with the frontline doctors.
I hung antibiotics all night for some Covid patients. Some do not get them if their blood work shows certain things or they decline it. It depends on if they are coughing up junk.
I hung an antibiotic once and it put the patient, years ago not Covid, in kidney failure but it was reversed when we stopped it.
Antibiotics are harmful like any medicine so we don’t give them unless it’s necessary. They are toxic. Like remdesivir can be. Kidneys must secrete them so it can damage the kidneys.
Antibiotics treat biotics. Biotics are bacteria. Covid is a virus. Remdesivir is an antiviral.
We also have anti fungal medicine. They treat fungal pneumonia.
Pneumonia just means lung swelling.
There is viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia and fungal pneumonia.
Sometimes a virus can cause bacteria to grow also. So you have both. I’ve seen people have all three.
If you get a cold, you don’t need antibiotics for you to get better. Sometimes you do if it lasts a long time and bacteria start growing because the lungs are worn down.
Medicine doesn’t help the lung swelling go down, it kills whatever is causing the lung swelling, so at least it doesn’t keep swelling. Swelling goes away over time.
covid pneumonia is inflammation of the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli. it has much of the symptoms of pneumonia, which is infected mucous or fluid filled alveoli, but doesn't respond the same because the problem is in the vessels -- covid causes endothelial damage.
My brother in law ended up in the hospital with Covid pneumonia. Blood ox 84. Vapotherm machine immediately started him improving. No remdesivir no vent!!!
Also another friend found a version of monoclonal antibodies that can be given up to 15 days in rather than 10. Hospital agreed and he got it while inpatient for Covid pneumonia.
Can’t offer any medical or legal advice, but prayers have been sent up on behalf of the two of you🙏. Have faith in the doctors - they’re not all bad. Above all else, do your best to remain calm, and know that you’re not alone.
Prayers with you and yours. Yes, push for the Monoclonal.
Find it odd that they say it is too late for Monoclonal.
My adult son followed the same path as your gf with the vits but, no iver..
had the high fever, couldnt eat, so much so that he went to er and passed out in waiting room (he was very badly dehydrated) he stayed in er over night and got fluids, lots of fluids (was a river of sweat for a bit) and some meds(steroids) then he went HOME.
After that he got the pneumonia, got so he couldnt breath so went back in to the er.. HIS doctor did give him teh Monoclonal and something for the pneumonia, he stayed a few hours then WENT HOME again (I went and got him an oxy reader)
Next day he started taking Ivermect (HIS pharmacist talked him into it).. he suffered for a couple of days more then he cleared up and got better and had a negative Covid test the following weekend and was back to work (though took it easy for a week more) Tell her to fight through it, no fear, one day at a time.
I would not trust the Hospital, personally, nor did my son and so refused to stay in the hospital any longer than it took for the IV fluids to finish.
Listen very carefully. They are going to keep your from her and never give her the form. Then they will start her on the protocol that is killing so many remdesivir, dethamasone and others. They won’t listen to you or try anything you ask. She will develop ARDS and have to require more and more oxygen. This is from personal experience with another family member. If you can get her out on oxygen there are docs that could treat her via telehealth. There is info on how to be an advocate and what to say on America’s Frontline Doctors website. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice but the hospitals only do the cdc prescribed protocol plus they get a ton on money for adding remdesivir to the claim. Prayers for you.
It is Critical to act quickly and see a Dr.. to get her on meds. Usually they will prescribe a strong antibiotic like Bactrim Stat. They may also prescribe strong steroids. Will pray 🙏 that you get the assistance you need!
The most accessible and comprehensive anti-inflammatory approach to treating Covid-19 associated CSS involves the use of glucocorticoids (anti-inflammatory steroids). These include prednisone, methylprednisolone, and dexamethasone, the steroid given to President Trump. Many hospitals have adopted dexamethasone as the standard of care for hospitalized patients with Covid-19 pneumonia.
Try alldaychemist.com. Any doctor should prescribe it. You can try your insurance for yourself and do a video meeting and say your have a sore throat because strep is going around.
Call your girlfriend and let her know you'll be leaving a sport bag with some things from home. Smuggle in the ivermectin in the bag. Conceal it if you think the nurses will check the bag. Consider buying special "sensitive teeth" toothpaste, squeezing some out and replacing it with the contents of an entire tube of horse-paste (about five adult doses). Tell your girlfriend to eat a teaspoon and a half each day until it tastes like toothpaste. If you're using pills then consider being similarly sneaky... or don't depending on how much you trust the hospital staff.
If you can't call your girlfriend for some reason then deliver the bag and write your girlfriend a note. Sticky tape it in an envelope so the nurses can't read it.
You may be able to see her for prayer time. Don't ask on the phone, just go, and carry a bible in hand so they don't act like you're a scamming opportunist. Prayers.
This young man’s girlfriend is very very ill. We know that it’s “your will” that Satan with his evil takes none that belongs to you!
Father We are asking you send your angels to stand guard, send angels in body to give the treats she needs to heal! Father let’s this young couple know you love them by healing her!
You are God the HEALER!
You told us where two or more are gathered in my name there you shall be also! In Spirit we gather by her side! Please hear our prayers. Forgive us our sins and heal in your might name!
You also tell us that those you lay wait for our blood you shall see it returns on their heads! For anyone who seeks this person or any persons life for money’s sake let this return recompense on their heads!
When i read stories like this and the person is unjabbed, i always wonder if he/she wears a mask regularly?? Like for their job or comply with wearing it so they can do things like fly or shop at certain stores. Did your girlfriend? I'm sorry you're going through this😔. You and your girlfriend are in my prayers🙏🙏🙏
That's one thing that I wonder about too. I remember reading about the Spanish flu in 1918 when all this started and they were saying that there were more deaths and sickness resultant from the mask wearing that they did than there were from the actual flu. There is an NIH study on it. A lot of people died of bacterial pneumonia after the fact.
Yes, this is exactly what I'm thinking too. Another reason we need to STOP complying. Their goal is to kill as many as they can and we keep giving them ammo to do it, why? because, "we just wanna get back to normal". This all stops when WE SAY NO MORE!! I am truly sorry that she's going through this but we should all heed this warning if we want to be healthy enough to fight this. The masks are weakening your lung capacity and will cause more problems even just for a regular flu..think about it😔🙏praying for wisdom and healing
She needs antibiotics, addressing sepsis is critically important rn. I pray for her, that the drs do the right treatment, no mistakes and God have mercy touch her, heal her in Jesus name. PSalm 103 He heals all of our diseases, believe it!
You said her aunt right now has power of attorney for your gf, how does her aunt think about all of this? Is she one of those people who believe everyone should be vaxxed & wear masks? If so you will have a fight on your hands from her to get that power of attorney away from her, she just may have the nurses give your gf the jab without her consent &/or let them give her remdesivir and put her on a vent.
My two cents is don't let them give her remdesivir and make sure they give her plenty of vitamins in her IV.
And if her aunt happens to think like you & your gf about things then make sure you two keep talking, give her information so that she can make sure your gf gets the right care.
She's at their mercy. They could have learned about ivm, hcq, zinc, allowing fever in the body and cooling head to protect brain, fresh air, sunshine, hydrotherapy, etc. But their protocol is do nothing til this condition then antibiotics, Remdesivir and ventilator. Its Evil. They're evil.
I recommend go to front line doctors and see what they say about patient advocates and being able to fight THEM for her.
One user mentioned antibiotics. You can get fish antibiotics from farming supply stores or online that is exactly the same drug that doctors write scripts for. The pills are the same dosage size too.
Hospitals will do everything they can to hurt your girlfriend so they can win all the Covid bonus cash. Whatever you do, it'll need to be done covertly and without the hospital's knowledge.
They should have taken cultures for Bacterial Pneumonia when they first drew blood. They look like little beer bottle-shaped containers.
Remdesivir: Please don't make decisions based on old information. It can damage kidneys that are already compromised. Doctors are told NOT to give Remdesivir when kidney or liver damage is already present, and the blood tests to check for those functions are not complicated. They follow through with additional kidney/liver function tests between rounds (one round per night) to make sure damage is not occurring. I required three rounds and I walked into the hospital with no trouble breathing. My cousin almost died and he required 10 rounds.
Also, suggest to the nurses to use ice packs on her wrists and ankles.. those are good locations for drawing heat out of the body if they're not putting them there already.
Don't lose faith, man. My cousin was close to intubation and they didn't think he'd make it. He proved them wrong.
If she has bacterial pneumonia she needs antibiotics.
If it has been longer than a week since the initial infection, you may no longer dealing with a viral infection. Most respiratory viruses will run their course in about a week. What makes people so sick is the secondary type 1 hypersensitivity response that follows the infection and causes all the damage. This can occur very quickly on the eighth day after the initial infection. Sometimes a person starts to feel a little better and thinks they have turned the corner only to get very ill - quickly. If her Covid has now moved into a second phase, to continue to throw antivirals at Covid, including Remdesivir and Ivermectin, will do little to halt the progression. However, Ivermectin does have some immune modulating activity and is more helpful versus Remdesivir or other such toxic antivirals. At this stage, antihistamines and steroids have been seen to turn this around and do so quickly. Inflammation is the enemy at this stage and some medical interventions only exacerbate the problem. I am glad you are seeking the medical power of attorney. That is the only way to protect her from medical kidnapping and attempt to control her treatment.
Things to use to fight inflammatory Covid sequela are: Prednisone and not dexamethasone along with comitant use of H1 and H2 antihistamines to help to mitigate the attack on the tissues. H1 antihistamines like promethazine and H2 antihistamines like cimetidine are useful. She has both lung and digestive symptoms so the antihistamines may help. Budesonide has also been shown to help with compromised breathing. Antibiotics are only useful for secondary bacterial infection. Usually viral pneumonia is bilateral with equal sounds, while bacterial pneumonia is usually on one side with unequal sounds. Please review the following material to see if this may fit her case. God's speed to you fren.
God bless and good luck
No remdesivir! She need high flow oxygen, and antibiotics. My mother in law is going through the same thing right now. Bacterial pneumonia, they gave her remdesivir and put her on a vent the first night and her kidneys didn't respond well to it, so they stopped the remdesivir. Once they got the lung infection under control with antibiotics, they found parts of her intestines had died, most likely from the remdesivir. So she had to have a big amount of her intestines removed as well. She's on the mend now and getting better every day, but be wary of that remdesivir shit.
The kind of cultures hospitals like to run may not show for pneumonia and they take 24 hours anyway. Just get the antibiotics. The side effects of most antibiotics are mild so the consequences of over treating are a non-issue.
Well, it's hardly uncommon for a viral infection to be followed by a bacterial one. I'm sure that's why the rebel protocols like Z stack include an antibiotic and why they have been successful.
Pcr doesn't find covid so they'll have her on the wrong regimen.
Regular healthy people still get regular nasty bacterial pneumonia. People now seem to think everything is coof.
Of course the follow up PCR test came back positive. How many cycles they running 40? 45?
If they aren’t using antibiotics to cover for everything then transfer her somewhere else. Do not let them start remdesivir.
I’m a Covid nurse. Sounds accurate to me. We see people like her with all her variables. Lungs close up, inflammation like if you shut your thumb in the door, swelling, it just doesn’t go down if you take ibuprofen or another Med, it takes time.
People with chronic lung failure and double transplants have blood oxygen around 90 percent, when it gets in the 80s they are dying.
Her lungs have no open spaces, it’s wall to wall inflammation.
At that point you have to wait for the swelling to go down. It’s no longer the virus, like your thumb is no longer between the door jams.
The reason it swelled is gone, now you have to wait for the swelling (inflammation) to go away.
No meds really make swelling go away. Just like in hives. Or a black eye. Ice may reduce a little bit but that swollen eye will go down with time. You could add a bunch of steroids, but it still takes days or weeks.
In my hospital we ask very nicely if they want remdesivir and nurses aren’t supposed to bring it in unless they ask the patient each time.
We also allow patients to bring their ivermectin in as long as they keep it to themselves. We let them take it. Often they’ve been on it for weeks and come in with lungs closed up.
Hope that helps you understand how swelling/inflammation works.
Good luck and god bless. I will pray for you!
We used francincense essential oil ( theraputic grade) & turmeric with success...
Ivermectin may have lowered the viral counts early on leading to less swelling, but once it’s swelled, I can’t see a mechanism for that to work. Probably as an early preventative treatment.
Even if it’s bacterial, it’s the same thing. They can give antibiotics to kill the bacteria, but the swelling will go down over time. We do give Covid patients plenty of antibiotics. We treat the patients, not the diagnosis. We don’t so much care what’s causing it, we hit it from any direction that might help,
You're being dramatic. 02 in the 80s is not "dying". People with sleep apnea drop well below that. I was high 80s when I walked in to the ER under my own power and I had very little trouble breathing.
Are you having the patients lay prone?
No one should be taking ivermectin long term unless they have a really good reason to, like working in healthcare around covid patients.
It's still a medication and can affect the body in strange ways. Another poster says that it builds up in the body so that is something to be concerned about too.
The benefits are generally immediate and the treatment window narrow so only take it as needed. Which may include a once-yearly treatment for parasites.
Same story different patient. The hospitals never get tired of killing people so they can collect their COVID-Remdesivir-ventilator bonuses.
She should be on anti-biotics, IV vitamins and Ivermection. You had better get external support from FrontlineDoctors and/or a lawyer because they will kill your GF otherwise.
That’s right.
Administrators, maybe. The nurses who took care of me still give a shit.
Yeah but why do they continue to go along with the protocols and isolation that is killing people.
Would love to see your source for THAT.
Are you even paying attention?
Are YOU? I HAD covid, was in the hospital, was given remdesivir and azythromycin. Shit worked great. I'm probably closer to it than you are. While I was there I grilled the doctors and nurses in order to sort through the bullshit. There's a lot of THAT coming from BOTH sides.
I am actually pretty close to it, closer than being in the hospital as a patient. While I agree there is bullshit coming from both sides there are studies which I referenced that show remdesivir causes kidney failure in about of the third of the cases. Adding certain other drugs can increase those odds. I know they are testing daily and watching levels which is good but if there are less invasive treatments that work why not use those treatments? Why not be open to the possibility that there are other methods? Also, CMS does give a pretty large increase if remdesivir is on the claim. So there is incentive to use it. I am glad this worked for you. My issue is with the blinders that so many health professionals have at this time.
Also, I had COVID as well and didn’t end up sick enough to be hospitalized because I used an effective treatment protocol at home. Early treatment is the key.
This is interesting. If you look at the FDA's website and look at the COVID protocols, it gives a history also, and for Remdesivir, it was causing further kidney/liver damage early on in patients who already had kidney/liver damage. It made it worse. They halted its use for a while, then reissued the protocol with additional blood tests for kidney/liver function, and as your PDF said, additional monitoring.
When I had it, there were times I was pissing every 30 minutes, so my kidneys were working fine.
There is a specific protocol that nationally funded hospitals use that can earn them around 500K. This does not include treatment for her to get better. They will put her on Remdesiver (5 day dosage) and try to intubate (they get Benjamin’s for intubating). She has to be unconscious for intubation, so she won’t be communicating anymore. My sister spent 1 week on the floor before they moved her to ICU where she lasted 1 more week. She probably lasted as long as she did because she refused intubation but was on max BiPAP (the conscious step below intubation). They will not give her ivermectin since it’s not part of the protocol. Hydroxychloriquine is not allowed either. She needs to get out of there as soon as possible. Get home oxygen. Get a pulse oximeter. Treat her at home. Treat pneumonia. They will get a positive covid test eventually, even if they have to find it somewhere else. Hospitals no longer are places of healing.
Same thing is happening to my dad currently.
If she’s doing okay on O2, can she be released to home on O2? Give them a phone charger. Send in daily written questions for her to answer until you get the phone charged. Notes of I love you too of course. Advise her they should be treating for pneumonia. No remdesiver. She can refuse. If they’ve started, they can stop.
I've heard some figures of incentives to kill people but 500k sounds absurd. Can you provide more details for that figure?
The sources were on here—listing out the payment for each treatment escalation. It added up to the upper 400k. I didn’t keep the link and searching is not possible from my mobile phone (don’t even know what I would search for). I honestly don’t know since I haven’t seen a bill and don’t think my BIL has seen one either).
There is no such thing as covid pnemonia there is just pnemonia. The treatment is antibiotic but when they call it covid pnemonia they do not give the regular antibiotic. They will kill her unless you get a lawyer in there immediately to give her antibiotics and invermectin. Pnemonia does not go away it kills you unless she gets the antibiotic. I really hope you win this battle for her sake as well as yours. Find a way to get in touch with the frontline doctors.
I hung antibiotics all night for some Covid patients. Some do not get them if their blood work shows certain things or they decline it. It depends on if they are coughing up junk.
I hung an antibiotic once and it put the patient, years ago not Covid, in kidney failure but it was reversed when we stopped it.
Antibiotics are harmful like any medicine so we don’t give them unless it’s necessary. They are toxic. Like remdesivir can be. Kidneys must secrete them so it can damage the kidneys.
Antibiotics treat biotics. Biotics are bacteria. Covid is a virus. Remdesivir is an antiviral.
We also have anti fungal medicine. They treat fungal pneumonia.
Pneumonia just means lung swelling.
There is viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia and fungal pneumonia.
Sometimes a virus can cause bacteria to grow also. So you have both. I’ve seen people have all three.
If you get a cold, you don’t need antibiotics for you to get better. Sometimes you do if it lasts a long time and bacteria start growing because the lungs are worn down.
Medicine doesn’t help the lung swelling go down, it kills whatever is causing the lung swelling, so at least it doesn’t keep swelling. Swelling goes away over time.
covid pneumonia is inflammation of the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli. it has much of the symptoms of pneumonia, which is infected mucous or fluid filled alveoli, but doesn't respond the same because the problem is in the vessels -- covid causes endothelial damage.
Why are you here then? The people on this page have did their research. If you like the brainwashing so much why are you on this board.
Just make sure they do not give her Remdisivire. Ask them for Ivermectin, insist on it. Get the Ivermectin paste. I am praying for her.
My brother in law ended up in the hospital with Covid pneumonia. Blood ox 84. Vapotherm machine immediately started him improving. No remdesivir no vent!!!
Also another friend found a version of monoclonal antibodies that can be given up to 15 days in rather than 10. Hospital agreed and he got it while inpatient for Covid pneumonia.
My dad is currently on the vapotherm but probably because he told him no vent. He’s on the remdesivir and the dexamethasone
Dexamethasone was the steroid they gave me, then Remdesivir and Azythromycin.
Ivermectin yes. Remdesivir is FINE as long as there is no previous kidney/liver damage present.
I had 3 rounds of it. I am fine.
Not for everyone.
Can’t offer any medical or legal advice, but prayers have been sent up on behalf of the two of you🙏. Have faith in the doctors - they’re not all bad. Above all else, do your best to remain calm, and know that you’re not alone.
Prayers with you and yours. Yes, push for the Monoclonal.
Find it odd that they say it is too late for Monoclonal. My adult son followed the same path as your gf with the vits but, no iver.. had the high fever, couldnt eat, so much so that he went to er and passed out in waiting room (he was very badly dehydrated) he stayed in er over night and got fluids, lots of fluids (was a river of sweat for a bit) and some meds(steroids) then he went HOME. After that he got the pneumonia, got so he couldnt breath so went back in to the er.. HIS doctor did give him teh Monoclonal and something for the pneumonia, he stayed a few hours then WENT HOME again (I went and got him an oxy reader) Next day he started taking Ivermect (HIS pharmacist talked him into it).. he suffered for a couple of days more then he cleared up and got better and had a negative Covid test the following weekend and was back to work (though took it easy for a week more) Tell her to fight through it, no fear, one day at a time. I would not trust the Hospital, personally, nor did my son and so refused to stay in the hospital any longer than it took for the IV fluids to finish.
Listen very carefully. They are going to keep your from her and never give her the form. Then they will start her on the protocol that is killing so many remdesivir, dethamasone and others. They won’t listen to you or try anything you ask. She will develop ARDS and have to require more and more oxygen. This is from personal experience with another family member. If you can get her out on oxygen there are docs that could treat her via telehealth. There is info on how to be an advocate and what to say on America’s Frontline Doctors website. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice but the hospitals only do the cdc prescribed protocol plus they get a ton on money for adding remdesivir to the claim. Prayers for you.
It is Critical to act quickly and see a Dr.. to get her on meds. Usually they will prescribe a strong antibiotic like Bactrim Stat. They may also prescribe strong steroids. Will pray 🙏 that you get the assistance you need!
The most accessible and comprehensive anti-inflammatory approach to treating Covid-19 associated CSS involves the use of glucocorticoids (anti-inflammatory steroids). These include prednisone, methylprednisolone, and dexamethasone, the steroid given to President Trump. Many hospitals have adopted dexamethasone as the standard of care for hospitalized patients with Covid-19 pneumonia.
A z-pack cleared up my Covid pneumonia. I still have some breathing issues. But better every day.
Try alldaychemist.com. Any doctor should prescribe it. You can try your insurance for yourself and do a video meeting and say your have a sore throat because strep is going around.
3 weeks lead time
Frontline will prescribe for you ,, I got mine in TJ Mexico but I'm thinking U r not near a border ?
Call your girlfriend and let her know you'll be leaving a sport bag with some things from home. Smuggle in the ivermectin in the bag. Conceal it if you think the nurses will check the bag. Consider buying special "sensitive teeth" toothpaste, squeezing some out and replacing it with the contents of an entire tube of horse-paste (about five adult doses). Tell your girlfriend to eat a teaspoon and a half each day until it tastes like toothpaste. If you're using pills then consider being similarly sneaky... or don't depending on how much you trust the hospital staff.
If you can't call your girlfriend for some reason then deliver the bag and write your girlfriend a note. Sticky tape it in an envelope so the nurses can't read it.
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Demand high dosage Vitamin C.
If you suspect Covid you should have vitamin D3 as well.
D3 is key
There's a clinic down the road from me that does vitamin C IV bags.
Ivermectin needs to be taken with food. Get her some anti nausea meds
One of the weird things about Covid, is that smokers were not getting it. One of the theory’s is to take nicotine lozenges so that the monocytes will die. Here. Read this. It was going around this summer:
Yep. Can't cling to the lung I heard. My aunt and uncle smoke and got covid, but they recovered at home.
I think nicotine blocks the ace 2 sites so competes with spike protein on the virus
Or a patch
You may be able to see her for prayer time. Don't ask on the phone, just go, and carry a bible in hand so they don't act like you're a scamming opportunist. Prayers.
Maybe it really is something else and not COVID ?
Dear Heavenly Father
This young man’s girlfriend is very very ill. We know that it’s “your will” that Satan with his evil takes none that belongs to you!
Father We are asking you send your angels to stand guard, send angels in body to give the treats she needs to heal! Father let’s this young couple know you love them by healing her!
You are God the HEALER!
You told us where two or more are gathered in my name there you shall be also! In Spirit we gather by her side! Please hear our prayers. Forgive us our sins and heal in your might name!
You also tell us that those you lay wait for our blood you shall see it returns on their heads! For anyone who seeks this person or any persons life for money’s sake let this return recompense on their heads!
In Jesus Christ name we pray!
This video was very informative. This woman had to fight to get proper care for her husband.
Sounds like she caught some shedding.... prayers for you and your gf....
RemDeathIsNear is bad. Stop that
if they suspect Sepsis, urge them to start Dr. Marik's Sepsis Protocol
PDF from Eastern Virginia Medical School: Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone and Thiamine For the treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
it will help with Covid as well.
Vitamin C and Thiamine for Sepsis and Septic Shock
The Emerging Role of Vitamin C as a Treatment for Sepsis
Vitamin C for the treatment of sepsis: The scientific rationale
When i read stories like this and the person is unjabbed, i always wonder if he/she wears a mask regularly?? Like for their job or comply with wearing it so they can do things like fly or shop at certain stores. Did your girlfriend? I'm sorry you're going through this😔. You and your girlfriend are in my prayers🙏🙏🙏
That's one thing that I wonder about too. I remember reading about the Spanish flu in 1918 when all this started and they were saying that there were more deaths and sickness resultant from the mask wearing that they did than there were from the actual flu. There is an NIH study on it. A lot of people died of bacterial pneumonia after the fact.
The masks get dirty
Yes, this is exactly what I'm thinking too. Another reason we need to STOP complying. Their goal is to kill as many as they can and we keep giving them ammo to do it, why? because, "we just wanna get back to normal". This all stops when WE SAY NO MORE!! I am truly sorry that she's going through this but we should all heed this warning if we want to be healthy enough to fight this. The masks are weakening your lung capacity and will cause more problems even just for a regular flu..think about it😔🙏praying for wisdom and healing
will keep you and your girl in thoughts
she needs pregnizone immediately to open her lungs up {steroids}
best to you both you are an ace
She needs antibiotics, addressing sepsis is critically important rn. I pray for her, that the drs do the right treatment, no mistakes and God have mercy touch her, heal her in Jesus name. PSalm 103 He heals all of our diseases, believe it!
Fingers crossed. Hope she bounces back out soon. Maybe clean the house while she is away. The gesture might bring her back to life quicker.
You said her aunt right now has power of attorney for your gf, how does her aunt think about all of this? Is she one of those people who believe everyone should be vaxxed & wear masks? If so you will have a fight on your hands from her to get that power of attorney away from her, she just may have the nurses give your gf the jab without her consent &/or let them give her remdesivir and put her on a vent.
My two cents is don't let them give her remdesivir and make sure they give her plenty of vitamins in her IV.
And if her aunt happens to think like you & your gf about things then make sure you two keep talking, give her information so that she can make sure your gf gets the right care.
Praying she recovers quickly!
She's at their mercy. They could have learned about ivm, hcq, zinc, allowing fever in the body and cooling head to protect brain, fresh air, sunshine, hydrotherapy, etc. But their protocol is do nothing til this condition then antibiotics, Remdesivir and ventilator. Its Evil. They're evil.
I recommend go to front line doctors and see what they say about patient advocates and being able to fight THEM for her.
Nebulizer with colloidal silver.
Covid pneumonia?, get a new doctor fast.
Prayers for you both. Glad you have a father that’s a lawyer.
One user mentioned antibiotics. You can get fish antibiotics from farming supply stores or online that is exactly the same drug that doctors write scripts for. The pills are the same dosage size too.
Hospitals will do everything they can to hurt your girlfriend so they can win all the Covid bonus cash. Whatever you do, it'll need to be done covertly and without the hospital's knowledge.
They should have taken cultures for Bacterial Pneumonia when they first drew blood. They look like little beer bottle-shaped containers.
Remdesivir: Please don't make decisions based on old information. It can damage kidneys that are already compromised. Doctors are told NOT to give Remdesivir when kidney or liver damage is already present, and the blood tests to check for those functions are not complicated. They follow through with additional kidney/liver function tests between rounds (one round per night) to make sure damage is not occurring. I required three rounds and I walked into the hospital with no trouble breathing. My cousin almost died and he required 10 rounds.
Also, suggest to the nurses to use ice packs on her wrists and ankles.. those are good locations for drawing heat out of the body if they're not putting them there already.
Don't lose faith, man. My cousin was close to intubation and they didn't think he'd make it. He proved them wrong.