All right, I'm jewish, I'm familiar with anti-Semitism and uh.... I don't see any anti-Semitic signs there. I don't see anything that has to do with Judaism, except clown world ADL tweet that no longer does what it was founded to do. (Well, presumably what they were founded to do).
Yes exactly it seems that the anti-defamation league is involved in his exact activity they pretend to stand against. Its clear as day now what theyre all about
Well, seeing the Red Cross used to launder money was certainly an eye-opener, as was the recent evidence of Salvation Army going "woke", in lock step with the Cabal.
I have been thinking about that. Theoretically Q is doing what we all assume it's doing. Trump is supposed to be the real deal. I actually think that local City Governments do a fair job, as long as it's a smaller and not corrupt city... but yeah that's a tough question. What do you think?
You can check with things that are local. School board is a good example.
I think I'm wary, frankly. I've no idea what's coming or if anyone is trustworthy. For all I know, Trump might be controlled opposition too. Didn't he make the vaccines and operation warp speed? And with the illegals coming over the border, I don't know how we get out of this.
Seems the ADL doesn't exist to protect Jews, but to protect the Satanic Cabal that hides behind regular people. Flout their will and "Anti-Semitism!" gets yelled back at you. I've even seen them claim that anyone criticizing Soros is anti-Semitic. The guy who collected the earthly goods of Jews for the Nazis and didn't even feel bad about it?
I know, and it's ridiculous. My own liberal, Jewish parents have no problem condemning Jeffrey Epstein or Bernie Madoff. But somehow, criticizing Soros is "anti-Semitic." It's like: "Oh, that matches the stereotype of the evil Jewish, Shylock, money-lender!" But doesn't Madoff? And what if it's accurate? There's a stereotype that criminal blacks are muggers. Are all blacks muggers? No. So there's a stereotype about Jewish, white collar criminals? Are all Jews white collar criminals? No. But we can't identify a few? Or we can only identify those that the media is okay with us identifying?
Weird observation: I'm actually kinda wondering if at some point we will be able to genetically identify the Cabal as not actually being Semites at all, or not much. They believe themselves to be a corrupted life form - Rephaim (Nephilim/human hybrids).
Exodus 12:38 And a great multitude of sundry sorts of people went out with them, and sheep, and beeves, and cattle in great abundance.
Who were these "sundry" people? Might be that a lot of the trouble that was stirred up (golden calf/Ba'al worship/Molech worship, etc) came from an ancient people tucked into Israel, hiding behind Israel, practicing an ancient religion - which carried forward until now. The Cabal is nothing if not long term planners, though considering they get their marching orders from Satan/Nephilim I suppose that's not surprising.
There actually is a name for them: the Eruv Rav. Sometimes called "The Mixed Multitudes."
The idea goes like this.
When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, they were not the only slaves. There were other slaves from other nationalities there as well.
When the Israelites fled, thanks to the Ten Plagues, other slaves left with them. They figured: "Hey, I'd like to be free, these Israelites seem to have a good thing going. I'd be glad to hitch a ride with them."
And some say that when Moses disappeared on Mount Sinai for 40 days, many started to fear that he was dead. It was the mixed multitudes -- the Eruv Rav -- that came up with the idea of the golden calf. (There was a secondary reason for the calf as well, which is any issue you have when you see your salvation being a mortal man. Moses would die someday; if not at Sinai, somewhere else. If the former slaves saw their salvation as being due to Moses rather than G-d, then they'd be up a creek without Moses. A golden calf, at least, would not die).
So they didn't convince everyone to do the golden calf, but they got enough people to do it, including Aaron who failed to stop it. Just by permitting it to happen made G-d angry enough that he would have wiped out the Israelites and started over again with Moses, but Moses interceded, convinced G-d to spare the Israelites, then he went down the mountain to settle things himself. By the time he was done, there were a lot of dead bodies.
Not all the killed were Eruv Rav. Or maybe I should say, not all the Eruv Rav died, because many are still with us today.
One orthodox Rabbi I heard was brooding about the Eruv Rav in the Jewish community, including the leftist radicals wreaking havoc, and figured: "They're the descendants of the Eruv Rav."
Sounds good ^ one of my favorite exchanges between Moses and God:
God saying "YOUR people are doing something bad" and Moses responding back with "YOUR people". Reminds me of when kids misbehave and moms - to dads - saying "Do you know what YOUR kid just did?"
Zionism has used the Jewish people for their own ends. This has been repeated time again and here we are again watching the Zionist powers force a gene modifying Vax on the Jewish population of Israel. As long as the Jewish people act as sheep, they will continue to be used as useful pawns in this evil game. I pray the Jewish people wake up from this spell that binds them.
Zionism is, as I understand it, the nationalist movement of Jews to reestablish a nation in their ancestral homeland. That's it. Any further ambitions, I hear people gnash teeth over it, but no idea what they're ranting about.
As for being Pfeizer's guinea pigs, Israelis have the same problem we all have... a fight between the sheep who go along and those people that say "hell no!" One advantage Americans have is our founders were people who said "Hell no!" Israelis might be attached to: "Thanks to the efforts of our great leaders, we survived the War for Independence, the Six Day War, The Yom Kippur War, and we got to unify or we're in trouble."
That unity helped Israel to survive when under attack by the Arabs.
But in a time like this, that strength is now a weakness. They got to figure out that the people in charge are not on their side during this particular crisis.
lets have a look at the predominately black countries and compare with predominately white countries and compare the standards of living..... the evidence speaks for itself...... don't be made at me... your eyes showed you the truth.... gouge them out!
How many people does the media have on a full-time task force somewhere making up all this white supremacy bullshit? I’ve never met a white supremacist. Couldn’t name a single group besides the KKK but they’re just Democrats in hoods...
They live in reverse world were everything they say is actually opposite of reality. -- The Jewish interest group ADL defames Waukesha protesters demanding equal protection under the law, regardless of race. The ADL says the protesters are white supremacist, antisemitic, conspiracy theorists; while the ADL exploits the aftermath of the terrorist event to promote their group and raise money.
All right, I'm jewish, I'm familiar with anti-Semitism and uh.... I don't see any anti-Semitic signs there. I don't see anything that has to do with Judaism, except clown world ADL tweet that no longer does what it was founded to do. (Well, presumably what they were founded to do).
The ADL was founded to attack whites and protect pedophiles. It's doing exactly what it was founded to do.
Yes exactly it seems that the anti-defamation league is involved in his exact activity they pretend to stand against. Its clear as day now what theyre all about
You ever wonder if there is ANY institution left in this country that actually does what it says it does?
Well, seeing the Red Cross used to launder money was certainly an eye-opener, as was the recent evidence of Salvation Army going "woke", in lock step with the Cabal.
Maybe things change when the original founders retire and new blood comes in, which always seems to be to subvert things to their Communist utopia.
Or maybe just don't give to charities and give directly.
I have been thinking about that. Theoretically Q is doing what we all assume it's doing. Trump is supposed to be the real deal. I actually think that local City Governments do a fair job, as long as it's a smaller and not corrupt city... but yeah that's a tough question. What do you think?
You can check with things that are local. School board is a good example.
I think I'm wary, frankly. I've no idea what's coming or if anyone is trustworthy. For all I know, Trump might be controlled opposition too. Didn't he make the vaccines and operation warp speed? And with the illegals coming over the border, I don't know how we get out of this.
Seems the ADL doesn't exist to protect Jews, but to protect the Satanic Cabal that hides behind regular people. Flout their will and "Anti-Semitism!" gets yelled back at you. I've even seen them claim that anyone criticizing Soros is anti-Semitic. The guy who collected the earthly goods of Jews for the Nazis and didn't even feel bad about it?
I know, and it's ridiculous. My own liberal, Jewish parents have no problem condemning Jeffrey Epstein or Bernie Madoff. But somehow, criticizing Soros is "anti-Semitic." It's like: "Oh, that matches the stereotype of the evil Jewish, Shylock, money-lender!" But doesn't Madoff? And what if it's accurate? There's a stereotype that criminal blacks are muggers. Are all blacks muggers? No. So there's a stereotype about Jewish, white collar criminals? Are all Jews white collar criminals? No. But we can't identify a few? Or we can only identify those that the media is okay with us identifying?
Weird observation: I'm actually kinda wondering if at some point we will be able to genetically identify the Cabal as not actually being Semites at all, or not much. They believe themselves to be a corrupted life form - Rephaim (Nephilim/human hybrids).
Who were these "sundry" people? Might be that a lot of the trouble that was stirred up (golden calf/Ba'al worship/Molech worship, etc) came from an ancient people tucked into Israel, hiding behind Israel, practicing an ancient religion - which carried forward until now. The Cabal is nothing if not long term planners, though considering they get their marching orders from Satan/Nephilim I suppose that's not surprising.
There actually is a name for them: the Eruv Rav. Sometimes called "The Mixed Multitudes."
The idea goes like this.
When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, they were not the only slaves. There were other slaves from other nationalities there as well.
When the Israelites fled, thanks to the Ten Plagues, other slaves left with them. They figured: "Hey, I'd like to be free, these Israelites seem to have a good thing going. I'd be glad to hitch a ride with them."
And some say that when Moses disappeared on Mount Sinai for 40 days, many started to fear that he was dead. It was the mixed multitudes -- the Eruv Rav -- that came up with the idea of the golden calf. (There was a secondary reason for the calf as well, which is any issue you have when you see your salvation being a mortal man. Moses would die someday; if not at Sinai, somewhere else. If the former slaves saw their salvation as being due to Moses rather than G-d, then they'd be up a creek without Moses. A golden calf, at least, would not die).
So they didn't convince everyone to do the golden calf, but they got enough people to do it, including Aaron who failed to stop it. Just by permitting it to happen made G-d angry enough that he would have wiped out the Israelites and started over again with Moses, but Moses interceded, convinced G-d to spare the Israelites, then he went down the mountain to settle things himself. By the time he was done, there were a lot of dead bodies.
Not all the killed were Eruv Rav. Or maybe I should say, not all the Eruv Rav died, because many are still with us today.
One orthodox Rabbi I heard was brooding about the Eruv Rav in the Jewish community, including the leftist radicals wreaking havoc, and figured: "They're the descendants of the Eruv Rav."
Sounds good ^ one of my favorite exchanges between Moses and God:
God saying "YOUR people are doing something bad" and Moses responding back with "YOUR people". Reminds me of when kids misbehave and moms - to dads - saying "Do you know what YOUR kid just did?"
Zionism has used the Jewish people for their own ends. This has been repeated time again and here we are again watching the Zionist powers force a gene modifying Vax on the Jewish population of Israel. As long as the Jewish people act as sheep, they will continue to be used as useful pawns in this evil game. I pray the Jewish people wake up from this spell that binds them.
Zionism is, as I understand it, the nationalist movement of Jews to reestablish a nation in their ancestral homeland. That's it. Any further ambitions, I hear people gnash teeth over it, but no idea what they're ranting about.
As for being Pfeizer's guinea pigs, Israelis have the same problem we all have... a fight between the sheep who go along and those people that say "hell no!" One advantage Americans have is our founders were people who said "Hell no!" Israelis might be attached to: "Thanks to the efforts of our great leaders, we survived the War for Independence, the Six Day War, The Yom Kippur War, and we got to unify or we're in trouble."
That unity helped Israel to survive when under attack by the Arabs.
But in a time like this, that strength is now a weakness. They got to figure out that the people in charge are not on their side during this particular crisis.
Not Jewish, but came here to say that.
Saying us whites are so supreme seems a little racist but I’m good with it.maybe it should say non savages protest peacefully
Saving Isreal for last. I pray to God that ALL of the lies be exposed once and for all so we can live in peace, prosperity and freedom
of course jews will defend the killers they create, we're not surprised. Time to investigate ADL and the international jew.
Synagogue of Satan.
Every jew ive ever seen looks like a white person to me. I dont get it.
Tares among the wheat.
lets have a look at the predominately black countries and compare with predominately white countries and compare the standards of living..... the evidence speaks for itself...... don't be made at me... your eyes showed you the truth.... gouge them out!
How many people does the media have on a full-time task force somewhere making up all this white supremacy bullshit? I’ve never met a white supremacist. Couldn’t name a single group besides the KKK but they’re just Democrats in hoods...
I love the smell of “white supremacy” in the morning.
All this shows that they’re TERRIFIED
Stop Anti White Hate.....?!?
Glows fags gonna glow
Wait...what? I could bomb your post with all the BLM, antifa, etc exploitation by the M5M, but what's the point? EVERYBODY KNOWS!
I'm all for a race war, what race is the ADL, let us start there.
Remember when they said black supremacists were exploiting blm protests?
This glows
The Christmas Parade massacre was a racist hate crime. White folk are entitled to protest this heinous act of terror!
They live in reverse world were everything they say is actually opposite of reality. -- The Jewish interest group ADL defames Waukesha protesters demanding equal protection under the law, regardless of race. The ADL says the protesters are white supremacist, antisemitic, conspiracy theorists; while the ADL exploits the aftermath of the terrorist event to promote their group and raise money.
LOL. They think Waukesha is where the Black Panther is from.
ADL is Rothschild's left arm.
Anal Dick Lickers just going by the script of words to use.
ADL: Anti Discussion Leftists.