We talk all day about Sun Tzu, but how about Lao Tzu? Any Taoists, here? This is chapter 8 of the Tao Te Ching. See anyone we all know and love very well emerging to wink at you through these verses? To understand our General is to study the Art of the Deal down tymhri/through the ages. WE LOVE HIM.

The original libertarian
One describes how to win a war, the other describes how to win a peace.
Great content. Lao Tzu is a great philosophy. I love philosophy and oriental philosophy is great on point figure. I can relate with stoicism most.
Taoism and Tao Te Ching was my guide for a bit. Lots of wisdom there. Though, I've decided to accept Christ as my savior
Tao predates Jesus by a lot.
Where do you think Jesus learned much of what he preached?
Most of Jesus sayings are very... eastern
I have heard Jesus described as a mythical wisdom figure..but some of the saying attributed to him were guilt inducing and nothing an intelligent person would say. Wicked popes at work methinks
😂 because something pre dates something in history it came first rofl try again satan is a deceiver and trying to copy Godlyhood but thx tho
The Tao does not directly conflict with believing in a God, nor with Christ being a savior. It would conclude that they are not separate from us, but a part of us; as they might live within you, or that you might share their body and blood.
Particularly like the Archie Bahm transliteration (The Tao Teh King Interpreted as Nature and Intelligence) which begins:
Nature can never be completely described for such a description of nature would have to duplicate nature.
Excellent! Thank you for posting this.
You're right: a good number of chapters are relevant to Trump and to our situation. Not to mention how thought-provoking the book is. Calming and centering, yet thought-provoking; an interesting combination.
BTW, you can still find copies of the 1972 Gia-Fu Feng / Jane English translation (which reads so well; the Chapter 8 in the post is from that or from the later revised version with changes that include gender-neutral language; Chapter 8 wouldn't have much need for that). From the Comments at Amazon:
"This was a beloved classic of mine. I love the new photos; but this addition's version, with all due respect, loses some of the beautiful flow of the original 1972 classic.
"I appreciate that the author wanted to take gender out of it, but in many of my most-loved pages, it sounds forced, and the connection I felt with my old version is lost.
"IMHO, when I see He, She etc., it's simpler to think in terms of Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine; ying/yang...if the intent was to help a reader to either not be offended, or be empowered, well that's on them. FYI: I'm a Progressive, Feminist, Female and learned, long ago, that pushing the river just gives me less energy to smell the roses.
"I'm keeping the book, but will be ordering the earlier, beloved volume."
I LOVE the Tao.
A must read.
Not to disrespect Lao Tzu, but western philosophy / religion > eastern philosophy. I'll take Plato and Augustine over Confucius and Lao Tzu anyday.
"Not to disrespect Lao Tzu, but western philosophy / religion > eastern philosophy. I'll take Plato and Augustine over Confucius and Lao Tzu anyday."
Hmmmm. Not a competition, perhaps? Personal preferences are important and valid, but perhaps an additional perspective can yield insight...
One of the ultimate mistakes caused by our limited and fallen nature is thinking that different perspectives can be truly understood alone and insiolation, where they need to compete, instead of something else.
When we recognize a higher (more elevated) dimension, then conflict disappears between different perspectives, and we can begin to see how they both shed light on something neither of them express fully. (If this isn't the lesson from quantum theory, then what is? two perspectives revealing something that transcends) From the vantage point of Unity, we can recognize that things which appear to conflict are in fact complementary partners taking opposite positions in order to express their dual nature.
The core focus of Western philosophy/thought is the relationship between invisible and visible aka inner and outer aka spirit and matter. Unresolved, these dualities are seen as conflicting, whereas in truth they are complementary opposites, working together in unity for the higher purpose.
The core focus of Eastern philosophy/thought is the relationship between the masculine and feminine, the yang and the yin, the positive and the negative. The East does better at resolving this pair of dualities than the West has with regards to the dualities of their main focus.
How do these two focuses relate? spirit/matter are primary: each being (e.g. human) has the invisible (mind) and the visible (body). This makes us human. Masculine/feminine are secondary: each person (animals too) is, in general, either male or female.
The nature of God, the creator, is the source of these characteristics. both the world of spirit and the world of matter reflect God's nature, where God's personality and character exist in spirit, but is manifest through energy in the form of the universe. Likewise, God has both male and female nature, and this is manifest in male and female, although God is essentially a masculine being, the creator.
This is why the Creation exists. It is the feminine, receptive expression of God's nature. This God and the Creation in unity are expressed in a man and woman in unity. Only man and woman in unity fully express the nature of God, both the mind and flesh, both the masculine and feminine. It is that unity that is the source of love, life and lineage in this created world, and when a man and woman unite in true and real love, they become the complementary partner to the Creator, God the Father.
It's not that western thought > than easter thought. It's that the western thought is focused on the primary nature, while the eastern thought is focused on the secondary nature. But both of them reveal this truth: complementary dualities are the core manifestation of God's nature. Thus, in fact, Western thought needs Eastern thought to be complete, and visa versa.
We can know we are at the end times and fulfillment of History because we live in the era when these two great streams of understanding have come into contact and relationship, leading us eventually to a great awakening to truth: complementary partners in unity centering on God is the core principle of God;s creation.
Christ is the fulfillment of the unity of spirit and flesh, God and Man. Perhaps the reason why Christ must return is NOT for the Church (although the symbology is relevant, even though Paul and the saints did not grasp the truth "I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now); rather Christ returns to find his Bride, to raise a woman to be the restored Eve who can complete the True Adam, establish God's lineage on the earth, where our rebirth is not simply in spirit, but also in the flesh.
Until the return of CHrist, our rebirth is only in the spirit, which is why our flesh, and the World, has been subject to the Devil's attack and control (leading to sin, again, and again).
Neither West nor East has the full picture; they are destined to meet in unity with Christ's raising us to the next and complete level with His return.
Tried Peggy Tzu but I knew she wouldn't do. Sorry. 🙏
The founding fathers literally have oriental retards on their marvle buildings with a bunch pf pagan gods time to wake up
Western philosophy is one of the pillars of western civilization. Eastern philosophy gets us a caste system and the prison of materialism.
Western philosophy, on the other hand, gets us Atheism and Marxism. And 20 new genders.
It's on you to separate the wheat from the chaff. Assuming western Nihilism hasn't rotted away your brain synapses, that is.
Naw, that's a the rejection of western philosophy which essentially is the rejection of Plato and the existence of the substantial form, i.e. pure materialism.
I recall a saying from the Tao Te Ching, to this effect: There is no limit to what can be accomplished, so long as it does not matter who gets credit. A great reminder that ego gratification can prevent the attainment of goals.
That's excellent👌
Sounds like Jesus.
The only thing that stops me from thinking Trump is #6.
But he kind of can't be when he's following #7.
Good post, nonetheless. I studied with a Daoist in my travels and learned a lot from him.
Some say Jesus traveled to India and learned of Buddhism and taoism then adapted the wisdom for Old Testament ears.
I’m reading Tao Te Ching right now
Lao Tzu is the best Tzu.
Yes happy to see some fellow travellers on the road...fed up with all the bible verses ! I don't insider it for war.but to advance spiritually. .
The Tao te Ching is quite an important work. I would say it is at least as important as Sun Tzu's Art of War.
Years ago I had a practice of reading one page a day from it. I highly recommend doing so.
I tried reading Tao Te Ching once, but the writing is so cryptic that it requires a mentor to show you the right way.
There are 360 degrees from which one can approach the right way. Your path may be unique.
Only if you are limiting yourself to the surface plane !
I realized that as soon as I replied.
Y'all are aspiring to 5d and I am reverting to 2d. kek
This is why I love this site so much! But to be serious you have a great point. I personally am finding there is so many horizons to open and explore that sometimes I get scared to dig too far into one area because it makes me feel I might be missing out on other important things. Its a kind of FOMO. I want to make sure I pick the best area to dig deep into.
It is cryptic on purpose (and not at all). Looking at various translations may help, but the oldest versions seem very cryptic until you begin to grasp it; then you see that they are poetic and perfect. Much in the way that a horoscope can get about 1/12 of people to connect it to themselves personally, the Tao is designed to connect personally to anyone who approaches it with openness and patience. To achieve such a design requires the right mix of vagueness and specificity.
Just assume what is written is true, and ask 'how? how could this be true?' You show yourself the right way in time.
Thanks, this is good. I will give it a try!
The vacant space in the pot is what gives it its value. Something like that. But he was right.
Around here pot is valued by the gram, although...
'Vacant Space' would be a cool name for a strain.
Love Lao tzu and The Tao te Ching much better then meditations in my opinion.
Hillaries cousin is def into some weird shit and im not surprised people on this site are into weird occultism this is not a site which is of God just like the american revolution was set up and america was an pccult project no matter what retards like alex jones think