Since COVID madness started, the response by governments in the USA and Worldwide has been fairly draconian. Lockdown and mandates of all sorts were imposed on citizens with little to no debate. Moreover, the costs and benefits weren't weighed in favor of a One Size Fits None solution.
In other words, a top-down government-imposed over-reaction that ignores their citizens rights.
Tyranny instantiated.
My thought on all this is many (largely left of centre) politicians and bureaucrats saw COVID as a great excuse to impose their will upon an unruly population. In part, it would be punishment for electing the "wrong" candidate and exercising their freedoms.
That had to stop pronto lest they lose more power and control.
So a public health "emergency" was used as a weapon against heretofore free people. It also had the affect of punishing small, family-owned businesses at the expense of larger firms who could afford lobbyists and had friends in high places.
It took a while for many to notice but during 2020, a lot of hard-working people lost everything or had their lives upended. Add to this the physical and mental health consequences of the (largely unnecessary) pandemic responses; the cure was worse than the disease.
Normals started taking notice, it became too evident to ignore.
Then, seeming at random, there was a racially-charged death. It didn't matter what city it was in, it didn't matter what the facts were either (the suspect took 4x the lethal dose of Fentanyl), all that mattered is it was a black man who died in the custody of a white police office.
Made to order.
Riots ensued along with all manner of mayhem, not just in Minneapolis but across the country. Local mayors and other politicians stood by and gave the rioters "space to destroy" in a spasm of violence. Even after that situation burned itself out, there were calls to "defund the police" and other innane proposals.
The result being increased violence during and after a contested election.
All this constitutes abuse of citizenry by governments whose primary responsibility is to protect them and uphold their rights. This is fundamental to our system of government. Yet the government is not performing it's basic duties whether through incompetence or malicious intent. The result is chaos and disorder even though the citizens are PAYING their government servants via taxes.
I see it as tyranny, plain and simple. Bastiat would see it this way too I suspect, authority and law are being misused to served the rulers. Historically, this is dangerous; first to the people being abused but later to the rulers inflicting the abuse.
So what now?
If Constitutional, republican government is not in operation...we have a crisis.
The Hermit brought up the concept of Devolution and what it might entail.
The unusual aircraft movements (especially of ISR types) over the CONUS made me think this is likely.
Treaties like AUKUS moving forward make Devolution appear the most likely explanation.
After all, the people's rights are being nullified by tyrannical leaders. Emergency powers and edicts are replacing the Rule of Law as the guiderails of our society. The likely corruption of critical infrastructure like election systems and the attendant illegitimate results show that such systems are not trustworthy.
Many/most/all of the elected leaders from this past election (and 2018 too?) may well be illegitimate. That is by definition a crisis, one that will have to be remedied. Without correction, government has absolutely no authority...none whatsoever.
Patriot Patel has done a massive amount of work on Devolution. Start here: https://patelpatriot.substack.com/p/devolution
From the post;
‘Through incompetence or malicious intent..............’
Folks, we are WAAAAAAY past the point that incompetence should even be considered an option for what has transpired.
The premier of Belarus flat out told us that he was offered nearly 1.0B (that’s billion with a B) to go along with the WHO policies and Covid restrictions/lockdowns and the money was pulled back when he refused. Belarus seems to be doing well without all of their businesses destroyed and such.
And don’t forget the ‘sudden deaths’ and ‘died unexpectedly’ of what, 3 African country leaders who also refused the measures. We gotta stop kidding ourselves by even giving them an out for incompetence.
I was reading some of this substack last night. Incredible work
Very good theory Anon! You’ve now posted it. Let us see if future proves past, moving forward.
Now how about everyone put their big boy and girl pants on and tell the IRS to go fuck themselves in April!?! Why the fuck should I pay a DIME for this illegal illegitimate shit show?? I’ll be damned if I’m gonna PAY for someone to stomp on my throat
This is how you hold the line
What does it really matter? They borrow most of the money, anyway.
I just got my bill for January's bronze Obamacare that should be $1100+/month: 56 cents. The stamp to mail in the payment will cost me more. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Explain why Bidan renewed EO13848
this scheme reeks of the serpent, barry soetoro
That freak is just chinas messenger boy
I 100% believed in Devolution until I saw Trump live this weekend in Florida. He talked constantly about how he'll be running again in 2024, they passed out 2024 gear and even talked about how important it is to make sure we all get out and vote this time.
On the other hand, he made a few off handed comments that seemed weird. He mentioned twice "his team in South Africa" and at one point when he was talking about the clot shot he said "his health director" was looking into it, but people should be getting their shots.
It was to throw off the deep state 100%. I wouldn’t take anything Trump says at face value until the military takes over.
Yeah, he even said nice things about Obama. 100 percent this is optics.
'Almost like comms that he's being disingenuous.
Or we will be lining up like sheep to donate and vote again in 2024 … much more likely
How can you tell when trump is being truthful and when he is trying to throw off the DS? Is it just a matter of believing what you want to be true or is there more?
Thankfully, you can't, otherwise the DS would be able to tell, too.
They've been using high tech espionage on him since the primary. Some speech isn't fooling then
Yep. You are correct. Disinfo for DS.
The vaccinations are potentially very dangerous. We're only recently (6-8 months in) beginning to see the effects. It was predicted that people would START getting sick 12-18 months after vaccination. So WHY is Trump pushing this? It makes me withdraw from him, wondering “where he’s coming from?” Or is he up to something? But his own followers might die from the vaxx since he’s encouraging them to take it. But not me — I’m choosing the preventative protocol.
Predicted by who? We're not even sure what is in the vaccine, how could they know how long it would take to kill people if they couldn't even analyze it?
After all, why shouldn't he have a 3rd term?
This theory has been around for a long time, I’d safely say it was started by fed fags. Study the man. Read the books, follow what’s happened to him. It’s pretty clear he’s not controlled opposition.
Make no mistake, there will be a great reset. It is just a question whose. The economies around the world are bankrupt.
Excellent read. Compound the "spaces to destroy" with an orchestrated (by design) Nationwide release of inmates and you have the official conspiracy, not theory.
First I've seen of this one! Nice
Well that’s great if the idea is sprouting wings! But what matters most, is if it’s actually happening behind the scenes. We just have to wait two more weeks to find out!
Yes , there is a crisis too , but war is where we are and the screams Devolition ... especially with GEOTUS.
PS good post.
Why is no one talking about Patel himself? He ends every article, with the best is yet to come. He said in 14 he was looking at something with a 40,000ft view. He’s secretly an anon but doesn’t want that to discredit his points. Is he an insider? Do we know his background. He’s awful clean cut. Who is Patel? And who was he before devolution?
No he doesn't seem like an insider. Just someone putting pieces together like us
When you say “unusual aircraft movements..” what time of day are you noticing this?
Fwiw, there have been low-flying military helicopters flying regularly over Los Angeles ever since the pandemic started. By regularly I don't mean constant, but rather 2-12 times/week. Compared to pre-pandemic this was never, so it's an easy-to-see phenomenon for anyone observant of the skies. By low, I mean <1000 feet, as in "who cares what normal city restrictions are" height. Lots at night as well, but harder to observe. I've heard anecdotal reports from others around the country of previously-never-routine military flights as well.
Random times of day, except for a smallish chopper (2-4 people, for individual transport or courier) which seems like a morning and afternoon commuter except that it's military grey.
We've seen this in northeast PA just last night. Big military helicopters, Chinooks, Black Hawks, two by two. And a lot. going south. Never seen this many at one time. My husband just saw more. And my daughter used to live on Vandenburg AFB CA. She knows military planes.
A year or more ago, the wonderful Sir Patrick Mack (iPOT1776) posted a series of photos or videos of helicopters—collections of them— flying low into downtown Los Angeles areas at night. It happened a lot, but those in the know said they weren’t “official” military maneuvers. This was cause for much speculation about what was going on. In one video people could be seen hurrying out of a building and into a helicopter that had landed in the middle of the street. Sir Patrick researched the area, and there seemed to be tunnels underground connecting some of the buildings in the area. I watched and waited for some answers from iPOT, but I never saw anything about it. (I miss Sir Patrick Mack!!! Where can he be found? He was first-rate in every way.) 🇺🇸
He's on Gab Social
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Remember that one night Littlebirds and Blackhawks flew down and landed right on Wilshire Blvd. Wild. A friend of ours lived two buildings down from it on Wilshire. The media said they were told by the US Army that it was a military drill. With explosions....in an area jam packed with civilians. Nope. They removed something....hazmat suits IIRC...then sprayed everything down. Whatever it was they carried out, they were afraid of it. My guess was: nuke.
Mack is still on bitchute - you can find him there but he's not posting much. He might have started up on GabTV, but I haven't checked.
Would it just be a new country afterwards with a new name and flag etc?….
Better sell/transfer all of your assets into a family member or someone you trust name, unless you ain’t got a pot to piss in anyway. While I can appreciate your view and thought - they will come back to get you somehow if they can.!