I saw this q post posted in another thread. It is also a Dec 17 post. I read that Q post a little while ago and the corn reference got me finding Grassley’s tweet.
I think Grassley is pointing us to Dec 17 and that 3711 post is a delta post for that day (along with others.)
I see lots of sensible posts and comments saying that we may have to wait a long time, months or years for a phase change, but my instincts tell me it's very soon. I don't think we could hold out much longer.
I hope it’s soon. But I know we have to go through hyper-inflation and the crashing of the Fed. Plus, the courts have to be visibly broken.
I’ve been following Q for 14 months now and have seen the waves of “activity” with these comms. It definitely has accelerated since September but it is still seemingly moving very slowly.
My husband, daughter and I have yet to have our companies’ HR depts send out a letter saying that we don’t have to get vaccinated. Daughter and husband work for different large companies and I’m at a small company.
I just think that we will have to wait longer. But hopefully not too long!
Oh yes. I've only been here 11 or 12 months. I remember following Pompeo's tweets every hour then half hour then fifteen minutes looking for these markers. That was intense. The cabal must have been out of their minds with stress at that point..
I guess you are right. Even if Red4 is Friday, we have many other stages to go through.
To me it just reminds me of how Trump declared it was time to take our ‘Merry Christmas’ greetings back after obama tried to eliminate it from our traditional American heritage.
Another post reminded me that on the 17th Corn harvest is mentioned in post 3711. And I started thinking about Grassley and went to go see if he had posted anything with possible comms.
Why 4 kisses? Tree is blurry so we are meant to focus on them...
They say there are '12 days of Christmas', so since tweeted on the 13th, the days match up to 'start celebration'.. its an old school thing. Think about the Christmas song.
That said, again as another fren said, 4 days is Dec 17th.
The 12 days of Christmas begins on Christmas day and ends on Jan. 6th, The Feast of the Epiphany. That marks the feast day when the wise men arrived in Bethlehem to witness the Christ child's birth. I'm thinking January 6th, anniversary of the "insurrection".
I think there's more to it than that. While I agree that the message he is conveying is legit about saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, the 4 red kisses mean something. I can think of a hundred things that would put me in the Christmas spirit over 4 red kisses. Not saying it's a comm but it could be a nod to anons.
Grassley emphasized Christ, not the commercialized holiday activities. Putting 4 santa hat kisses has nothing to do with the Christ in Christmas, so I don't think that reinforces his written message. This is comms.
OK this is in the sketch video at 2.20 just as pointed in out in Q1532 but I don't see a face or recognise it in the picture. My eyes aren't that great any more.
Tweeted on December 13th, 4 kisses/days. December 17th.
"Christ" emphasized u/#q3707
Oh look yet ANOTHER coincidence.
I would not be surprised to learn Grassley is a part of the team. He's been pretty based and consistent the last few years.
Hes made shittons of comm tweets
Easily working with the Q team, as was Nunes, and Scavino.
Trust Barr, Trust Wray. We can’t trust that to not be disinformation.
It’s tricky to determine which actors are in what team.
I thought judge Napolitano was a good guy.
Look up his voting record this year and you might think differently.
You are right and look what Q posted on Dec 17th 2019, calls out Christ:
Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'CHRISTMAS'.
Merry CHRISTMAS, Anons/Patriots.
God is on our side.
Red 4?
I can't remember what that means now.
Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
Riot control, like how they are talking about all the smash and grabs? And record murder in blue cities
Thank you!
I searched Q posts and found no reference
Edit: i see now! Its RED4, not RED 4, my bad!
Thank you very much!
Sure. I have that post # memorized!
If that's what the sign is, then it means something will happen soon which will result in organised riots by the left.
That might be a momentous event.
Nancy Drew on telegram today was filling the capital fencing. They are adding stronger braces to the fences. Maybe preparing for said riots?
Did anyone bring their notes with them?
That was the first thing that popped into my head.
Is that a blurry Q in the lights? Or am I just looking for it now?
I see it 😁
I'll take it! KEK
I see it but that is likely a coincidence. I think he'd make a more consistent Q.
He posted on the 13th! tweet says to “start” celebrating Christmas. 13+4 = 17!
Takes us back to post 3711...
That's really exciting, but can you explain that again please?
LBTrumplican’s comment and find is much better. Grassley tweets often match Q post keywords. Still seems to be pointing to the 17th though.
I saw this q post posted in another thread. It is also a Dec 17 post. I read that Q post a little while ago and the corn reference got me finding Grassley’s tweet.
I think Grassley is pointing us to Dec 17 and that 3711 post is a delta post for that day (along with others.)
Oh I see. Thank you very much.
I see lots of sensible posts and comments saying that we may have to wait a long time, months or years for a phase change, but my instincts tell me it's very soon. I don't think we could hold out much longer.
I hope it’s soon. But I know we have to go through hyper-inflation and the crashing of the Fed. Plus, the courts have to be visibly broken.
I’ve been following Q for 14 months now and have seen the waves of “activity” with these comms. It definitely has accelerated since September but it is still seemingly moving very slowly.
My husband, daughter and I have yet to have our companies’ HR depts send out a letter saying that we don’t have to get vaccinated. Daughter and husband work for different large companies and I’m at a small company.
I just think that we will have to wait longer. But hopefully not too long!
Oh yes. I've only been here 11 or 12 months. I remember following Pompeo's tweets every hour then half hour then fifteen minutes looking for these markers. That was intense. The cabal must have been out of their minds with stress at that point..
I guess you are right. Even if Red4 is Friday, we have many other stages to go through.
I've been following since day 1 after stumbling on the first q post. It's been one hell of a ride, I honestly think we're close now.
To me it just reminds me of how Trump declared it was time to take our ‘Merry Christmas’ greetings back after obama tried to eliminate it from our traditional American heritage.
So in light of that thought . . . Hmmmm.
Another post reminded me that on the 17th Corn harvest is mentioned in post 3711. And I started thinking about Grassley and went to go see if he had posted anything with possible comms.
Why 4 kisses? Tree is blurry so we are meant to focus on them...
Where was this photo taken? Whats the blurred out picture on the wall?
There's a Q in the lights and its 4 kisses
"For Kissinger" -Q
Upvoat 17!
They are at the edge. Are we at the precipice?
They say there are '12 days of Christmas', so since tweeted on the 13th, the days match up to 'start celebration'.. its an old school thing. Think about the Christmas song.
That said, again as another fren said, 4 days is Dec 17th.
4 months is April 13th idk
The 12 days of Christmas begins on Christmas day and ends on Jan. 6th, The Feast of the Epiphany. That marks the feast day when the wise men arrived in Bethlehem to witness the Christ child's birth. I'm thinking January 6th, anniversary of the "insurrection".
Guardians of the pedophiles in theater 4!
Hmmm maybe.
I almost thought '11.4'... But there were 12 capitol letters
12 apostles?
The '12' anything (including apostles) originated with the 12 signs of the zodiac around the sun/son of God.
Another example, the 12 knights/nights of the round table so sat with king arthur.
Same story told over and over is different cultures, using different names and localized nuances.
Interdasting ty
"focuses" on "four kisses"
Is that a Q in the blurry lights
4 3 2 1
I hope that is not four more years of misery! :P
Calling out?
4 her-shes... Controlled by ever-green in the background/shadows.
Sorry but I don't think this tweet is the least bit 'odd'. I think he said exactly what he meant.
I think there's more to it than that. While I agree that the message he is conveying is legit about saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, the 4 red kisses mean something. I can think of a hundred things that would put me in the Christmas spirit over 4 red kisses. Not saying it's a comm but it could be a nod to anons.
That is definitely an interesting point since all is unfocused except the four kisses that look like santa hats.
Grassley emphasized Christ, not the commercialized holiday activities. Putting 4 santa hat kisses has nothing to do with the Christ in Christmas, so I don't think that reinforces his written message. This is comms.
I'm not sure ol' Chuck is a cloak & dagger kinda guy.
I see you aren't a photographer. You look at the superficial instead of the meaning. Focus
It's probably a reference to RED4 from Q4414. Re-read this post and comments.
Every kiss begins with...
Zoom in on section with the 4 kisses / 3 splashes of light
There is a face in the light splash on the far right.
Do you recognize it?
See q drop below for SNL skit link:
OK this is in the sketch video at 2.20 just as pointed in out in Q1532 but I don't see a face or recognise it in the picture. My eyes aren't that great any more.
Image looks like the face on the Shroud of Turin to me.
Almost exactly what I was thinking 😁
lol ....yeeeeeeah