50 Point Drop for Biden Among Voters Under 30
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I'm not sure Democrats are very concerned about polls now that the veil has been dropped.
We are living in an Aristocracy, not a Democratic Republic.
Election outcomes are determined by people like Brad Raffensperger or whatever politician is controlling the Dominion voting machines.
Any little mistakes in how much fraud to commit there can be made up with minivans full of ballots dropped off at 3am.
Nobody cares. Nobody will lift a finger to do anything about it.
None of the systems designed into the Constitution to prevent this appear to work properly.
Courts don't care. They will use excuses to ignore it.
Honestly until something is done about it, it just doesn't matter what the voters do.
But - I think something will change. It just doesn't seem like it right now.
I know we need to, but I really dont want to ever vote again at this point. Which is probably what they want.
Not sure it makes a difference
I'm sure that the whole refusal to forgive student loans thing, IS a part of this, but I maintain what I've always said. Young people ARE NOT as liberal as everyone seems to believe. It's ALWAYS been media and academia propaganda creating the perception that Gen Z was hyper liberal. Yeah, there are SOME freaks in this generation, but that's true for every generation. The overwhelming majority of Gen Z is conservative/conservative leaning, and increasingly Christian.
So really, this isn't such a surprise to me. Granted I AM a Zoomer, but I digress.
Notice that the elections of extreme radical dems began in the early 2000s, which was an exact match to the times of the mass deployment of the fractional voting machines. At the time they were directly owned and supplied by Soros and his subsidiaries.
The voting public didn't change. The vote counters did.
There's a movement, most visible on Twitter that I've seen, called the Trad-wife movement. A move toward traditional femininity for women, by very young, typically 20's, women. Kind of an anti-3rd Wave Feminist movement.
It's part of a broader Trad-con movement. Basically people, typically in their 20s or very early 30s that have a desire for a modernized version of the romanticized 50's lifestyle. Conservative Christian values and morals. Patriarchal family structure. People actually being responsible and reasonable financially (Saving and working towards financial freedom through investments rather than being a fad chaser). etc. etc.
As I said, the image of young people being kool aid haired hyper liberal freaks is just a media illusion. They do exist, but they're vastly out numbered.
Their posts are a breath of fresh air.
''Adults 30 to 45 give Biden a rating of -17.'' 😏
Lies after lies after lies............... lies can only go that far.
I didn't know that polls could go into the negative, but here proof. /s
Polls still are useless. Only wokies even read them now.
They were hoping to get out of their student loans and are too young to run fast the other way when politicians tell them the care about them and promise them free stuff. Hopefully, this has been a learning experience for them.
He needs something to run on for 2024
Stand by and watch, as negative 1,000 becomes "the new zero" . . .
"I'm totally gonna forgive your student debt. SYYYYYYYYYYYKE!"
Thank Joe Rogan.
It only took these kids losing what they thought would be student loan absolvency.
We've failed that younger generation by letting this idiocy go on for too long. They are, truly, the dumbest among us.
It's more than that. A lot of them felt completely lied to about the Ritenhouse case. You notice that recent drop off? It coincides with the evidence being shown to the public. Younger people were shocked that they had been so blatantly lied to, and millions started to question what else they were lied to about. Judging Biden by his performance instead of what the media said to think about his performance means a drastic drop. One more point. These numbers pretty much mirror the drop in CNN ratings. People are waking up to the lies. Now if they'd just put two and two together regarding COVID.
so like... xerox machines and printers in chinese sweat shops don't like joe biden anymore?